Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

The ironic part is that you criticized somebody for trying to sound smart when posting something perfectly correct, and then you tried to sound smart but were incorrect in your usage.

Edit: Just so it’s abundantly clear, what you wrote is exactly the opposite of what you were trying to say.
But if I was criticizing someone for trying to sound smart but I sounded smart in the process that would make me a hypocrite
Check mate, mr chickyfryrice
The person who is me is no longer motivated to commit the figurative action of repeatedly striking with repetitive motion an equine mammalian who's already lacking a pulmonary pulse in a redundant - needless - manner.
I've been reading this thread for months and not once have I been compelled to weigh in on anything, because frankly you're all fucking bananas.

But flogging a dead horse is the correct use of the phrase and making a big deal if it makes you look really daft:


Also, inb4 "omg new shill account blah blah". This forum offers nothing of interest to me, don't be at all surprised that my account only exists to download the pricelist.
How do you compare it to amphetamine, if uve tried it.

Anyone try both dmaa and amphetamine and care to give a comparison? Energy, drive, euphoria, etc?
IMO dmaa is not even in the same universe as amphetamines.

Amps are next level to me personally.
I've been reading this thread for months and not once have I been compelled to weigh in on anything, because frankly you're all fucking bananas.

But flogging a dead horse is the correct use of the phrase and making a big deal if it makes you look really daft:


Also, inb4 "omg new shill account blah blah". This forum offers nothing of interest to me, don't be at all surprised that my account only exists to download the pricelist.
Wow, I'm just as shocked as all of you guys. But there it is in - I'm wrong and I can admit it. I can admit it without claiming that you, or the other chi-op @Blang, are trolls or insulting either of you Charlies or calling you guys a couple of shills with yellow fever who thirst night and day for cheap 5 dollar floater filled vials of test.
I'm not going to do any of that.

Accept my humblest apologies sir(s)

I believe that is Cantonese, and it's old Chinese proverb about humility and forgiveness.
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Wow, I'm just as shocked as all of you guys. But there it is in - I'm wrong and I can admit it. I can admit it without claiming that you, or the other chi-op @Blang, are trolls or insulting either of you Charlies or calling you guys a couple of shills with yellow fever who thirst night and day for cheap 5 dollar floater filled vials of test.
I'm not going to do any of that.

Accept my humblest apologies sir(s)

I believe that is Cantonese, and it's old Chinese proverb about humility and forgiveness.
Just another troll - shill for X source loosing revenue and throwing a tantrum like a bitch.

Nothing to see, block and ignore.

I cant tell if youre joking or not, is it actually fine to store the unreconstituted gh in room temperature or not? Planning on buying enough kits for like a year
Freezer for longer term storrage. Cool dark place for intermediate storage. I put all my peptides in the freezer regardless (unconstituted of course).
can i have a picture of the tablets? are they the same for every substance like sarms, anabolics, dadalafil or they differ in size?

i ask because i would know how "cut friendly" are them, because for some substances i need to get 1/2 or 1/4 dose