Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I'm like you, just a customer. However, I get annoyed when I see people posting nonsense. If I received bad service, I would vote with my wallet and buy elsewhere. I certainly would not be obsessed with posting here all day. I would move on with my life. For some reason, they cannot.
Sure you're just a customer. You've posted 126 times since your join date on July 7th of this year. Every last one of your posts are in this thread.

All members should realize that this is likely the reps alt account or a paid shill.

Who the fuck lives in one thread and plays captain save a hoe for some shitty source, day in and day out, unless he was trying to run interference intentionally?

You aren't a real customer and you aren't fooling me, you frog bitch.
Keep protecting the hand that feeds like a good little servant, you fucking cockroach.

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You got a like from Dingdong too. He loves it when the servants scurry to his defense. Now get on your knees it's time for your reward. You'll have to share with that clown from the previous page, but you two don't care. As long as you little whores get some of that sweet Chinese nectar on your faces it's all good. Slurp slurp.
Well, dingdong was probably right when he asked who fucked your old lady. Put the soy down gramps, sorry youve lost your stream of cash on your shitty "high grade homebrews" go get fucked or give your balls a tug dude, your rage over a simple roid forum is fucking laughable.
Not sure of the science but nearly 20 pound in just over 3 weeks of fat without trying is redicilous. She is almost without fat now. Not by bodybuilding standards. But for her age. She is steadfast that next time she will do exactly the same. So i may have to take 80% of the dry out of the vile b4 filling with batstatic water. That way she is getting 0.25ml of mostly water a day. Anyhow i have an age to work it out.
She will probably get the same results taking the dose correctly. I don't think you get any accelerated fat loss by overdosing
Well, dingdong was probably right when he asked who fucked your old lady. Put the soy down gramps, sorry youve lost your stream of cash on your shitty "high grade homebrews" go get fucked or give your balls a tug dude, your rage over a simple roid forum is fucking laughable.
It's not surprising that the msg labs joke would be over the head of a qsc fanboy. Color me shocked.
You two are fucking idiots. This member posted multiple pictures of the floaters in this very thread and QSC said that he was lying and his video wouldn't show anything. It in fact did show floaters in his vials that matched his pictures of the same vials.

Yo with my experience I had nothing bad with QSC but holy fuck this zoidberg and hb and narta just have QSC dicks in their mouth. You retards it’s not hard to fucking not dick suck for a little bit when a problem occurs. We get it the gear is cheap and whatever but sometimes you gotta hold sources accountable so get his fucking dick out your mouth and when ever there is some criticism let fucking QSC defend it for himself not his fucking henchmen
I'm like you, just a customer. However, I get annoyed when I see people posting nonsense. If I received bad service, I would vote with my wallet and buy elsewhere. I certainly would not be obsessed with posting here all day. I would move on with my life. For some reason, they cannot.
No you dumb fuck. It’s not about the money. It’s about protecting people from floaters, underdosed shit, and maybe getting scammed. When ever a source fucks up people should speak out about it so the source makes it right and it never happens again. Don’t you think it’s a little bit sad that a fucking 18 year old acc cares for him self and other people while you are what 30s 40s dick sucking another grown man. Give your review everytime your order comes in and that’s your health and safety prevention instead of permanently dick sucking him. Don’t you think what you are doing is little bit sad??
I'm like you, just a customer. However, I get annoyed when I see people posting nonsense. If I received bad service, I would vote with my wallet and buy elsewhere. I certainly would not be obsessed with posting here all day. I would move on with my life. For some reason, they cannot.
I agree.
The truth is no one trusts anyone. So purchase small be prepared to be done up the arse and move on if it happens. We arent purchasing parts for our cars. Nothing is open or honest. Ugl. Underground labs. Not your corner drug store. It is risky. Sometimes it pays off and you get what you paid for. Only sometimes. The rest of the time you inject 10grams of something in the bin.