Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thanks man I appreciate it, should I DM you, do you have a price list? great post. I bought from them loads of times in europe. Customs here are super strict, just wanted to know what options there are. thanks @DECLAN appreciate the reply, I really enjoy their peptides.
That's what you came away with? I put a little effort and time into my creative writing and you ask me for a price list?
You are an grumpy old man that probably has lost revenue due to this "bottom feeder".when

Get over it, business is business.
Just because my criminal record tells a sordid story involving sales of illicit products doesn't mean its what's happening today. Then again maybe it is or will be in the future? I wouldn't want to be incriminating myself on my home board. In any event, I promise you my attitude here has nothing to do with anyone's "Business".

Its personal for me. It may sound silly but I don't like the person or people who post under the QSC handle here at meso. They have a genuine hatred for us as Americans. The shipping of hot packs....that's what they are. They weren't ordered by the person at the address its shipped to and with the level of scrutiny pkg's coming from China get its akin to these people emailing the FBI or any federal LE agency about a guy ordering illegal products.

When the Turkish Scammer Adnan sanat(sp?) threatened to contact the FBI about meso members ordering illicit products from him if they posted openly about him sending fake Humatrope gh I took it personally and ran him out of the Community. I went from board to board until everyone knew what he had done. Then I hit up my friends at 24hreup and they sent the meso members who were sent fake Humatrope authentic Humatrope at no charge.

Not that you care but I don't believe it puts you in a bad light or reflects poorly on you because you are a client of QSC. I happen to enjoy your posts and kim has me on her payroll(I'm compensated with her time) as a silent mod at her channel. I find you to be a quality member there and here at meso where I've also been known to hold rank.

My last arrest was 2007. It's been so long that it can't be counted if my Criminal Category was going to be calculated today or anytime in the future. The feds can go back 15 years when doing so. Its ancient history.

Grumpy isn't a word I've heard or read used to describe me. Old? I'll be the first to admit that is spot on. All the nonsense I've gotten myself caught up in over the years has truly given me a perspective that has taught me to be grateful and enjoy the things i do and have going on.

I should tag her.... @QueenBee. Just having a little fun, Kim. I know you won't hold it against me.
You people are always looking for reassurance and guarantees. Anyone here have experience in Canada? This is meso. Have you any idea how many members we have?
Is it safe? What? Injecting dirt cheap gear(its actually cheaper than the dirt at the weed grows that litter Desert Hot Springs which is the shithole cesspool of a town making a strange kind of comeback from the tax revenue from all the legal drug dealers that now have a stranglehold on the Chamber of Commerce over there) and GH?

The shit is so cheap that its now acceptable for there to be floaters in the vials. Noobs are logging on for the very first time and learning that its a non issue. The 12 year old little girl brewing in the sweat shop must've been too exhausted to notice the filter blew out or too tired to care? Just refilter yourself at home. We're all friends here. You don't think that's fair? Go suck something off and buy your shit elsewhere. You're banned from ordering.

We're so lucky to be graced by the presence of these bottom feeders. Some wish there were 10 more just like them. Its strange to watch the new guys ask a question only to be insulted by the man or men pretending to be female when they are living off the dollars the new guys throw at them day after day.

Just wait until you get an order that isn't yours. You'll be given the name and address of the guy who actually placed the order that you received. If you don't commit the felony and ship where you are told you will be responsible to pay for that order. If you don't you will be black listed. Some members here, in an attempt to cyber suck off these wonderful human beings, will berate you for not doing so. How's that for safe?

That's just a quick look at what your in for. Oh...one last thing, Mr Bigshot....how much are you gonna drop? Why would you post that you "want to place a BIG order" if you didn't want someone to ask about your finances? Right? Or are you hoping you'll get a dm from this vendor drooling over the thought of a wealthy American with deep pockets who will give you the VIP treatment? They don't care about you or how well off your dad is. You're nobody to them or anyone, really?

I, on the other hand, am not that proud and I don't hate all Westerners like QSC does. When you want the Royal treatment, bring proof of your bank balance and the long list(it better be long) you brag about wanting to pick up and I'll take proper care of you. I'll help you find a home for that Bitcoin burning a hole in your pocket. We'll make a long weekend out of it. We won't be filling your safe with $6 vials of Testosterone. You've got $$ then act and spend like you. You've got this one life....you want to really live and enjoy the finer things or do you want $20 growth hormone kits? Get it together, big shot.
You are frustrated.
You are bringing old non existing issues, if you noticed, no one complains anymore about fiber filter floaters in vials, because they no longer exist.
No one gets banned from ordering by posting reviews, including negative ones.
I don't hate westerns.

You are one of those dirt leftovers of old folks, who still live in the past and can't accept that the vials no longer cost $50. You and your "ex-meso refugees" homies are frustrated that you lost control of the sources, who used to suck your tiny shrimps to get blessings, and at the end of the day, you gather in your UGBB forum of racist Nazis, talking shit about Meso, Millard and the Chinese who have invaded the business, spending the day behind your screen in your grandmama's basement, at the end of each sentence you get up to walk 3 meters to relieve your herniated disc, hoping that your 100-line post which will not be read by 80% of guys here have some reactions. Pathetic.
They have a genuine hatred for us as Americans.
I don't think they have a hatred to Americans or any other westerner. Maybe they have a hate for stupid entitled boys that think they shop at Amazon or Walmart.
The shipping of hot packs....that's what they are.
That is a genuine argument. If they "ordered" me to reship anything, we would have a situation. And trust me I didn't survive OGG, ORD and OCJ all these years by sheer luck, I know my way around local or intl LE
My last arrest was 2007. It's been so long that it can't be counted if my Criminal Category was going to be calculated today or anytime in the future.
Nobody cares about your past dealing with the law, since you are not a scammer. Past belongs to the past, full stop.

QSC is a vendor. Not our friend, buddy or anything else. It sells stuff that may or may not fulfill our needs atm. If he eclipses someone else will step up. If he FUBAR his service he will go the way of the dodo as many have gone before him.
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I don't think they have a hatred to Americans or any other westerner. Maybe they have a hate for stupid entitled boys that think they shop at Amazon or Walmart.

That is a genuine argument. If they "ordered" me to reship anything, we would have a situation. And trust me I didn't survive OGG, ORD and OCJ all these years by sheer luck, I know my way around local or intl LE

Nobody cares about your past dealing with the law, since you are not a scammer. Past belongs to the past, full stop.

QSC is a vendor. Not our friend, buddy or anything else. It sells stuff that we may or may not fulfill our needs atm. If he eclipses someone else will step up. If he FUBAR his service he will go the way of the dodo as many have gone before him.
I'm with you on this. I believe QSC has done better then many other sources around.

They just have a different kind of business that we weren't so used to see. I have always used them for peptides and I never had once a problem, they are slow sometime in delivering but that something we all know in advance so just chill and relax, if one want something NOW better go somewhere else.

The ppl having problems mostly are retards asking stupid questions and tormenting them for a tracking after 2 hours of paying.

The ONLY ONE THING I would clash hard with Tracy, is the story about reshipping the wrong package to another address. I would never ever ship anything to anyone, as that's the first way to get busted badly, plus it's not my mistake so I'm not responsible for it.

Yeah for that I would raise hell and we would have a big problem.

Anything else I believe it's fair and square.

Let's take oils for example, QSC had a reputation for a while that their oils needed to be re-filtered because of stuff found in the vials. I believe that was not ok but on the other side ppl still had the option of very cheap oil that needed a bit of work on it before being injected, one could always buy somewherelse. Myself for example steered away of their oils and always used other sources.

Now Tracy has assured that the problem of floaters is not there anymore and so I wanted to try myself if it's or not true and ordered some oils from them.

When I'll receive the oils I'll post my review.

It's quite easy, if you like something buy it, if you don't go to another place.

I don't think QSC tried to pull any stunt or strange behaviour on us, it has problems as every business and sometime they can be a bit rude but If you want cheap you gotta accept that this is how they do business, if you prefer a different service, one can go to a different vendor.

I don't understand why there has to be a fight on all this, I'm all for keeping sources accountable and to force them one way or another to improve their standard at least of quality/purity but of all the shit that has gone around here, QSC to me looks like one of the less dirty, I know what to expect that's something I appreciate when I'm dealing with a source, can't say the same of many others during all these years.
so when people talk 1to1 ratio with test and primo what would that be? 200mg test cyp to 200mg primo e? Or would the 1 to 1 ratio be test cyp 200mg to Primo E 100mg dose wise? This is more a TRT cycle
why does it scare you... Reason I asked is I hear people saying they are using 1 to 1 ratio with things however the dosages are way off. So was just clarifying things. Sorry you are scared maybe you should go over to PM then.
worried for you big dawg not me.. i mean a 1:1 ratio is pretty basic and self explanatory... even for the simplest of people like myself!
worried for you big dawg not me.. i mean a 1:1 ratio is pretty basic and self explanatory... even for the simplest of people like myself!
so would 200mg primo and 200 test cyp be ok for trt or do you think the 200mg primo will crash e2 to much? Or would a 200mg cyp 100mg primo be better for E2 levels?
so would 200mg primo and 200 test cyp be ok for trt or do you think the 200mg primo will crash e2 to much? Or would a 200mg cyp 100mg primo be better for E2 levels?
It's individual.. your response might not be like mine.. I can run a 1:1 ratio test/primo. Some people can't. You might start out with 1: 0.5 ratio for 4 or 5 weeks then get your e2 checked and see. It's really the only way to find out.. if your e2 is on the higher side you might titrate your primo up a little. I would not start out with 1:1 right off the bat untiknow. know.
< 200mg TRT
250mg Sports TRT
300mg TRT+
350mg TRT XL
400mg Ultra TRT
I’d prob say the above would be a good approximation if one is 200 lbs at 10% body fat.

If you’re over 15% body fat and your implied lean 10% body weight is lower then 200mg would be a cycle dose not TRT.
so would 200mg primo and 200 test cyp be ok for trt or do you think the 200mg primo will crash e2 to much? Or would a 200mg cyp 100mg primo be better for E2 levels?

Nothing without bloods. Primo doesn’t lower e2 much for some people , myself included. I can run 250 test and 600+ primo and still have 90 e2 so I need to run Aromasin on top. Less than I would if I were just on test but i don’t consider primo an AI substitute *in my case*

/:/ edit. DO NOT rely on side effects to gauge if you’re too low or too high with e2. Sometimes they can be similar. I thought I was crashing my e2 but went for blood work and turned out I was over twice the upper reference range for e2.
It's individual.. your response might not be like mine.. I can run a 1:1 ratio test/primo. Some people can't. You might start out with 1: 0.5 ratio for 4 or 5 weeks then get your e2 checked and see. It's really the only way to find out.. if your e2 is on the higher side you might titrate your primo up a little. I would not start out with 1:1 right off the bat untiknow. know.
This is the way. Just like test, start low and slowly titrate up. It should not be any different for other compounds.

More than once I have tried to add “normal doses” of multiple compounds at once. I just fuck myself up then end up going back to TRT XL and starting over after wasting a month or so.
Okay so yet got my order 7 days EU domestic once shipping happened, smooth communication only one kit is missing (ordered multiple things currently) I assume it was a product which got listed as out of stock just days since my order was placed and the European Warehouse probably shipped the incomplete package? I am yet going to confirm through email which compound supposedly you have had that happen before by chance?


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