Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

A little while back Tracy was talking about adding kits of a lypholised form of PGE1 (Prostaglandin) with 100mcg per vial. Haven't heard anything, but sometimes these things take time.

Having a little of this stuff on hand to combat stim-dick on MDMA nights would be incredible.
The demand seem low, so we abondonned it.
He won't do shit and probably won't even respond. He brags about how he sells 10,000 different items and is so busy; but when problems arise he is a stingy arrogant prick and refuses to be held accountable or do anything but ignore until it gets buried among other posts. It doesn'tmatter how many orders you have placed or how many customers you have sent his way; he just doesn't give a shit!
I tried my best to not be rude with you but I think you only learn the hard way.
You are the kind of pieces of shit who deseperately look for support, you gonna be ignored the same way nobody gives a fuck in PM about your cause.

You already got a refund of 30%. (respected the rules Page 502 meso thread)
I politely told you that I am not interested in your white knight cuck suggestions on the behalf of some imaginary fat ass Facebook sluts looking to get less fat using tirzepatide.
Not intersting in doing business with you anymore and you will be ignored the same way I put you on ignore on PM.
All the customers who had the issue were more than happy to get the deal I offered, some of them got even more than 30% savings by ordering several kits, long story short, if you are not happy, go fuck yourself, and welcome to my ignore list here too.
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Anyone having trouble purchasing? Is Alibaba credit card payment done? Whenever I email I either don't get a response for a few days or told to pick payment method when I say Google pay or Alibaba credit card payment I don't get a answer anymore
When you choose no insurance, you can't pay using alibaba. So it is pointless to repeat again and again that you want to pay using CC, choose another payment option such as bank transfer or cryptocurrency or purchase the insurance.
I tried my best to not be rude with you but I think you only learn the hard way.
You are the kind of pieces of shit who deseperately look for support, you gonna be ignored the same way nobody gives a fuck in PM about your cause.

You already got a refund of 30%. (respected the rules Page 502 meso thread)
I politely told you that I am not interested in your white knight cuck suggestions on the behalf of some imaginary fat ass Facebook sluts looking to get less fat using tirzepatide.
Not intersting in doing business with you anymore and you will be ignored the same way I put you on ignore on PM.
All the customers who had the issue were more than happy to get the deal I offered, some of them got even more than 30% savings by ordering several kits, long story short, if you are not happy, go fuck yourself, and welcome to my ignore list here too.

You just completely proved my point!

Here are the facts:
1.) You shorted on of my friends an entire tirzepatide kit. Proof was provided as well as proof directly from an image from your computer that you sent me. I asked you nicely to make it right and even used the word "please". I will be more than happy that provide that email or any of them related to the issue. Instead you called her a scammer and refused to make it right.

2.) I tested your batch of white tops which were under dosed by 30%. Combined between purchasing the kit and testing, I spent $900 for 1 kit that ended up containing 7mg. You refunded me $135 after being pressured from a mod and some members on PM. You somehow think that makes us even($765 for 1 7mg kit, lol).

3.) Several of my other friends that received the white tops(after I had recommended for them to order from you), emailed you after the test results asking for a FAIR resolution, not some measely discount(way less than the 30% they were jipped) on another order. You ghosted them!

If standing up for myself and others when they get fucked by you is considered a "white knight" then by all means that is what I am. All people want or expect is to get what they paid for and be treated fairly. I have never asked for anything to be free, just want me and my friends to be made EVEN. How is that an unreasonable request? I would love to hear the answer to that question and have asked you that a million times already without and success in a response.

I have been a member of the internet bodybuilding community for decades and have done more for the community than you will ever do. Just ask a board veteran member here @mands or you can even ask @janoshik ; he knows me as a real person off the board for over 10 years.

Lastly, in the comment,
imaginary fat ass Facebook sluts looking to get less fat using tirzepatide.
You show your true colors here! Instead of taking accountability for your screw ups, you blame everyone else and take it to the point of personally attacking others who are victims and have not said a bad thing to you. What the fuck is wrong with you? Your mom did a piss poor job at raising a human being who treats and talks to others in this way. You may sell a lot of drugs, but you are nothing but a pile of shit when it comes to being a man!
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When you choose no insurance, you can't pay using alibaba. So it is pointless to repeat again and again that you want to pay using CC, choose another payment option such as bank transfer or cryptocurrency or purchase the insurance.
I ordered BPC-157 and IGF-1 LR3 domestically how will I know which is which? What color tops is which?
This source thread feels chaotic as hell. Idk if it would make it harder on QSC but splitting the threads into territories seems like it would be beneficial. Like a US/Canada thread. And a EU/Aus thread.

Also new members! (Because there's a fuck ton) There is a little magnifying glass at the top right corner. You can click on that and set it to this thread only with a keyword search like price list. And it will show you posts with those words. Or you can click on QSCs profile name and click messages. It will show all their messages they have posted. With these tools asking when things are in stock or if they are or price lists should be easy as hell to find. It's the easiest way to filter through bullshit on any thread.
You're very right. The last 20 pages is just full of people complaining about stuff being "unfair" and stupid issues.

We are all on a forum buying illegal stuff from a drug dealer. Get a grip on yourselves.... be happy there is someone selling such a huge stock for these prices. I've always been polite and clear in my emails and if something was up with my order, it has ALWAYS been fixed in a fair manner.

If unhappy, go to the police and explain how you feel scammed by your online steroid dealer.
How long do the international transfers take to clear? Paid 3 days ago

its been weekend so...

if it helps, in my case after i send payment they stayed silent for a while and suddenly i got the tracking number, which showed the parcel was already registered for delivery the day before

so basically took like 3-4 days between payment and having track number with parcel already on the move
You're very right. The last 20 pages is just full of people complaining about stuff being "unfair" and stupid issues.

We are all on a forum buying illegal stuff from a drug dealer. Get a grip on yourselves.... be happy there is someone selling such a huge stock for these prices. I've always been polite and clear in my emails and if something was up with my order, it has ALWAYS been fixed in a fair manner.

If unhappy, go to the police and explain how you feel scammed by your online steroid dealer.
Yeah, stupid insignificant issues about people getting ripped off. And who cares if it’s illegal drugs, try that in the street with real shit. See how long you last before you’re dead.

People like you who just kiss the sources ass, and blame the victims, are exactly what this community does not need! We are all in this for the same reason and need to stand up for one another. Nobody deserves to he ripped off.
Yeah, stupid insignificant issues about people getting ripped off. And who cares if it’s illegal drugs, try that in the street with real shit. See how long you last before you’re dead.

People like you who just kiss the sources ass, and blame the victims, are exactly what this community does not need! We are all in this for the same reason and need to stand up for one another. Nobody deserves to he ripped off.
Understand your concern but i dont think QSC is ripping anyone off,

we are all here for one reason, the competitive pricing, the sheer amount of volume QSC deals with, considering its 1 person and a factory it is very efficient.

the odd batch might be under-dosed, but its not buying milk powder at Walmart - we all know the risks

Fake names and PO boxes..... of course you run the risk of package returned to sender

from the feedback of the members including myself we are very happy with QSC's service and product
Understand your concern but i dont think QSC is ripping anyone off,

we are all here for one reason, the competitive pricing, the sheer amount of volume QSC deals with, considering its 1 person and a factory it is very efficient.

the odd batch might be under-dosed, but its not buying milk powder at Walmart - we all know the risks

Fake names and PO boxes..... of course you run the risk of package returned to sender

from the feedback of the members including myself we are very happy with QSC's service and product
When an entire batch of tirzepatide 10mg is 7mg; how is that not ripping people off. I understand mistakes happen, we are all human. So when we said, give me a credit for testing(like you are offering for people to test your greens or blacks) and give me 30% off another order of the same amount, and give the others from my group who ordered on my recommendation and received white tops 30% off; he refused.

That is where the problem lies. He acknowledged he fucked up and admitted the entire batch is bad. So then all I want is for him to make it right in a fair and reasonable manner. Can ANYONE who is justifying QSC's actions explain how that is not fair request? What would you expect if you were in that same situation?(and then he goes on to fat shame them and call them names, what an ass!)

Secondly, one of my friends ordered 2 kits of tirzepatide and received 1. Proof was provided. He refused to rectify. Once again, how is that not ripping anyone off? I don't know what your definition of "ripping someone off" is; but both scenarios fit the textbook definition.

And as I stated before, prior to this I have placed several orders with QSC and been happy. I had also recommended him on several boards and referred a number of friends and others to him. I sent him a very polite email in both situations and said, look just make this right so we can move on and continue to do business as usual. I NEVER asked for a single thing for free and would be more than willing to share every single email with a neutral 3rd party.

So, you or anyone is free to continue to order from him and the odds are you will be fine. But that doesn't erase what happened to me and others I know, nor does it justify it. I had said my piece and was going to let it be. But when people come in here and attack me or try to minimize my experience, I will speak my mind.