Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I don't think that personally - cucks love grappling on to a personality. That's all that is happening here. Your adoration for him is cute tbh.
You need some new material. Can you give an example of my adoration? I posted that I got test from them, it looked good and would post blood work when I run it. If that’s what you consider adoring a source then okay…
You need some new material. Can you give an example of my adoration? I posted that I got test from them, it looked good and would post blood work when I run it. If that’s what you consider adoring a source then okay…
A slew of random posters going out of their way to defend him against legitimate issues - not hard to understand.
Test E International Blue Caps normal? I see a lot of pictures on which Test E comes with transparent caps?

I was wondering that too. I bought 2 kits, test e and deca, some months ago and was test transparent and deca blue and more recently bought the same and the colors come switched. But I guess its just different batches.