Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Every time MisterSuperUGBB pops up, he has to mention a penis, Chinese cum, and assholes. I think I see a trend here, and he's the common denominator.



You get the point
Some of you need to go to back to the circle jerk playground of ugbb and stay there.

Your shit is getting old.
I will stay to keep you company.

Our shit is old because we have been here from the start. You have been here under 60 days and things are getting old for you. You don't lift and you are no one. Seriously you are nothing...
Ooops. Thought it was daily. Well no sides except weightloss. How long can you keep it when mixed with bastatic water. 0.25 once a weel is 16 weeks a vile.

For qsc rep. What is the dose for semlatude (wrong spelling i know) how long does it last mixed with bastatic water.

If you cannot spell it and you do not know how to use it. What are you doing?
Your retarded friend arrived and started talking like a schizophrenic patient from some mental asylum for two whole days while saying that he will go and snitch on them to the police, telling him that he will not have a resheep is the minimum lol
Basically. And then faggots started hopping on hur hur hur thee thee ith thcam!!! Hurr underdose var yet tons of lab reports HURRR he scam douche pharm!! HURRR!!! It scam!! Me mad! Him no pay 20$ for reship him call you china man cuz him mad HURRR.

Fuck man go lift some weight. Go eat something. Shit. I've never heard of anyone who uses steroids and acts like a Hyna. You fools remind me of my old roommate who did his first test cycle and turned gay
Special line. Better safe than sorry. And I reckon with a large order spending a few bucks more for a piece of mind is worth it.
I need to read how that works again. It's a bit confusing. I think I'm going to do use it on my next order though, because I also want to place a big order, and was hoping this special shipping option wasn't just a gimmick. I'm happy to hear you used it and felt good about it.
I need to read how that works again. It's a bit confusing. I think I'm going to do use it on my next order though, because I also want to place a big order, and was hoping this special shipping option wasn't just a gimmick. I'm happy to hear you used it and felt good about it.
Sure, no worries. In central Europe, customs are strict as hell, so it's worth it to use any extra means that'll make the order land successfully. At least that's my line of thinking. This lesson I had to learn the hard way over the years with other vendors - orders confiscated, returned, you get the idea.
Just stopped by to say hello to the shitty rep and cock riding retards that support him.

Hope y'all are enjoying the remaining vials that have chunks of shit floating around inside. Getting an infection is a right of passage for you idiots, at this point.

bUt At LeAsT iT's ChEaP! uGbB sUcKs AnD tHoSe WhO dOn'T sUpPoRt QdS aRe JuSt CoMpEtItOrS tHaT dOn'T wAnT uS tO gEt AfFoRdAbLe GeAr! HaTeRs GoNnA hAtE!

It's fucking hilarious to hear you retards singing their praises until you become the next victim.

Qsc fucks their customers in the ass and doesn't even give them a kiss.

If you've read this thread and still choose to use the tard scammers, you deserve what you get.

And it's some funny shit that their brewer/engineer is in jail.

For a brief moment, I thought qsc was actually concerned about sending out floaters. Hahahaha! Fuck no! There numb nut brewer got rolled up. But by all means, y'all should keep placing orders with credit cards because there's nothing to see here.

Talk about birds of a feather flocking together.
It is 0.25. Just as i put in my post. I believe they are4mg viles as you say. The bastatic water i get comes in a 5ml vile so im not sure. Second vile was 0.5 mg per day. As i posted. Yes 2ml a day is a big dose. But her dose is 0.25ml.
The dosing is supposed to be per week not per day. You're supposed to start out with .25 mg per week for the first month
The source has had lots of testing, which I thought was a good thing? They have their own tests plus lots of user tests. Plenty of other sources have had bad testing and corrected it too. But since they did it they get bashed?
Not sticking up for them just pointing it out.
I ordered recently and they had something out of stock but I had already paid and they offered a refund questions asked.
You’re a Karen lunatic. Get over it.
People are saving their hard earned money by buying mostly good gear from QCS. Go cry somewhere else. I’ve never had an issue, and I’m saving money. Until every purchaser has been affected by “floaters” or “under-dosing” your fighting a losing whiner battle. Go find some other hobbies.
Hobby? I thought it was his career