Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Nice. You kept your cool. Makes it hard for us new guys to work out who is real and who is bs. Thanks msg.
Just for the record i get my sus from msg labs. Never had a sus vile yet. Or is that ive only had sus viles. Never mind im confused now too.

i know. i surprise myself sometimes. Hey, my fictitious lab will always be there for you, man.
The difference in side effects from .25mg to 1mg for me was…nothing. No side effects at any dose. Some of us don’t get sides at all. Maybe she’s one of the x% that handle it without issue? It’s not the norm but it’s definitely possible.

I worked up to 2.5 mg (easier to measure for me) in increments of 0.5 mg/week but had to discontinue because I could barely get enough protein to maintain muscle. Didn't have much fat to lose, but lost fat. Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)

I worked up to 2.5 mg (easier to measure for me) in increments of 0.5 mg/week but had to discontinue because I could barely get enough protein to maintain muscle. Didn't have much fat to lose, but lost fat. Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US & EU domestic)

Not sure of the science but nearly 20 pound in just over 3 weeks of fat without trying is redicilous. She is almost without fat now. Not by bodybuilding standards. But for her age. She is steadfast that next time she will do exactly the same. So i may have to take 80% of the dry out of the vile b4 filling with batstatic water. That way she is getting 0.25ml of mostly water a day. Anyhow i have an age to work it out.
Not sure of the science but nearly 20 pound in just over 3 weeks of fat without trying is redicilous. She is almost without fat now. Not by bodybuilding standards. But for her age. She is steadfast that next time she will do exactly the same. So i may have to take 80% of the dry out of the vile b4 filling with batstatic water. That way she is getting 0.25ml of mostly water a day. Anyhow i have an age to work it out.

Good point. If I try again in the future, will start at 0.25 mg/wk and increase much slower. If it gets to the point where I can't even get 3 meals with 50 g protein (like this time), will back off. But as mentioned in the original post, this is mostly just an interesting experiment for me. I don't have a lot of fat to lose.
Good point. If I try again in the future, will start at 0.25 mg/wk and increase much slower. If it gets to the point where I can't even get 3 meals with 50 g protein (like this time), will back off. But as mentioned in the original post, this is mostly just an interesting experiment for me. I don't have a lot of fat to lose.
My wife chose to pin evening so she could eat the next day. But pinning once a week this loss of appatite shouldent happen. So it does react very differently with different people. If it were possible i would do a 0.025ml shot nightly for her next time. But that is beyond my tallents.
Thanks for your posative feed back.
I believe he might be supplying the next Special Olympics. No one with any common sense would order from this dirt bag.
I have placed many orders. I even placed one today. Each one (except one) was perfect. The problems got resolved easily. How? I didn't act like a self entitled asshole or call him disrespectful names like dingdong. On the other hand, you act like king of assholes, and then wonder why QSC tells you to fuck off.

I'll go out on a limb and say your personality disorder problems are not just related to QSC. I'll guess you have a history of damaged relationships.
Ok Mr satisfied customer. Don't come here crying in a few orders when you get fucked over. Just disappear like all the past fan boy's. Maybe we talk the truth because we've seen this shit time and time again with sources screwing people over then finally exit scamming. Sorry for warning your sorry ass. Good luck with your floaters my man
I have placed many orders. I even placed one today. Each one (except one) was perfect. The problems got resolved easily. How? I didn't act like a self entitled asshole or call him disrespectful names like dingdong. On the other hand, you act like king of assholes, and then wonder why QSC tells you to fuck off.

I'll go out on a limb and say your personality disorder problems are not just related to QSC. I'll guess you have a history of damaged relationships.
Good luck with your floaters my man
Never had a floater in all the vials I bought. Others have posted here saying they bought hundreds of vials that were perfect no floaters. Just because you keep repeating "floater" doesn't make it a real thing.

The other beautiful part is that you non-stop posting is just keeping this thread at the top. It's true...There is no such thing as bad publicity. Anyone new reading here can see your posts as angry, but-hurt with zero credibility. Nobody is buying what you're selling. But keep trying my friend.
I have placed many orders. I even placed one today. Each one (except one) was perfect. The problems got resolved easily. How? I didn't act like a self entitled asshole or call him disrespectful names like dingdong. On the other hand, you act like king of assholes, and then wonder why QSC tells you to fuck off.

I'll go out on a limb and say your personality disorder problems are not just related to QSC. I'll guess you have a history of damaged relationships.
Dont really want to get in the middle of this. But ive had 14 successful orders now. In australia it is a limited market. Only qsc seems to beat customs. But it is just business. I want they supply. We arent in bed together. Not till i see them asian tits anyhow.
Jesus guys, one person has had over 30 orders, one over 15, one over 14. Why do y'all order so many times? That's a big risk you take. Unless you are a reseller, that's just dumb.
Jesus guys, one person has had over 30 orders, one over 15, one over 14. Why do y'all order so many times? That's a big risk you take. Unless you are a reseller, that's just dumb.
Small orders under a k get less customs attention. Thats my thoughts. Little box. And little tits. Yeah.
Dont really want to get in the middle of this. But ive had 14 successful orders now. In australia it is a limited market. Only qsc seems to beat customs. But it is just business. I want they supply. We arent in bed together. Not till i see them asian tits anyhow.
I'm like you, just a customer. However, I get annoyed when I see people posting nonsense. If I received bad service, I would vote with my wallet and buy elsewhere. I certainly would not be obsessed with posting here all day. I would move on with my life. For some reason, they cannot.
I'm like you, just a customer. However, I get annoyed when I see people posting nonsense. If I received bad service, I would vote with my wallet and buy elsewhere. I certainly would not be obsessed with posting here all day. I would move on with my life. For some reason, they cannot.
Nah, some of us want to warn future buyers of the shady business practices and shitty attitude of this rep since people like you bury the legitimate complaints. So if you choose to hole up in this thread, get used to it.
Hello everyone,
Now, from now on, I will tell the truth without a single lie.
*And I'm posting this post because I don't want the same victims to come out for the public good.

I found QDS on the meso forums from last year and started ordering from Alisa Yang, who is higher than the rep here.

I was promised a redelivery policy and a refund before ordering, and fortunately, several orders have been successful. But today QDS tried to send the product through Hong Kong post but it was returned by customs.

I asked for a refund and QDS told me it wasn't their fault it was returned from customs. So whose fault is this? Is it my fault?

QDS said they could not give me a refund. The reason was the nonsense that the product could not go back to China from Hong Kong.

So what's the difference from a foreclosure at the customs of the destination? Guys, QDS dazzles people with a very low price at first. Of course, we do the actual delivery.

However, when there is a real problem, they do not even reply. Even someone who has been ordering for a long time like me is no exception.
QDS knows nothing but money. I sent money to them through my Chinese acquaintances, and I will soon report them to the police through my Chinese acquaintances.

I'll post all the evidence below. The decision is yours. At least I'll post on other forums to avoid causing victims like me.

View attachment 172742View attachment 172743View attachment 172741
This was rigged.
I bought the best products from qsc before joining meso.
Get rid of liars like you!!!
Nah, some of us want to warn future buyers of the shady business practices and shitty attitude of this rep since people like you bury the legitimate complaints. So if you choose to hole up in this thread, get used to it.
No, you want to share your isolated experience of acting like an asshole and being rightfully told by QSC to go fuck yourself. Meanwhile, we are hear to remind future buyers that the overwhelming majority of us are not assholes and have had great experiences.