I would say gear that is sanitary and doesn't have shit floating around that should have been filtered out, for starters.
You guys get so happy that they have cheap prices and you'll probably receive something in the mail.
The money you save is not going to be worth the price of losing an ass cheek or shoulder to an infection.
Not to mention, they are obviously on law enforcement's radar or their shitty brewer wouldn't be at the police station.
But by all means, good luck and hope it all works out for you.
What makes it better than other sources gear besides the cheap price?
Is it those shitty caps that are the worst anyone has ever seen that makes them so perfect for you?
Is it the reps awesome personality that keeps you on their team?
Maybe the thought of being doxxed because they have your information from when you used your credit card to order, makes you feel that way?
If all things were equal here, then I could see your point. But this is the only source that I can think of that has fanboys propping them up and this don't ask, don't tell attitude when problems arise.
We've had sources that actually treated there customers with respect and when they started sending out floaters, shit hit the fan and they were run out of meso in the name of harm reduction.
Now days, the only thing that seems to matter here is the price. Who fuckings cares if someone gets ripped off or gets an infection as long as you get your shit for cheap.
Y'all some pieces of shit.