Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This is the first person I think I’ve ever seen not post a pic and be completely honest about themselves. It’s guys like this that probably looks better than most other people claiming to be Mr Universe stats.

Much respect to you man, best of luck with the back problem.
Thanks, bro. I will post pics if I can get back into the swing of things. I’m basically a complete mess right now lol.

But for real, steroids + HGH are crazy good for my back problems at least. I spent over a year barely being able to walk… slowly, with these two, I’m recovering. I can walk, run and lift weights now.
I’ve never pulled blood on Test C 24 hrs later so question is how much lower (round about) do you guys think the TT would have been pulling at 72? I’ll have an answer in 6 weeks but figured I’d ask.
1000 to 1100 possibly after 72 hrs.
This garbage source will love PM. They’ll be protected by kilo club guys and staff who will quickly clean up/edit/delete posts that expose these hacks for what they are.

QSC will come off as quality source. You all can suck even more than you do here. Keep sending the bribes and you won’t even have to run that slick mouth of yours, fuck face(@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals).

Hopefully they’ll forget about meso and we’ll be rid of this scourge of a source.

Oh.. @gobig2 …you sound pathetic trying your hardest to get this source to like you. Fall back, regroup, and find yourself some self respect. If you need a hand, pm me. I’ve straightened out guys worse off than you over the years here.

This place needs to be completely overhauled. Sigh….not sure I’m up for it?
I could careless if this source likes me or not. I have ordered several times with no issues. Im glad to see you back here. Its been awhile. Ive known you a long time a straight shooter. Respect bro. Quick question any word on Muscles? I hope that guy is doing ok. I know he was having health issues. Def was a great guy and knowledge with HGH. P.S the only place that straightened me up was prison.. Take care
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Got my monster order (just in time for temp stop on oils too)
6 weeks reship method due to custom order (injectable Mtren)

Test E
Bold C
Test U
Various pepties
Other various ancillaries C50E7DA0-B4B4-4774-9536-904A5C82117F.jpeg