Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

1000ml baker
100ml volumetric cylinder
hot plate with magnetic steerer
polycap .22 AS filter
peristaltic pump
BA, BB, Oil of choice
Vials, stopers and crimper
Pressure cooker

Follow proper sterilization procedures, make small batches with the widely available recipes and that's it.

You can have a lifetime supply of gear for a fraction of the finished oils cost.

I have done the same thing for over 2 decades and have to report ZERO problems. Even when the ORD hit the forums and dried up the market I had supply to last me 7 years before I even started to search for a new one.

And if you are not a heavy user you can skip the pump and polycap filter and go with syringe filters instead. Its a more tedious process, but you can make 20-30 vials at a time and have a 9-12 months supply
This is basically what I have..
I have a bunch of different sized beakers, I like my 600ml one.
.22um pvdf membrane filters
.22um. Mce filter paper
80mm Buchner funnel (I started with porcelain ones but found ones that can be taken apart on Amazon that can be autoclaved) Much easier to clean after use and resterilize.
250ml filtering flask
Rubber funnel adapters
Oilless vacuum pump
Instead of using the oven I bought a new microwave to put all my sterilized stuff in to evaporate the water after being in the pressure cooker (3 min is perfect)
I use a .00 scale to weigh out my oil, and powder. syringes for ba/bb.
Vials, stoppers, aluminum seals, crimper.
Makes me sad knowing that QSC won't be stocking up for a while on their oils. Their shit is good. Am on 200mg of their test Cyp (bloods attached below). Would give my left nut for some of their 100mg/ml domestic Primo if it ever returns. Also, have some of their Var coming in today from China. Took 15 days.


  • Bloods.PNG
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Makes me sad knowing that QSC won't be stocking up for a while on their oils. Their shit is good. Am on 200mg of their test Cyp (bloods attached below). Would give my left nut for some of their 100mg/ml domestic Primo if it ever returns. Also, have some of their Var coming in today from China. Took 15 days.
Did your test cyp come from US domestic or China?
Hello, Qingdao said he only stops producing oils for now on but hgh will be still available all the time , is this right or did I misunderstood something?
So what’s happening here? Did this guy get floaters then get told nobody can ever get replacements for floaters ever again cause he posted pics in the thread?
Hi, has anyone already tried their test-undecanoate? I took a kit because the other test-e/C were all sold out
With the longer half life do you think that i will be okey to inject one time per week/every 10 days? (i still have many vials of test-E left but i don't know, i prefer to be safe than sorry lol)
So what’s happening here? Did this guy get floaters then get told nobody can ever get replacements for floaters ever again cause he posted pics in the thread?
Yeah, pretty much. QSC hates negative reviews and can admit no wrong doing which is typical of them. It's really pathetic.
Yeah, pretty much. QSC hates negative reviews and can admit no wrong doing which is typical of them. It's really pathetic.
In fact, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish truth from lies. Just take the vials you received, open them, dilute how many floats you need, reload and shoot a video. Anyone can be considered a seller, but he is far from a fool. The client is being reshipped because of the floats and most likely the vials were examined so that there would be no repeat situation. I admit that they might not have noticed garbage in one, but not in 9 out of 10. And it really looks suspicious
In fact, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish truth from lies. Just take the vials you received, open them, dilute how many floats you need, reload and shoot a video. Anyone can be considered a seller, but he is far from a fool. The client is being reshipped because of the floats and most likely the vials were examined so that there would be no repeat situation. I admit that they might not have noticed garbage in one, but not in 9 out of 10. And it really looks suspicious
Look, another new account with every post in this thread and now defending the source. Funny how members like you show up at a time like this.
In fact, it is simply IMPOSSIBLE to distinguish truth from lies. Just take the vials you received, open them, dilute how many floats you need, reload and shoot a video. Anyone can be considered a seller, but he is far from a fool. The client is being reshipped because of the floats and most likely the vials were examined so that there would be no repeat situation. I admit that they might not have noticed garbage in one, but not in 9 out of 10. And it really looks suspicious

New member, all posts in Qsc thread. Shill detected. You sound exactly like qsc, stop being so obvious. No one is going out of their way to do what you just described and to even suggest it is laughable.
Смотрите, еще один новый аккаунт с каждым сообщением в этой теме, а теперь защищающий источник. Забавно, что такие участники, как ты, появляются в такое время.
Новый участник, все сообщения в теме Qsc. Зазывала обнаружен. Ты говоришь точь-в-точь как qsc, перестань быть таким очевидным. Никто не собирается изо всех сил делать то, что вы только что описали, и даже предположить, что это смешно.
I will disappoint you, I am from Russia and this is just my opinion
Это 2022 год, любой может использовать Google Translate.
All this is easy for admins to check. The order was made in personal correspondence with the seller. And there I received a track number where the country of delivery is visible.