Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

1. There have been tests showing dimer and some showing none.

2. QSC doesn't do batches or regular testing so you have zero clue what you're talking about. The only correct answer is: if you want to know, you have to test the vials in your possession. Anything else is just guessing.

Also, lol at the posts you attached. Source: trust me bro, I took AP bio.
Of course GH drives overall anabolism, but no healthy human in the real world is seeing significant skeletal-muscle-tissue growth from GH alone. It may, over time, make a difference when run in conjunction with anabolics. Show me a peer-reviewed paper stating otherwise.
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Holy moly too much bro science in here regarding GH. You won't notice fuck all within a week LOL. You need to run GH for months to reap the real benefits. Ideally 6 months - 1 year.
Holy moly too much bro science in here regarding GH. You won't notice fuck all within a week LOL. You need to run GH for months to reap the real benefits. Ideally 6 months - 1 year.
You right. Gh is a long game. I say 1 year min. Keep blood sugar in check, and enjoy the ride.
1. There have been tests showing dimer and some showing none.

2. QSC doesn't do batches or regular testing so you have zero clue what you're talking about. The only correct answer is: if you want to know, you have to test the vials in your possession. Anything else is just guessing.

Also, lol at the posts you attached. Source: trust me bro, I took AP bio.
Of course GH drives overall anabolism, but no healthy human in the real world is seeing significant skeletal-muscle-tissue growth from GH alone. It may, over time, make a difference when run in conjunction with anabolics. Show me a peer-reviewed paper stating otherwise.
Ive never seen a test with dimer and when did i ever say it would grow significant muscle. I said over time it makes a difference especially if it's helping keep you injury free.

Are you saying you took ap bio lol. What i attached is from alex kikel. Go buy his growth hormone book
Holy moly too much bro science in here regarding GH. You won't notice fuck all within a week LOL. You need to run GH for months to reap the real benefits. Ideally 6 months - 1 year.
Not really, the half life of HGH is short, effects are short and long term.
The first effects can be noticed since first days of use, such as improve of sleep, water retention that gives the impression that skin is improving...

The effects on muscle and weight loss are up for debate.

Hyperplasia has never been proven to exist on HGH, but bro science confirms density enhancement on HGH. My own feelings, under GH, you have the impression that you take full advantage of the AAS and you no longer need to take high doses, for example if I need 500mg tren A during my cuts off growth, under HGH I use only 50-100mg eod. I have better results, less side effects.

Several bodybuilders that I have known only use HGH in prep, and in off season they never take it, year-round HGH is very recent as a fashion, before no one did that, now the bodybuilders take HGH all year round to be shredded year round and be ready for shootings year round.

Ronnie coleman in his interview with Platz also said that he starts HGH only at the beginning of prep.

Ditto lipolysis many think that HGH makes you lose fat systematically when it is false, it is the way of using it that defines that, if you take your doses spread over the day, you stimulate less the igf- 1, so you are more likely to lose fat, but if you take large doses, or your dose at once, you will be more likely to have a high IGF, and a high IGF-1 stimulates lipogenesis, like insulin, so yes you can gain fat from HGH but you recover quickly, that's why many rugby guys do shot cycle of HGH 30-50iu ED on 2-3 weeks once or twice a year.
2 reasons: either not reconstituted with enough water, or degraded.

Is there any partial benefit to still using it? I've heard of lots of generic GH having this problem due to long shipping routes (heat, inconsistent temperature etc) I've never heard one way or the other if it's entirely garbage by that point or good enough to use.
I'm probably remembering this wrong but I remember hearing a few instances where guys ordered pharma and it turned cloudy due to heat or being sold extremely old stuff
Is there any partial benefit to still using it? I've heard of lots of generic GH having this problem due to long shipping routes (heat, inconsistent temperature etc) I've never heard one way or the other if it's entirely garbage by that point or good enough to use.
I'm probably remembering this wrong but I remember hearing a few instances where guys ordered pharma and it turned cloudy due to heat or being sold extremely old stuff
Very hard to say anything about the subject, lack of data.
Not really, the half life of HGH is short, effects are short and long term.
The first effects can be noticed since first days of use, such as improve of sleep, water retention that gives the impression that skin is improving...

The effects on muscle and weight loss are up for debate.

Hyperplasia has never been proven to exist on HGH, but bro science confirms density enhancement on HGH. My own feelings, under GH, you have the impression that you take full advantage of the AAS and you no longer need to take high doses, for example if I need 500mg tren A during my cuts off growth, under HGH I use only 50-100mg eod. I have better results, less side effects.

Several bodybuilders that I have known only use HGH in prep, and in off season they never take it, year-round HGH is very recent as a fashion, before no one did that, now the bodybuilders take HGH all year round to be shredded year round and be ready for shootings year round.

Ronnie coleman in his interview with Platz also said that he starts HGH only at the beginning of prep.

Ditto lipolysis many think that HGH makes you lose fat systematically when it is false, it is the way of using it that defines that, if you take your doses spread over the day, you stimulate less the igf- 1, so you are more likely to lose fat, but if you take large doses, or your dose at once, you will be more likely to have a high IGF, and a high IGF-1 stimulates lipogenesis, like insulin, so yes you can gain fat from HGH but you recover quickly, that's why many rugby guys do shot cycle of HGH 30-50iu ED on 2-3 weeks once or twice a year.
The first day i use hgh i look way better and i weigh myself over the next couple days usually 8-12iu will make me gain about 7lbs making me look way bigger and better
I'm probably remembering this wrong but I remember hearing a few instances where guys ordered pharma and it turned cloudy due to heat or being sold extremely old stuff
From what I remember the pamphlet that comes with omnitrope stated if the pre mixed vial was shaken it would become damaged and then turn cloudy. It also mentioned something about not using it because of bacteria or something. I dunno, I did a lot of drugs then. My buddy found something about it on pubmed at the time. I'm sure one of the archeologists here could find it
From what I remember the pamphlet that comes with omnitrope stated if the pre mixed vial was shaken it would become damaged and then turn cloudy. It also mentioned something about not using it because of bacteria or something. I dunno, I did a lot of drugs then. My buddy found something about it on pubmed at the time. I'm sure one of the archeologists here could find it
Janoshik do not agree with this

Does shaking hurts hgh?
Test P is not a hot seller, we won't restock it in any warehouse. Most people prefer long esters such as test e and test c, and once they cut and use short esters they simply buy ripped blend (test p, tren a, mast p)

You're stopping selling test prop oils altogether or will will it still be on the list international?