Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
Even if I was a liar, would it matter? I'm not a supplier of peds. You lie on a regular basis throughout this thread and then get guys that had a good experience to toe your rope and bury the problems.

You're a scamming pos. You have lied and ripped guys off for large amounts of money.

I don't have a link to an infection but seeings how you're sending out gear with floaters, infections are going to happen if they haven't already. Would you like a link to the pictures and videos of floaters, you slimy fucking bitch?
Given the few brain cells you have and your English which does not allow you to tell the difference between going to the police station for questioning and being in prison, I let you imagine what you want if you feel better, and I'm going to hit the ignore button I just discovered this week ^^
I never said he was in prison. And you supposedly ignored me months ago, you lying dirt bag, bitch.
Just stopped by to say hello to the shitty rep and cock riding retards that support him.

Hope y'all are enjoying the remaining vials that have chunks of shit floating around inside. Getting an infection is a right of passage for you idiots, at this point.

bUt At LeAsT iT's ChEaP! uGbB sUcKs AnD tHoSe WhO dOn'T sUpPoRt QdS aRe JuSt CoMpEtItOrS tHaT dOn'T wAnT uS tO gEt AfFoRdAbLe GeAr! HaTeRs GoNnA hAtE!

It's fucking hilarious to hear you retards singing their praises until you become the next victim.

Qsc fucks their customers in the ass and doesn't even give them a kiss.

If you've read this thread and still choose to use the tard scammers, you deserve what you get.

And it's some funny shit that their brewer/engineer is in jail.

For a brief moment, I thought qsc was actually concerned about sending out floaters. Hahahaha! Fuck no! There numb nut brewer got rolled up. But by all means, y'all should keep placing orders with credit cards because there's nothing to see here.

Talk about birds of a feather flocking together.

i wager the few non alt accounts that actually relied on this source for finished gear couldn't brew if they had written instructions and someone looking over their shoulder.

You have brought shame upon your shills, alt accounts and love struck losers, Dingdong.

We're are the infections? We're are the abscess? We're are the operations to remove your asscheek?

The only thing that is being actively removed is the revenue of competing sources and the ego of "established" forum asswipes that were given the middle finger by QSC

It's where you fucking tard and where are the customers that lift? With the exception of maybe 5 dudes it's all noobs with big mouths that live in this thread. Are you one of them? Let's see what Dingdong gear built.