Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Since you all know, we stopped selling unfull kits of peptides, so I will give you the last unfull kits inventory that will be okay to be sold, once sold I will accept only full kits orders for peptides.

bpc157 5mg 8vials
dac 3
no dac 4
des1mg 5
frag 3
15iu gh 5
mt1 5
peg mgf 8
mgf 6
hmg 1
cjc/ipa 5
thymosin alpha1 5
ace031 3
ghrp6 7
kiss 5
igf1lr3 1mg 2
semaglutide 2mg 4
tirzapatide 5mg 4
thymalin 8
pt141 8
triptorelin 4
How is your postal service in russia right now? Can you ask Tsar Putin to bring your gears with you when you will be send to the Ukraine?
Giving some tren to your friends in the regiment could be pretty based to gain some tactical advantage
Don't worry so much about us. We will somehow figure out for ourselves what and how to do
Ignore button getting so much work today. I've heard all these bedtime stories before, let me know when they get new material.
You will def get a boat load of new customers there. Very busy board
This garbage source will love PM. They’ll be protected by kilo club guys and staff who will quickly clean up/edit/delete posts that expose these hacks for what they are.

QSC will come off as quality source. You all can suck even more than you do here. Keep sending the bribes and you won’t even have to run that slick mouth of yours, fuck face(@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals).

Hopefully they’ll forget about meso and we’ll be rid of this scourge of a source.

Oh.. @gobig2 …you sound pathetic trying your hardest to get this source to like you. Fall back, regroup, and find yourself some self respect. If you need a hand, pm me. I’ve straightened out guys worse off than you over the years here.

This place needs to be completely overhauled. Sigh….not sure I’m up for it?
This garbage source will love PM. They’ll be protected by kilo club guys and staff who will quickly clean up/edit/delete posts that expose these hacks for what they are.

QSC will come off as quality source. You all can suck even more than you do here. Keep sending the bribes and you won’t even have to run that slick mouth of yours, fuck face(@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals).

Hopefully they’ll forget about meso and we’ll be rid of this scourge of a source.

Oh.. @gobig2 …you sound pathetic trying your hardest to get this source to like you. Fall back, regroup, and find yourself some self respect. If you need a hand, pm me. I’ve straightened out guys worse off than you over the years here.

This place needs to be completely overhauled. Sigh….not sure I’m up for it?
Who asked you to tackle this cause? Why are you so concerned with them as a source? I'm truly curious as I've had nothing but great service, no injection issues, cheap af prices and amazing shipping results. I'm open to hearing dissent but it seems you're not a customer and thus haven't had any firsthand experience with them.
Ok so I kinda fucked up with my routine bloodwork. These numbers are from QSC Test C raws homebrewed. 200mg/week.
Also Primo premade oil (domestic) 100mg/week

Total test - 1353
E2 - 34

Where I fucked up is my bloodwork was pulled 24 hours after last pin instead of 72. I always pin TRT Mon/Thr. Doing my normal routine I forgot about have blood done on Friday.

I’ve never pulled blood on Test C 24 hrs later so question is how much lower (round about) do you guys think the TT would have been pulling at 72? I’ll have an answer in 6 weeks but figured I’d ask.
Who asked you to tackle this cause? Why are you so concerned with them as a source? I'm truly curious as I've had nothing but great service, no injection issues, cheap af prices and amazing shipping results. I'm open to hearing dissent but it seems you're not a customer and thus haven't had any firsthand experience with them.

I have to second this and I’ve posted pics of one of my orders on here. I hope that things continue to go well. I know that some people haven’t had the same luck and at this point I don’t know what to believe.

But I will be placing an order soon again and I will update you guys. I’m not bought off or any of that shit. You guys can take the feedback I give as you will.

But I’ll be going for another international order. For any of those that are wondering.
6’10”, didn’t post anything, no. Too many identifying tattoos lol.

Also, I’m not a body builder. I’m doing a cycle to build up my back and stop it from hurting all the time. It worked good until recently when I threw it out again.

My physique is not that great. 24% bf… decent muscle mass, but nothing like y’all.
This is the first person I think I’ve ever seen not post a pic and be completely honest about themselves. It’s guys like this that probably looks better than most other people claiming to be Mr Universe stats.

Much respect to you man, best of luck with the back problem.