Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Satisfied customers buy their shit and let a business do its business. It ain't shit to them if others aren't happy. Why would it be? It's not their business. They're just buyers.
Unsatisfied customers should vote with their wallet and buy elsewhere and not be obsessed with these types of crazy posts. This begs the question why you and other nutjobs are sticking around complaining. For every complaint (justified or unjustified) there are 50 happy customers.

You must have some ulterior motive. Any reasonable person who l would have moved on with their lives months ago. Not you. You're still here bitching even when you stopped being a customer. It makes no sense.
Well it is 730 in the morning. My wife has had to pull over on her way to work because she is crying. She made a mistake and is now an idiot.
You know me i fit that word like a glove.
Hope the alpha men get a kick out of ruining her day. Dont worry i will pick up the mess.
Well it is 730 in the morning. My wife has had to pull over on her way to work because she is crying. She made a mistake and is now an idiot.
You know me i fit that word like a glove.
Hope the alpha men get a kick out of ruining her day. Dont worry i will pick up the mess.
She should be thankful that people care enough to give her good advice. She got a huge benefit from Semaglutide, so she should be happy because of that also. No one tried to ruin her day. You save money and preserve efficacy and prevent side effects by lowering the dose and infection frequency.
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It's more pathetic to see "happy customers" fight tooth and nail for a source as if they owe them something. Do you see this level of devotion to any other source here or elsewhere?

Have you ever gone to Walmart when they had everything you wanted in stock and left as a happy customer only to get into a fight in the parking lot with a stranger because he said Walmart sucks?

Satisfied customers buy their shit and let a business do its business. It ain't shit to them if others aren't happy. Why would it be? It's not their business. They're just buyers.

Ask yourself why so many new accounts jump straight into this thread on day one and take everything personal as if it's their business at stake.
Like I said, equally pathetic and odd. Fighting all day online for anything is such a waste of time. There is enough info out there for everyone to come to their own decisions.
You must have some ulterior motive. Any reasonable person who l would have moved on with their lives months ago. Not you. You're still here bitching even when you stopped being a customer. It makes no sense.
If you would actually venture out of this shit show of a thread instead of kissing qscs ass in every comment and looked around, you wouldn't have made this comment. You obviously haven't been around long enough and seen threads of past sources and the flack they got for much less.

It's an embarrassment you and countless "shills" live to do the reps job, discrediting any member with complaints. I don't consider you and many others in here "members", you're purely shills who only visit meso for the purpose of this thread and the defense of this source.
Unsatisfied customers should vote with their wallet and buy elsewhere and not be obsessed with these types of crazy posts. This begs the question why you and other nutjobs are sticking around complaining. For every complaint (justified or unjustified) there are 50 happy customers.

You must have some ulterior motive. Any reasonable person who l would have moved on with their lives months ago. Not you. You're still here bitching even when you stopped being a customer. It makes no sense.

Yep. Dingdong is taking money away from my fictitious lab. Nice deflection though. What does a shameless shill like yourself get for doing a smoke screen job in this thread?

You don't lift, so is it money or is it the tasty little items Dingdong isn't allowed to advertise?
Also to keep up with this thread takes so much fuckin effort for an average customer. Like 20 pages a day of bullshit

They gotta keep the negative posts on the previous page because they know that no one wants to read. If this source wasn't a scumbag and didn't have alt accounts this thread would have 100 pages.
It's an embarrassment you and countless "shills" live to do the reps job, discrediting any member with complaints. I don't consider you and many others in here "members", you're purely shills who only visit meso for the purpose of this thread and the defense of this source.

Notice that members like Jjj, Simo and Prophet have all said that they spent money here, but not one of the above is here to fight for the source. Shit, they rarely post in this thread.

It's just the new guys. Always here within a moments notice to argue for the source. Almost like it's their job.

You fucking clowns aren't as smart as you think you are. Pretty desperate measures for a source that has soooo many happy customers.
Yep. Dingdong is taking money away from my fictitious lab. Nice deflection though. What does a shameless shill like yourself get for doing a smoke screen job in this thread?

You don't lift, so is it money or is it the tasty little items Dingdong isn't allowed to advertise?
He’s already been asked what his motivation is for defending scamming, floaters, mislabeled products. He does not want to address this.
Like I said, equally pathetic and odd. Fighting all day online for anything is such a waste of time. There is enough info out there for everyone to come to their own decisions.

No offense to the noobs, but way too many of them are too green to make decisions for themselves. If you could only see the PMs i get.
If you would actually venture out of this shit show of a thread instead of kissing qscs ass in every comment and looked around, you wouldn't have made this comment. You obviously haven't been around long enough and seen threads of past sources and the flack they got for much less.

It's an embarrassment you and countless "shills" live to do the reps job, discrediting any member with complaints. I don't consider you and many others in here "members", you're purely shills who only visit meso for the purpose of this thread and the defense of this source.
Speak for yourself @TiredandKaren
Just stopped by to say hello to the shitty rep and cock riding retards that support him.

Hope y'all are enjoying the remaining vials that have chunks of shit floating around inside. Getting an infection is a right of passage for you idiots, at this point.

bUt At LeAsT iT's ChEaP! uGbB sUcKs AnD tHoSe WhO dOn'T sUpPoRt QdS aRe JuSt CoMpEtItOrS tHaT dOn'T wAnT uS tO gEt AfFoRdAbLe GeAr! HaTeRs GoNnA hAtE!

It's fucking hilarious to hear you retards singing their praises until you become the next victim.

Qsc fucks their customers in the ass and doesn't even give them a kiss.

If you've read this thread and still choose to use the tard scammers, you deserve what you get.

And it's some funny shit that their brewer/engineer is in jail.

For a brief moment, I thought qsc was actually concerned about sending out floaters. Hahahaha! Fuck no! There numb nut brewer got rolled up. But by all means, y'all should keep placing orders with credit cards because there's nothing to see here.

Talk about birds of a feather flocking together.
I believe he might be supplying the next Special Olympics. No one with any common sense would order from this dirt bag.
Like I said, equally pathetic and odd. Fighting all day online for anything is such a waste of time. There is enough info out there for everyone to come to their own decisions.

You're right though. i couldn't care less if Dingdong crashes and burns. Kinda. i mean i do look forward to it, but it won't actually do anything for me other than make me laugh.

i throughly enjoy taking a poke at the new hires. Maybe a little too much. They're just so bad at this. Who did they suck off to get their job? Oh, right, duh.

Hopefully the noobs will surprise me and actually read before wasting their time and money, but i won't hold my breath, and if they don't then they'll get out what they put in.

Thanks for the common sense reply. It's satisfied my blood lust for the time being.
Well it is 730 in the morning. My wife has had to pull over on her way to work because she is crying. She made a mistake and is now an idiot.
You know me i fit that word like a glove.
Hope the alpha men get a kick out of ruining her day. Dont worry i will pick up the mess.
I get that. But she isnt interested in a seventh of a dose. Well i have a while till she does it again. Maybe she will see the light. Anyhiw it works good at her dose. 7kg nearly 20 pound in 3 weeks. Try telling your wife but we did it wrong.:)
It's a very powerful drug. I would dose it how it's supposed to be dosed. I lost 25 lb in the first 4 weeks taking 0.25 mg a week. I don't think more is better in the beginning. More just equals more side effects.
What looks sus is that you live in this thread defending your boss while pretending to be a member. You've got nothing to offer other than trying to keep this sinking ship above water.

Should i even bother to ask if you lift or will you just back pedal, curse a few times and go back to your job of making sure the thread doesn't take on any more water?
Nice. You kept your cool. Makes it hard for us new guys to work out who is real and who is bs. Thanks msg.
Just for the record i get my sus from msg labs. Never had a sus vile yet. Or is that ive only had sus viles. Never mind im confused now too.