Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Nope. But if some idiot is standing outside of Walmart with a sign protesting with ridiculous claims, I am the first person to call out their bullshit, tell them to GET A JOB and GET A LIFE.

In other words, you are the idiot standing outside of Walmart with the protest sign, not me.
But you're the supposed customer who has camped out in this thread to defend this poor little source from the day you arrived.

131 posts and counting, all in this thread. But you have no vested interest here. You just feel the need to stand up for them because fuck anyone for bringing light to the fact that they have scammed, sent out floaters, stolen money for orders that were not sent, doxxing etc.

You're not nearly as slick as you think you are.

What does Zoidberg mean in French, anyway?
I didn't see his comments for days since I put him on ignore, but since you quoted that ignored content.
Jail is a big word, It was a simple summons to the station to know the type of activity of the lab, which is in order. No inspection followed the interrogation, neither at the lab, nor at the warehouse, or at the head office.
They don't jail anyone for this kind of products, you only risk jail if you sell to Chinese citizens, which we don't do.

What I told you is that the production will be temporarily suspended because of the strict situation in China, there were several interrogations in the field (not only us but many manufacters), fortunately for us, it was the engineer who was summoned for some questions about his activity in the laboratory, but this for us was a red alarm to take more security measures before resuming production, some of which are legal cover (splitting the company into two different companies, one of which is purely legal, and a second source of rather vague products including HGH, injectable steroid hormones and some banned products that we will be adding soon).

For the moment, since he was summoned in the past, we cannot allow him to resume the activity of producing " hormones ", because it is not known whether there will be future inspection, or s he is being watched. So we prefer to wait.

I don't understand the link that it's a deterrent for a client like you, when it's not even a deterrent for us? Sometimes you just have to temporarily lay low with the Chinese government and let the wave pass.
Everyone is posting something that is not true. qsc has no problems now.
It's still crazy how some people go after us, when we mind only our own business and we have never spoken in a bad way about any other source.
I even did a little tour on the internet, you see false feedbacks to smear our reputations like a certain anabolexx forum and others, where you have people who say that they were scammed for bitcoin orders at a time when we didn't even accept bitcoin..
It's a $1 billion global market, everyone can get a part of the pie, but jealousy knows no bounds..
$1 billion dollar scale, that's the point
Shit is real annoying... I want to know what qsc is going to do next... Are they going to be re-vetted if/when they reproduce oils? Are their raws still good? Can I refilter the oils I've gotten and not have problems ?
All this other shit ... It's like I have to go search people's posts to see if have any pics of themselves to decide if anyone actually knows what they're talking about and just an asshole or a teenage girl (Meso and date would have to be on picture of course )
All this back and forth seems more about reputation than this source ... I mean wtf
Deus is Canadian and I don't speak French. Why don't you enlighten us, Frogberg?
Frogberg. That's actually pretty funny, 'cause, you know....French. One point for MADbret.

As you stand outside Walmart with your protest sign, I'll keep telling you to GET A JOB and GET A LIFE.
Shit is real annoying... I want to know what qsc is going to do next... Are they going to be re-vetted if/when they reproduce oils?
If we're being honest, they were never vetted or accepted because they chose to go by their own rules.
Are their raws still good? Can I refilter the oils I've gotten and not have problems ?
I'd assume that most of their raws are fine, assuming it is what you think it is. And of course you can refilter the oils.
All this other shit ... It's like I have to go search people's posts to see if have any pics of themselves to decide if anyone actually knows what they're talking about and just an asshole or a teenage girl (Meso and date would have to be on picture of course )
All this back and forth seems more about reputation than this source ... I mean wtf
No doubt I'm an asshole but it's to shed light on what this source has done and represents.

When you see guys like Zoidberg playing shortstop for these guys, it should make you wonder what drives him to do that.

And the answer is the same thing that drives Qingdao sigma chemical.

Dolla, dolla bills y'all.