Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I see only test U is left from test only compunds. What would be the dosage protocol for this considering the 20 day half life ?
Use it at the dose you want. If you have used 200mg for trt like purposes, then inject 200mg Test-U per week. Its roughly the same. You dont need to inject as often as with test-e/c. Once per week is fine.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals one question pls.

How do you identify a seized package in Scandinavia? Because in Norway there's no way to tell, except for the tracker being stuck at OSLO LETTER CENTER for 2 years. The tracker will not tell you it has been seized, Posten Norge won't know it is seized, and you won't receive any letter. Only the customs officers and police can tell it has been seized, and you may or may not receive a fine 6 months later.

So how do you go about arranging a reship if you can't know if its been seized?
Are you going to be on all the time? Or are you just using this to cycle?
Im using it as kind of trt/semi cycle dose and yes I want to be on it full time. Im using it to support natural test levels while using other aas like superdrol.
Dont imagine id need AI at this dosage right
Shitty gear ? Bro I ordered primo mast and test from him, I use his Test Cyp and sold the masteron to a friend and as I already said I am in love with the test cyp and my friend also find the masteron top notch. (The primo will be used next year)

You can complain about the floaters etc , but don’t call his oils „shitty gear“ because it’s the best gear you can get right now
Best around based on what? Feels?
He has floaters and some of his oils underdosed, you can dig up the reports yourself.
Im using it as kind of trt/semi cycle dose and yes I want to be on it full time. Im using it to support natural test levels while using other aas like superdrol.
Dont imagine id need AI at this dosage right
Have you ran a cycle before?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals do u sell IM injection syringes ??
Bro I don't know what country you live in but it seems like you have no clue what's gong on. No offense, we've all been there. You need to take a step back and do some research. First of all you have no idea how your body responds to anything yet and you want to start with superdrol? This is one of the most toxic orals you can take. Do you have any idea what to take to protect your organs? Dosing or cycle length? Have you ever had any blood work done to see where you stand as a baseline? I swear it's like people these days want everything spoon fed to them instead of putting the time to educate themselves. If you live in the states check out Amazon, eBay or go to any fucking pharmacy for syringes and needles. While you're at it there are a lot of credible guys on YouTube that share a lot of good info about basically anything aas and beginner cycles. might be a good place to start.
I love QSC oils. They have treated me well and I have good blood work to back up my claims. Hopefully they will make more oil soon because I really like $10 vials. Some of us are not doing as well in this Joe Biden economy. I mean come on guys some of your being a little hard on the source here. Does anyone even know the next source that has the cheapest testosterone? Because I can only find $30 testosterone besides qsc's $10 testosterone. I don't mind paying $30 but right now $10 sure helps me out in this Joe Biden economy LOL. If QSC doesn't make more finished oil soon I may have to just learn how to brew. So I will have to start researching that soon I'm sure I could learn pretty easily for personal use only of course.