Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Right now for the GH I just mix up two vials and backfill it all into pins. I could almost fit a kit into a 10ml. I’m guessing I could do the same with a 3ml for hcg and Tirz. Would there be any problem loading a slin pin with GH, Tirz and hcg if you are immediately using it. How is back loading with the bigger syringes seems like it would be hard to push .2ml accurately or without shooting it all the way to the tip.

No absolutely do not mix peptides in the same container, syringe or otherwise.

All you are doing is is creating more points for peptides to adhere to each other, forming unique aggregates, effectively creating millions of random new drug molecules, which, at the least will inactivate a certain amount of the peptides and trigger more of an immune reponse.

The FDA has warned about this reckless practice with unknown consequences. There are no pharma drugs that include multiple peptides. The few that have considered combining two, none of which are approved, used polymers to ensure they couldn't stick to each other.

People need to get over the notion that if they inject something and they don't feel anything bad happen within a day it must be fine.
Do we have any measurable data on real life implications from aggregates aka double blind studies?

Double blind implies in humans.

So your question is do we have double blind studies in which humans were intentionally injected with protein aggregates, something every organization involved in the development and regulation of pharmaceuticals knows are harmful?

We have plenty of animal studies demonstrating the damage protein aggregates cause.

It's now the main area of focus related to peptide/protein drug safety. Above everything else, from initial development, production, packaging, and onwards, since there are dozens of factors involved that can cause aggregation. (PH, physical stress, temperature, interactions with surfaces like glass or plastic, etc).
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We have plenty of animal studies demonstrating the damage protein aggregates cause.
Do we have any measurable data on animals then? That n subjects were injected with aggregate containing solutions and a non acceptable percentage suffered serious damage and/or developed an immunological adverse response?

In addition is there actual measurable data that gives us a cause and effect correlation between factors that cause aggregates and their end result? P.x. physical stress causes % much aggregates +/-5 Celsius that much etc
Ahhhh sonofabitch!

Haven't needed to order anything for many months. Haven't been on here either.

Sent in an order for peptides a few days ago, didn't hear back, thought I'd check this thread to see what their CNY plan was and BOOM!

Hopes and dreams destroyed.

I was really looking forward to trying PT141
I'm not too crazy about pt141. I do get the constant erections. It doesn't enhance sex in any way that i can notice. I get immediately flush right after, my lady finds it hilarious. And I get a quesy kinda feeling that lingers for a bit.

The next day I still get the erections but none of the bad so that's cool I guess.

My lady enjoys it, she says it makes her clit really sensitive and it'll last for 2 days.

How does that help me?!?!?

LoL. Nah it's cool. I'll use it from time to time. Will I re-up when my stash runs low? Only if she wants.
Do we have any measurable data on animals then? That n subjects were injected with aggregate containing solutions and a non acceptable percentage suffered serious damage and/or developed an immunological adverse response?

In addition is there actual measurable data that gives us a cause and effect correlation between factors that cause aggregates and their end result? P.x. physical stress causes % much aggregates +/-5 Celsius that much etc

I really appreciate the intelligent, sincere questions you're asking, instead of the insane, confrontational, baseless responses I sometimes get from others.

Sharing what I've learned helps me organize my thoughts on this subject, and forces me to stay sharp. I'm not looking to "win" an argument. I'd love for someone to demonstrate the contrary, ie, aggregates are harmless. But at this point, if that was proven or even strongly hinted at, it means the FDA, Pharma, and nearly every scientist involved in protein based drugs is wrong.

It's a very complex topic, and there's a ton of scientific literature available, much of it is impenetrable for most people, as the audience is other pharma scientists.. So I'll go over the docs I've collected and choose the ones that will answer them in the clearest way possible.

All peptides are unique in terms of aggregation and the impact of that aggregation.

It all falls under the category of "Managing known risks that are difficult to quantify:"

In the meantime, let me try to sum up what applies generally with certainty,

What causes aggregation?

Dozens of factors. From PH, concentration of the peptide, the interface between the protein and other surfaces (including air), physical shock, heat, contamination and the nature of the peptide itself, Some are naturally prone to forming aggregates, others not so much.

Why should we care?

From most certain to least certain:

-Aggregated peptides don't work.

When they clump up, it's just wasting peptide that should be doing something, resulting in unintended underdosing.

-Local immune reactions.

The immune system, especially in subcutaneous tissue, recognizes these clumps like they would dirt getting into a cut. They attack the foreign material causing pain and inflammation. The bigger they are, the worse this site reaction is.

-Immunogenic reaction

Vaccines are a type of peptide/protein drug that are designed to make this happen intentionally, "Spike" proteins are attached to small molecules or plastic or other foreign matter designed to attract the immune system, like large aggregates do, and with a vaccine, where this effect a desired, the immune system learns the "shape" of the protein so it can recognize it and get rid of it quickly in the future,

When this happens due to aggregation of a peptide drug it's undesirable, and the short version is the drug gets removed from your body faster than you want it to, reducing, or even eliminating its effectiveness. Like a vaccine, this can be short term (requiring a "booster shot"), and the drug will be fully effective after a break, or the "immunity" to the drug can last a lifetime. This has happened with numerous drugs, in some cases leading to death because there were no other available treatments.

Individual factors also play into this, with some people reacting and developing immunity and others not.

This happens with growth hormone. The treatment protocol when GH stops working is to take a break, see if the antibodies go down and try again. The other thing that's tried is using a different brand. Since all pharma brands are Somatropin, the only differences are the excipients (used to control aggregation) and, by extension, how much aggregation a formula has. The hope is a different brand will trigger less of an immune response.

-Aggregates cause "cross immunogenicity" to your body's natural proteins.

Since the immune system "learns" to recognize certain proteins as the enemy, the random proteins formed in aggregation can resemble a protein that's naturally present in the body. Then your immune system starts to attack it. You don't need to be a scientist to know that's bad.

It's not mere theory. It's happened in clinical trials for protein drugs, turning healthy volunteers critically ill and causing them to suffer for a lifetime. This was what set off alarm bells about immunogenicity and aggregation. From then on, many steps had to be taken proving aggregation and immunogenicity would not be an issue before allowing any human trials of new peptides. If ANYTHING is changed in the manufacturing process or even packaging, like using a different pre filled syringe, that can induce aggregation, the FDA requires it be proven safe from immunogenicity again. That's how important it is,

- Aggregated proteins cause neurodegeneration and other diseases.

This is the most speculative risk. We know people with severe neurodegeneration have bodies filled with aggregated proteins. Just like pharma proteins aggregate, so can natural proteins, The amount of natural aggregates in our bodies are kept low by various mechanisms, including the immune system. That amount stays low and stable in healthy people,, then if something happens, and they start to increase unchecked, numerous organs develop disease, especially the brain.

There are several suspected causes. One that's been discovered is that certain aggregates, "fibrils" can, on rare occasions, form into a shape that can reshape other proteins into itself, like a mold, which then reshape more proteins, and so on, until there are so many they start doing severe damage. It takes years or decades for this to be noticed, and only during an autopsy,

The speculative risk here is: "What if one of the random aggregates formed from a UGL produced or unapproved peptide combination is one of these "self replicating fibrils?".

One of the safety measures required when developing a new peptide is running a computer simulation that calculates all the possible aggregates that could form from a protein drug breaking down, its excipients, and packaging. Then the relative risk to health from all those millions of possibilities is assessed, and if any are high risk something has to be done to remove the possibility of them ever forming. If it can't be eliminated, the project is cancelled.

Now, add multiple peptides in a single vial or syringe, and the possibilities go from millions to trillions of aggregates, none of which have been assessed for risk,

So that's why I advocate minimizing aggregation where we can, using simple steps, like the right dilution ratio, pharma BAC, not combining, and filtering. It's not about eliminating risk, but reducing it.

I'll post some of the studies regarding demonstrated harms in animals and human cells in vitro (petri dish) shortly,

If anyone has a question regarding anything I've asserted here I'm happy to go into more detail and provide the research papers I used to come to my conclusions.
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Thanks for the answer.

I have just barely scrapped the whole subject and I am trying to "quantify" (if that is even possible) the probability of aggregates causing serious implications versus the standard medical guidelines, that we know, are somewhat driven by possible legal implications and/or are directed to the gen pop aka soccer moms.

One such example is the need of Testosterone Undecanoate (AVEED) for TRT to be administered strictly and only by trained medical personnel, due to it's minute, yet real possibility according to its medical insert, to cause pulmonary micro embolisms


We do know that our little sub culture has zero reported issues so far from Test U usage
Thanks for the answer.

I have just barely scrapped the whole subject and I am trying to "quantify" (if that is even possible) the probability of aggregates causing serious implications versus the standard medical guidelines, that we know, are somewhat driven by possible legal implications and/or are directed to the gen pop aka soccer moms.

One such example is the need of Testosterone Undecanoate (AVEED) for TRT to be administered strictly and only by trained medical personnel, due to it's minute, yet real possibility according to its medical insert, to cause pulmonary micro embolisms

View attachment 314307

We do know that our little sub culture has zero reported issues so far from Test U usage

I really encourage you to dive into this. Simply searching for "protein therapeutic aggregates" will bring up a wealth of information. If it's too hard to interpret the body of the study, start with the conclusion, usually written in plain English, then try rereading the rest of the study. You'd be amazed how quickly it starts to make sense.

I didn't mention the separate issue of particulates and the damage/risk they present. Filtering addresses them too of course. There's an interesting crossover with aggregates and immunogenicity. When you add particulate contamination to proteins, ie injecting shit like rubber stoppers particles or glass shards commonly found in UGL vials along with your peptide, it makes the immune response, and accompanying risk, much worse, Contamination has fairly recently been intentionally added to vaccines specifically to make this happen.

The key drivers of this concern over aggregates and immunogenicity were a handful of incidents I alluded to above. These aren't "lose an ass cheek" kind of things, but much more insidious problems that aren't noticed for a long time, and were avoidable (I'd say speculatively, by filtering out the aggregated).

Don't be lulled into thinking this is the product of "overlawyering" of pharma companies, The risks may be low IN CAREFULLY PRODUCED PHARMA DRUGS that go through a great deal of effort to make sure aggregation doesn't happen, but NOT UGL which simply replicate the peptides without any care regarding excipients to prevent aggregation, contaminants which go undetected even in Jano tests, and particles in the vials).

"Therapeutic Protein" = peptide drug

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No absolutely do not mix peptides in the same container, syringe or otherwise.

All you are doing is is creating more points for peptides to adhere to each other, forming unique aggregates, effectively creating millions of random new drug molecules, which, at the least will inactivate a certain amount of the peptides and trigger more of an immune reponse.

The FDA has warned about this reckless practice with unknown consequences. There are no pharma drugs that include multiple peptides. The few that have considered combining two, none of which are approved, used polymers to ensure they couldn't stick to each other.

People need to get over the notion that if they inject something and they don't feel anything bad happen within a day it must be fine.
What about compounders selling BPC mixes? :p
@Ghoul - apologies if you covered this a few pages back - this would seem to insinuate that TB500/BPC157 mixes aren't providing the intended effect or are there potential exceptions?

There are no exceptions without a full study of the aggregation resulting from the interaction two peptides in a single container. Only experiments in preventing problems haven been done so far, "Coating" peptides in a kind of polymer that dissolves in the body has shown promise in preventing these molecules from sticking together.

FDA started expressing concern over BPC in 2023.

Then in October the FDA declined to remove BPC the "high risk" list of bulk drugs used by compounding pharmacies specifically because nothing whatsoever has been done by the manufacturers, petitioning the FDA for approval, to measure or control aggregation and immunogenicity risk, explicitly mentioning how they found it to often be carelessly combined with other substances, which increases risk exponentially vs being used as a single compound.

It's safer to keep them separate. Not necessarily "safe" (or dangerous), but definitely a lesser risk than mixing them for no reason than mere convenience. Even if someone insists on a single injection. at least storing them in separate vials will help:

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What causes aggregation?

Dozens of factors. From PH, concentration of the peptide, the interface between the protein and other surfaces (including air), physical shock, heat, contamination and the nature of the peptide itself, Some are naturally prone to forming aggregates, others not so much.
Am I correct to say from this that aggregates can form both before and after reconstitution?
Update: Interestingly, all orders I placed (4) between Dec15th and Dec 31st have now been received. Even those that did not come with a tracking code prior to sudden exit.

As previously stated QSC was an international seller. I am highly skeptical that they shut down due to US law enforcement or burned shipping lanes.

(Which they may have had due to recent seizures, or it could have …. more likely… occurred as a result of a full pressure campaign in general by customs and DEA)

Too much of a network to simply close all operations. No, this is a sudden and quick departure that coincided with CNY but was unrelated to it.

My gut, and this is simply my own thought process is that this is more likely pressure on Chinese Pharma to close gaps in grey market consumption to prevent sanctions, tariffs, or consequences to their white market.

Some of that pressure may have resulted from the new administration in US, but I am betting this is as much internally driven as externally driven.

For whatever reason, QSCs primary suppliers for Raws were burned first and they thought they count continue operating on peptides… then it was a quick exit.

Personally, I hope Tracy got out.

However, don’t think he pulled an exit scam, I think his ops got netted and we are unlikely to get the actual story due to CN being opaque.

To what degree they were compromised or operating with or without party authority, will most likely remain unknown.

(As always… I will batch test to determine quality, but expect it will likely come up positive)
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I really encourage you to dive into this. Simply searching for "protein therapeutic aggregates" will bring up a wealth of information. If it's too hard to interpret the body of the study, start with the conclusion, usually written in plain English, then try rereading the rest of the study. You'd be amazed how quickly it starts to make sense.

I didn't mention the separate issue of particulates and the damage/risk they present. Filtering addresses them too of course. There's an interesting crossover with aggregates and immunogenicity. When you add particulate contamination to proteins, ie injecting shit like rubber stoppers particles or glass shards commonly found in UGL vials along with your peptide, it makes the immune response, and accompanying risk, much worse, Contamination has fairly recently been intentionally added to vaccines specifically to make this happen.

The key drivers of this concern over aggregates and immunogenicity were a handful of incidents I alluded to above. These aren't "lose an ass cheek" kind of things, but much more insidious problems that aren't noticed for a long time, and were avoidable (I'd say speculatively, by filtering out the aggregated).

Don't be lulled into thinking this is the product of "overlawyering" of pharma companies, The risks may be low IN CAREFULLY PRODUCED PHARMA DRUGS that go through a great deal of effort to make sure aggregation doesn't happen, but NOT UGL which simply replicate the peptides without any care regarding excipients to prevent aggregation, contaminants which go undetected even in Jano tests, and particles in the vials).

"Therapeutic Protein" = peptide drug

View attachment 314311

Therapeutic Proteins DOES NOT ALWAYS EQUAL Peptides.
Some protein therapies are actually immune modulating antibodies. Their job is to be immunogenic, Sometimes to a devastating effect.
EPO too for example, it's not just a simple hormone (they're never simple though) like HGH. Epo is a cytokine. Cytokines by their very nature affect the immune system.

But yes, aggregates are an issue.
Am I correct to say from this that aggregates can form both before and after reconstitution?

Correct. Though once lyophilized there's no more aggregation until reconstitution. The nature of Jano testing means "related" aggregates like growth hormone dimer are identified, but others are just unspecified "impurities". Also, since reconstituted peptides are filtered prior to analysis, larger aggregates won't be detected at all. They can be through Size Exclusion Chromatography, which he offers. But in my opinion, it wouldn't make much of a difference, since they can form long after reconstitution, and filtering gets rid of both aggregates from manufacturing and "grown" later anyway.

So for the end user the results just reveal the quality of the product, but changes nothing in regards to filtering.

This is an eye opener on the topic from the POV of protein drug developer consultant giving a presentation at a pharma school.

Protein based drugs are still a relatively recent technology, and every week there's another advance made in detecting aggregates, tweaking manufacturing to prevent them, packaging companies are formulating new types of glass and plastics to prevent them from happening, and of course the basic research of quantifying their risk goes on.

But what everyone involved in producing and regulating protein drugs seems to intuitively understand, what motivates all this effort and billions in expense to get a handle on this, is that eventually, there's going to be another catastrophic event, and unlike the relatively few it devastated in the past, it could be millions the next time.
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