Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I found QDS on the meso forums from last year and started ordering from Alisa Yang, who is higher than the rep here.

Read this again.
As you said, why did I start now? lol
I should have attacked QDS earlier.

I love your writing the most among the QDS fan clubs.
Because I can remind you again.
Thank you sincerely :)
That disgusting fake face of that time!
You cannot give a good reason for the way you choose to white knight for this source.
I certainly can. I have ordered any times. Each time was perfect and I never acted like an asshole. You on the other hand let your emotions get the best of you and it fucks up your life. Am I right MADbret?
Who is this "lots of other sources"?


And the video looks like it shows a floater to everyone but you and qsc.

You're quite obviously an employee of the company, running interference everytime a complaint is lodged. More likely than not, you are the rep.

You cannot give a good reason for the way you choose to white knight for this source. This is how paid source boards blow smoke up people's asses except you cheap clowns don't have the privilege to edit and delete other people's posts.

Go pay some board fees and you wouldn't have to deal with guys like myself. Or at least you'd be able to ban me. Until then, you may as well get used to the abuse.
The guy did receive floaters. He caught the floaters in 4K, the customer service response was a bad move
Looks like Qingdao has blocked me and I was still a hgh customer lol. I just said I wouldn't use his oils anymore bc I had floaters. Never had a problem with hgh or peptides. Oh well
Looks like Qingdao has blocked me and I was still a hgh customer lol. I just said I wouldn't use his oils anymore bc I had floaters. Never had a problem with hgh or peptides. Oh well
Which peptides did you get? The only problem I've had with the source is the fucking vials which are made out of bamboo sticks. I've only had a good experience with their GH and raws.
I actually see things that could be floaters in there. They look like the stuff in that guys pictures and video. Can you compare your bottles to those pictures and try to rectify what that guy is showing.
Oh good grief. You see floaters in that picture? You guys just won't stop with the absurdity. Thankfully, I won't stop calling out your bullshit either. It's super fun when the facts are on my side.

floaters? You need help my dude.
Which peptides did you get? The only problem I've had with the source is the fucking vials which are made out of bamboo sticks. I've only had a good experience with their GH and raws.
Only ones I've used are gh, bpc157 and a friend of mine used their bpc and tb500. But yea their vial caps are shit and I had floaters in 2 test cyp vials. It was obvious filter material but i just filtered them and are using them.
Oh good grief. You see floaters in that picture? You guys just won't stop with the absurdity. Thankfully, I won't stop calling out your bullshit either. It's super fun when the facts are on my side.

floaters? You need help my dude.
There were a few speckles. Maybe they are air bubbles. I don't know. I asked him to compare. Why not.
lololol. I'm not here to do your homework. Detailed explanation? Your ego is writing checks your body can't cash.
So your answer is the mean people posting negative things about this source hurt your feelings and have damped your otherwise enjoyable experience on the internet. I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Thoughts and prayers to you and your family in this time of darkness.
Do you know Deus? I'll take that as a YES.

Trucker protesters unite! Honk honk :p
I don't know any of the people who have had issues with QSC, the difference between you and I is that I support them being treated right. Mostly because their stories are very believable given the evidence put forth.

What we're still struggling to establish is why you so adamantly defend QSC's actions and support them with your entire being. I have purchased products from so many labs over the years, almost all of them have treated me reasonably well. Of the ones that treated me great, if they had a major issue that QSC has, you would never see me dive into the thread to support scamming or floaters or otherwise.

Consumers should look out for consumers, that's how we all get treated as well as possible. Your behaviour is irrational. If you're a satisfied customer of QSC then you should be happy with people holding them accountable for their wrongdoings as that puts pressure on them to keep doing a good job. When you support scamming and waving away of large production issues like floaters in their gear, you're giving them the greenlight to treat you like shit on your next order.

Unless you expect to get freebies, kickbacks, or financial compensation for your time here. Which I'm not sure is against the rules, so do your thing. You're just going to be labelled appropriately.

