Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Don't forget to check for floaters, contamination and goldfish swimming in your primo, lol. A few idiots on this thread are posting absurd claims, seemingly because they are upset that QSC is taking business away from them.
Another shill apologist sucking QSCs tiny little dick can you call out by name all of the people with issues who are also sources or are you talking out of your ass?
Another shill apologist sucking QSCs tiny little dick can you call out by name all of the people with issues who are also sources or are you talking out of your ass?
I will continue to post my positive experiences as a customer. You don't buy anything, yet you spend your day posting here? Who really has the little dick? Not me, I bought 500g of Cialis raws in a recent order. MY DICK WILL BE HUGE FOREVER.
I will continue to post my positive experiences as a customer. You don't buy anything, yet you spend your day posting here? Who really has the little dick? Not me, I bought 500g of Cialis raws in a recent order. MY DICK WILL BE HUGE FOREVER.
I agree. Also I ordered 500g of primo yesterday.
This is not my customer, he ordered from my collegue via whatsaap, as all of you know I use only email for communication not like some of my collegues and sales agents.

His order was seized at [EDIT: potentially personally-identifying information removed] customs, so instead of finding an arrangement with the sales agent from (I believe she offered him paying the freight and get a reship but he didn't accept), he choosed to come here and cry, which was his biggest mistake, because they have already reshipped his order.
So once I knew about the situation, I cancelled this reship.

This situation doesn't have any link with professionalism. It's just the P502 rules ^^
Wtf!! He wasn't your client?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
You're under too much attack.
He go to hell!!
To all the guys that have had good experience eith QSC, and tired of being called shills. This guy is a prime example of why. He makes QSC and satisfied customers look bad
Shut up. It was you who called every customer giving good feedback a shill. This happened multiple times over several months. Who are you trying to fool?
Just dropped in to say a QSC order worth 2.5k USD of mixed peptides landed safe and clear at my door in central Europe a week ago. This was my first QSC order. You can count me as a happy customer.
Wow!:oops: you are so rich!!
Again, qsc shipping capacity is amazing. How many days did you get it?
What needs to stop are these idiots who post that everyone is getting scanned, all the vials are contaminated and everything is under-dosed.
Why? Give me a detailed explanation of why you believe that sort of activity “needs to stop”. Beyond the ‘it’s annoying’ answer, which is demonstrably true, no argument from me on that, why precisely should others conform to your desires of what a source’s thread should look like? QSC started this thread, but it doesn’t belong to them, it belongs to the members here. Yes, even the annoying ones. If a member violates the rules then they get booted. Otherwise they’re free to praise or complain as much as they want.
I know this is almost impossible but I mixed up some vials from a lot of primo and
Cmon man you can’t be that naive. I believe almost every source here has had an issue with floaters, it happens. You can’t deny all negative feedback just because you’re a fan of the source.

I’ve used QSC before and any issue I’ve had they’ve taken care of. To deny any negative feedback about a source to protect them goes against everything this board stands for.
agreed you can’t deny evidence. I think people need to take every situation and take a look at it objectively. No biases. Either there’s floaters or not. Is there floaters in your vial? Maybe not. But now you know it’s a possibility and be in the lookout for it. Also take it into account the next time your ordering your gear. Maybe you don’t want the chance of getting floaters. Maybe the risk is worth the reward for you if your ballin on a budget
I know this is almost impossible but I mixed up some vials from a lot of primo and

agreed you can’t deny evidence. I think people need to take every situation and take a look at it objectively. No biases. Either there’s floaters or not. Is there floaters in your vial? Maybe not. But now you know it’s a possibility and be in the lookout for it. Also take it into account the next time your ordering your gear. Maybe you don’t want the chance of getting floaters. Maybe the risk is worth the reward for you if your ballin on a budget
I don't think you understand what "evidence" means. The video of the floater rising quickly is obviously not a solid piece of material. Plus, it was posted by someone who has a vested interest in discrediting QSC. There is no proof that was even a QSC vial. In a court (where rules of evidence are necessary to prevent this kind of bullshit from being admitted), there is a 0% chance that video would be admitted.

No bias? The "evidence" is dripping in bias and ulterior motives. Again, lots of other sources are attacking because they are upset at QSC's success in the market. That's the evidence that ought to be obvious to anyone reading this thread.
I don't think you understand what "evidence" means. The video of the floater rising quickly is obviously not a solid piece of material. Plus, it was posted by someone who has a vested interest in discrediting QSC. There is no proof that was even a QSC vial. In a court (where rules of evidence are necessary to prevent this kind of bullshit from being admitted), there is a 0% chance that video would be admitted.

No bias? The "evidence" is dripping in bias and ulterior motives. Again, lots of other sources are attacking because they are upset at QSC's success in the market. That's the evidence that ought to be obvious to anyone reading this thread.
this comment is delusional even by meso standards
I don't think you understand what "evidence" means. The video of the floater rising quickly is obviously not a solid piece of material. Plus, it was posted by someone who has a vested interest in discrediting QSC. There is no proof that was even a QSC vial. In a court (where rules of evidence are necessary to prevent this kind of bullshit from being admitted), there is a 0% chance that video would be admitted.

No bias? The "evidence" is dripping in bias and ulterior motives. Again, lots of other sources are attacking because they are upset at QSC's success in the market. That's the evidence that ought to be obvious to anyone reading this thread.
Who is this "lots of other sources"?


And the video looks like it shows a floater to everyone but you and qsc.

You're quite obviously an employee of the company, running interference everytime a complaint is lodged. More likely than not, you are the rep.

You cannot give a good reason for the way you choose to white knight for this source. This is how paid source boards blow smoke up people's asses except you cheap clowns don't have the privilege to edit and delete other people's posts.

Go pay some board fees and you wouldn't have to deal with guys like myself. Or at least you'd be able to ban me. Until then, you may as well get used to the abuse.


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