Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Did I hurt your feelings too? Do words make you feel uncomfortable? I would guess a big, strong alpha male shouldn't care what a random guy says on a forum, but since you made a big deal out of it, you are not him.

But let's talk facts. Oily preparations are supposed to administered deep IM. That's what the leaflet says. But I guess all the yt scumfluencers and TRT clinics docs push the SQ route cause it's easier and bides really well with the current trend of daily micro dosing administration.
Let's put the big boy pants now and start a real cycle, like 1gr of test plus 500mg anabolics. That's a minimum of 6ml-7ml of oily fluid a week. The reasonable thing would be to split that up eod at 2ml, rotating 8 sites so you hit each one of them every 2 weeks. If you go with SQ injections you ain't gonna administer 2ml or you will end up with a welp in the best case scenario and an ugly painfull red bump. Make that 3x week and your 10 week cycle will leave you looking like a beekeeper that pissed on the queen with no protective gear.

Everyone is free to do what he chooses to do, but if you do dumb shit get ready to be called out and get your feelings hurt if you identify like a snowflake
You're insecure as fuck and it shows

There's plenty of reasons why SubQ injections make a lot of sense, which have been elucidated in this thread, but you made it about one thing, "discomfort" just to be a condescending dick and overuse your exclamation key.
It's not discomfort, it's plain stupidity doing sq administration of oily injections.

But since I decided to be a live and let live kinda guy for 2024, doing SQ injections is still stupid for 3 more days.
Hello everyone,

It's been a while I didn't post, we were very busy and we are sorry about that.

In USA warehouses now we have several raws available:

Raw powderQuantityPrice ($)
Test enanathate100g75
Test cypionate100g75
Oxandrolone 100g405

and in a week or so, we will add:

tren A, tren E, mast P, test P, winstrol, dianabol, anadrol, primo e, DNP and telmisartan.

We also restocked all oils in EU warehouse, except test e.

Test C, sustanon, MENT, test P, NPP and deca were added.

We also have restocked many peptides awaiting for Janoshik to get back from the holidays to get the tests done, and this includes some new products:

HCG at higher concentration, will be advertised based on testing results.
MT2, semax, PT141, cjc no dac, sermorelin, hexarelin, BPC157 10mg, AOD9604, MT1, DSIP, Kisspeptin, Thymosin Alpha 1.

So please do not ask me about ETA of these when back to stock, we have them in stock and we are just waiting for some shipments to reach jano and some others to be tested, so be patient.

The warehouse also is now adding stamps to many kits of peptides, and it's a matter of few days/ weeks to have all peptides with batch numbers.

And finally, I strongly advice you to get your wallets and whatsaaps ready, because we will have a good new year surprise for you ;)

Attached the price list

Contact whatsaap (faster) : +86 16503300980
email (only one): sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn
confirming another excellent experience with QSC. I sent payment on 15/12 and RECEIVED my package here in Melbourne, Australia on 27/12. Less than two weeks. So fkn impressive.

Thank you QSC!!!
Is that seriously how most Aussies write the date? Month then day? Totally whack if so.

I want to visit but I’m afraid of a society where guns are banned. Not sure about that. But the folks seem cool and I want to see a Roo up close.
It's been a while I didn't post, we were very busy and we are sorry about that.

In USA warehouses now we have several raws available:

Raw powderQuantityPrice ($)
Test enanathate100g75
Test cypionate100g75

and in a week or so, we will add:

tren A, tren E, mast P, test P, winstrol, dianabol, anadrol, primo e, DNP and telmisartan.

We also restocked all oils in EU warehouse, except test e.

Test C, sustanon, MENT, test P, NPP and deca were added.

We also have restocked many peptides awaiting for Janoshik to get back from the holidays to get the tests done, and this includes some new products:

HCG at higher concentration, will be advertised based on testing results.
MT2, semax, PT141, cjc no dac, sermorelin, hexarelin, BPC157 10mg, AOD9604, MT1, DSIP, Kisspeptin, Thymosin Alpha 1.

So please do not ask me about ETA of these when back to stock, we have them in stock and we are just waiting for some shipments to reach jano and some others to be tested, so be patient.

The warehouse also is now adding stamps to many kits of peptides, and it's a matter of few days/ weeks to have all peptides with batch numbers.

And finally, I strongly advice you to get your wallets and whatsaaps ready, because we will have a good new year surprise for you ;)

Attached the price list

Contact whatsaap (faster) : +86 16503300980
email (only one): sigma@sigmachemical.com.cn
Does this mean all those peptides listed will be tested?
When you backfill you open a sterile environment and make it no longer sterile.
This has been talked about many times over the years.

It’s the same as injecting air into the vial. Technically it’s no longer a sterile environment but if we’re talking about oil from a properly prepared vial what are the chances of infection really? Oils are very resistant to contamination, it’s when water is introduced by accident or on purpose is when trouble starts

And what about misusing esters?