Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

My doc put me on 150mg trazodone and 150mg Quetiapine 4 years ago. Depending if I’m my trt dose or if I’m running higher, I have to adjust my quetiapine up or down. This combo has been great me. I’ve suffered from insomnia my entire life (I’m 52yo) and have taken everything under the sun for sleep. Because of the queit. You have to keep an eye on glucose, but my diet is pretty clean and mine is always in range. Hopefully when I retire, I’ll be able to try pot, but my job requires random testing under federal law for now. Good luck, it’s a rough hill to climb.
I’ve had insomnia since high school. It progressively worsened as I aged. Now my body won’t sleep at all. Not even a few minutes. I stay wide awake and it’s sickening all day and night. I tried traz, ambien, restorill, Clonidine, belsomra, Amitriptyline, etc etc etc.

Finally we decided to try seroquel and I remember the first time taking it I had passed out and slept for almost a whole day. I woke up so groggy I wanted to sleep more. I had never felt like that before. After 2 weeks the grogginess went away. Now I take it and 45 minutes later I’m old cold. I sleep all night without waking up. I’m able to get up early and start my day. It saved my life 100%. No one understands how sick you can get psychically and mentally without sleep. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what I’ve gone through.
Have you tried mirtazipine? Or agomelatine? Or clonidine? Just curious bc Seroquel makes me feel like a zombie
Only thing I haven’t tried is clonidine and I’ve never heard of agomelatine. I’ll have to look into those if my combo quits working.
Mirtazipine worked well for awhile, but I couldn’t stop eating on it. That was about 20 years ago. Brand name was Remeron.
Have you tried Zolpidem? If you have, how have you got on with it? I have sleeping problems and might ask my doctor for some. Appearently its one of the best medications for sleeping
When I tried this I would do things in my sleep. I would cook and clean. I would order things online. I would text complete gibberish to everyone in my phone. I would go outside for no reason. I finally had to stop taking it because I had no control at night. Weirdest and most embarrassing going through the texts I sent each day.
I’ve had insomnia since high school. It progressively worsened as I aged. Now my body won’t sleep at all. Not even a few minutes. I stay wide awake and it’s sickening all day and night. I tried traz, ambien, restorill, Clonidine, belsomra, Amitriptyline, etc etc etc.

Finally we decided to try seroquel and I remember the first time taking it I had passed out and slept for almost a whole day. I woke up so groggy I wanted to sleep more. I had never felt like that before. After 2 weeks the grogginess went away. Now I take it and 45 minutes later I’m old cold. I sleep all night without waking up. I’m able to get up early and start my day. It saved my life 100%. No one understands how sick you can get psychically and mentally without sleep. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through what I’ve gone through.
Glad it worked for you too
are the 36 IU hgh vials the blue tops? I got mad gyno within a day of using 4 ius

I had a random gyno flare up when starting them too. Since then I've fixed the actual gyno but I seem to hold more water around my nip area. Im only on 8iu as well, I've ran up to 12 in the past and never had this issue.
So, who’s gear did you test that is full of bacteria? QSC? Since you extensively post on his thread, show us the initial test where it shows the bad results and post the results of the test after heating it.

I will not stop bugging you until you prove this in the name of harm reduction like you say.
If you notice every time someone asks him for pictures or proof of his claims he suddenly disappears until people forget, Then goes back to the meth rants. And yes it's meth, no one who takes modafinil at low doses as he claims stays up 24hrs writing paranoid ramblings like he has some inside information from pharmaceutical companies or border patrol. At 3am any day or time he'll write out 4 paragraphs within 4 minutes of your reply. I grew up around meth heads, this guy is a drug addict.

Rinse and repeat. Look through his posts, it's all there.
If you notice every time someone asks him for pictures or proof of his claims he suddenly disappears until people forget, Then goes back to the meth rants. And yes it's meth, no one who takes modafinil at low doses as he claims stays up 24hrs writing paranoid ramblings like he has some inside information from pharmaceutical companies or border patrol. At 3am any day or time he'll write out 4 paragraphs within 4 minutes of your reply. I grew up around meth heads, this guy is a drug addict.

Rinse and repeat. Look through his posts, it's all there.
You know calling someone a drug addict as you shoot steroids is kinda hypocritical don't you think? Granted they are on different spectrum of what's classified as "drugs" but see what i mean ?
If you notice every time someone asks him for pictures or proof of his claims he suddenly disappears until people forget, Then goes back to the meth rants. And yes it's meth, no one who takes modafinil at low doses as he claims stays up 24hrs writing paranoid ramblings like he has some inside information from pharmaceutical companies or border patrol. At 3am any day or time he'll write out 4 paragraphs within 4 minutes of your reply. I grew up around meth heads, this guy is a drug addict.

Probably, you don't know a lot of nerds that suffer from ADHD and type extraordinarily fast. I'd wager that is more likely than him being a tweaker.

The dude is clearly intelligent, detail oriented and posts interesting content, but is in love with his reasoning and seems to lack a degree of empathy that would enable him to form compelling and well-founded arguments.

So, endotoxins are a potential risk, but not an actual risk. Start from there, what specific endotoxins should we be concerned about? How do we test that they are present? At what levels should we be concerned? Once this is all established and we have a better understanding of the risk, how to we mitigate that risk? From there we can do a cost/benefit analysis.

Seems pretty straightforward to me.

The argument that pharmaceutical companies have processes for dealing with these things is somewhat specious. The risk may be extraordinarily small, but if a manufacturing line is being established and the cost is reasonable, it may be an effective means to minimize liability.

If you're homebrewing product and there's a 1 in a million chance that you fatally expose yourself to an endotoxin, that's not really a big deal. If you're a pharma manufacturer shipping product to millions, a couple of dead customers is a really big deal.
You are frustrated.
You are bringing old non existing issues, if you noticed, no one complains anymore about fiber filter floaters in vials, because they no longer exist.
No one gets banned from ordering by posting reviews, including negative ones.
I don't hate westerns.

You are one of those dirt leftovers of old folks, who still live in the past and can't accept that the vials no longer cost $50. You and your "ex-meso refugees" homies are frustrated that you lost control of the sources, who used to suck your tiny shrimps to get blessings, and at the end of the day, you gather in your UGBB forum of racist Nazis, talking shit about Meso, Millard and the Chinese who have invaded the business, spending the day behind your screen in your grandmama's basement, at the end of each sentence you get up to walk 3 meters to relieve your herniated disc, hoping that your 100-line post which will not be read by 80% of guys here have some reactions. Pathetic.
If its true that quality control has come into existence I'm genuinely glad to hear it. Less chances that our members will be injured. The only reason its fixed is because members are allowed to speak and be heard. You weren't happy to spend your money to quiet complaints. If you could've edited and deleted negative posts I'm certain guys would be fishing the same shit out of your products. Whatever it was that improved quality lets agree its for the good of members.

My "ex-meso refugees"? "Talking shit about Meso"? I've never spoken negatively about meso. Its my home board. Meso is the creme of the crop. UGBB is owned by an old friend of Millard's and myself. That you weren't greeted with open arms is due to your reputation which precedes you. You're known to be a foul mouthed asshole who talks to potential and current customers the way you would talk to someone who just spit in your face. What the fuck did you expect? The red carpet to be rolled out?

Wherever you go you start off with bullshit. The female avatar and name. You fucking mope. Try talking to men as the man you supposedly are instead of trying to appeal to their cocks you disgusting imbecile. What kind of man parades around like a woman anyway?

Who do you think you are putting yourself and Millard in the same sentence like you 2 are old friends and in this thing together? You see that @Millard? Guys are talking shit about "Meso, Millard, and the Chinese(QSC) invading the business".

You've really bought into the nonsense the dickrider's have filled your head with. You believe you're aligned with Millard? That he's a supporter of yours? Have you sent him a QSC shirt for him to promote his friends biz. You fucked up if you think for even a second that you can count Millard as one of your fans. You're too far gone if that's the shit you're trying to sell. Lol.,,wow.

Talking about my long dead and gone Grandmother. I had an Uncle who wasn't right in his head who lived in that basement. They've all passed. I moved to Southern CA. I do pretty well for myself if you are interested and must be since you brought it up. Would you like a virtual tour. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

I guess we'll stick to material things? I'm thinking you're just a skinny little guy? Genetics are tough to overcome. You mentioned someone sucking my "Little shrimp". Do you cross dress irl or is it just for the biz? Everything on this guy is to scale. Big dude here. Shit....I should be careful how I talk right? You've got friends in high places. Lol....i can't quite picture Millard swinging by to pick you up for lunch. You're drinking the kool-aid again.
If you notice every time someone asks him for pictures or proof of his claims he suddenly disappears until people forget, Then goes back to the meth rants. And yes it's meth, no one who takes modafinil at low doses as he claims stays up 24hrs writing paranoid ramblings like he has some inside information from pharmaceutical companies or border patrol. At 3am any day or time he'll write out 4 paragraphs within 4 minutes of your reply. I grew up around meth heads, this guy is a drug addict.

Rinse and repeat. Look through his posts, it's all there.
That’s why someone has to call him out. I am getting tired of him making absurd claims without any proof while citing whatever article he finds in the net that supports his argument like they are indeed facts. We’re not just dumb beasts who listens to people who can find a study here and there.

Give me a real example or a test that validates what you are saying. And don’t go on a rampage of insults and barrage of allegations about someone’s status in life when they call your bullshit.

Come back and show me the Jano tests or don’t show your face here again @Ghoul
If its true that quality control has come into existence I'm genuinely glad to hear it. Less chances that our members will be injured. The only reason its fixed is because members are allowed to speak and be heard. You weren't happy to spend your money to quiet complaints. If you could've edited and deleted negative posts I'm certain guys would be fishing the same shit out of your products. Whatever it was that improved quality lets agree its for the good of members.

My "ex-meso refugees"? "Talking shit about Meso"? I've never spoken negatively about meso. Its my home board. Meso is the creme of the crop. UGBB is owned by an old friend of Millard's and myself. That you weren't greeted with open arms is due to your reputation which precedes you. You're known to be a foul mouthed asshole who talks to potential and current customers the way you would talk to someone who just spit in your face. What the fuck did you expect? The red carpet to be rolled out?

Wherever you go you start off with bullshit. The female avatar and name. You fucking mope. Try talking to men as the man you supposedly are instead of trying to appeal to their cocks you disgusting imbecile. What kind of man parades around like a woman anyway?

Who do you think you are putting yourself and Millard in the same sentence like you 2 are old friends and in this thing together? You see that @Millard? Guys are talking shit about "Meso, Millard, and the Chinese(QSC) invading the business".

You've really bought into the nonsense the dickrider's have filled your head with. You believe you're aligned with Millard? That he's a supporter of yours? Have you sent him a QSC shirt for him to promote his friends biz. You fucked up if you think for even a second that you can count Millard as one of your fans. You're too far gone if that's the shit you're trying to sell. Lol.,,wow.

Talking about my long dead and gone Grandmother. I had an Uncle who wasn't right in his head who lived in that basement. They've all passed. I moved to Southern CA. I do pretty well for myself if you are interested and must be since you brought it up. Would you like a virtual tour. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.

I guess we'll stick to material things? I'm thinking you're just a skinny little guy? Genetics are tough to overcome. You mentioned someone sucking my "Little shrimp". Do you cross dress irl or is it just for the biz? Everything on this guy is to scale. Big dude here. Shit....I should be careful how I talk right? You've got friends in high places. Lol....i can't quite picture Millard swinging by to pick you up for lunch. You're drinking the kool-aid again.

It’s saturday

So, who’s gear did you test that is full of bacteria? QSC? Since you extensively post on his thread, show us the initial test where it shows the bad results and post the results of the test after heating it.

I will not stop bugging you until you prove this in the name of harm reduction like you say.

Readalot fear mongered about testing above and beyond the standards but never tested a single thing either. Tried to get others to join him in pressing vendors to pay for his little wet dream tests.

Now anything bad that happens to you for the rest of your life is because you didn't do endotoxin testing.
Readalot fear mongered about testing above and beyond the standards but never tested a single thing either. Tried to get others to join him in pressing vendors to pay for his little wet dream tests.

Now anything bad that happens to you for the rest of your life is because you didn't do endotoxin testing.
But at least readalot didn’t make claims that are outright lies and would not go into tirades and attacking people with personal insults when they disagree with him.

Forget the endotoxins but acting like homebrewers are ignoring safety procedures because he thinks we’re missing the critical step he read is the right way to sterilize while having no experience just screams narcissism.

I don’t want to talk behind someone’s back but it’s clear you’re ignoring my posts @Ghoul

Come present the evidence to prove how you knew the ugl oil you heated up was sterilized and tell us who did you buy it from so they can answer for selling you dirty gear.
Ambien is pretty scary i slept walked on that crap and its not safe wondering around asleep unaware of potential hazards plus as stated the hangovers the next day were insane
My wife would find me butt naked in the kitchen with 2 pieces of bread covered in syrup just standing there. Sometimes I would turn on the shower and walk from the bed to the shower over and over again sleep walking. We had to hide the car keys at night.
My wife would find me butt naked in the kitchen with 2 pieces of bread covered in syrup just standing there. Sometimes I would turn on the shower and walk from the bed to the shower over and over again sleep walking. We had to hide the car keys at night.

Ambien walrus is a thing.

My wife was taking it for a while. Initiated sex one night and mid way through the act, I realized they were a completely different person/personality. Weird AF. I made a rule that I needed a heads up beforehand.


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