Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

You keep missing the point. There is even a post where he commented on another vendors page about him never having dimer. That did not age well. You and Lobs must be tight because I believe you will continue to defend him no matter what. It was not 96%.

I hope you never have a product come back as less than advertised. If you do, I expect no complaining.

I'm talking about GH testing results, not defending Lobster. I can see you're trying to imply I'm a shill which won't work. I've never ordered from Lobster and am not taking a side.

Anyone who doesn't "get your back" and hassle the source to reimburse/replace is on Lobster's side? Gotta get out of that mindset.

If I had the impression he did you dirty, I'd get your back. I just don't see 0.2% dimer as subpar, which seems the main point of disagreement.
I'm talking about GH testing results, not defending Lobster. I can see you're trying to imply I'm a shill which won't work. I've never ordered from Lobster and am not taking a side.

Anyone who doesn't "get your back" and hassle the source to reimburse/replace is on Lobster's side? Gotta get out of that mindset.

If I had the impression he did you dirty, I'd get your back. I just don't see 0.2% dimer as subpar, which seems the main point of disagreement.
Cool. I am using the product, so it doesn't matter, but I still think it shows degradation is possible when there is no vacuum applied. I don't think it is right for Lobster to all of the sudden come up with vials that just happened to be from the same batch. Where were these vials before? It could have saved a lot of trouble if he would have found them. I probably would have believed him. Sorry for implying you might be a shill.
I have found this.but why does it smells so bad then? If not any super solvents? I had it twice .also from cat cafe.smelling bad as well.just curious if anybody knows
They weren’t, but SSA and HYB seem to have solvents all over despite claiming otherwise. I’m allergic and get a reaction, and can smell it. The smell varies depending on their product, which would indicate varying degrees in the formulation. The DHB seems to have less than things like tren no base, but it’s there.

it’s really upsetting they have no clue and will just randomly change their answers “after confirming with the factory”. I find it weird people don’t notice they just say what we want once they get an indication of what the right answer would be to leave them alone.
Cool. I am using the product, so it doesn't matter, but I still think it shows degradation is possible when there is no vacuum applied. I don't think it is right for Lobster to all of the sudden come up with vials that just happened to be from the same batch. Where were these vials before? It could have saved a lot of trouble if he would have found them. I probably would have believed him. Sorry for implying you might be a shill.

Thanks man. No worries.
Whatever. Not everyone pays for their own testing. What is the point of vendor testing. Also what is the point of sending it in myself. It would have been the same result but I would have been out $400.
Vendor testing is a loose marker for quality. It’s not guaranteed but a vendor that has a history of frequent testing likely has good quality gear for the most part. If it’s important for you to know exactly what all your gear is testing at you need to pay for your own tests. The people who it really matters to test their own gear. If you can’t afford tests you can’t afford gear. Tired of people riding on someone else’s dime and still bitching. Pay for your own shit or shut up.
Vendor testing is a loose marker for quality. It’s not guaranteed but a vendor that has a history of frequent testing likely has good quality gear for the most part. If it’s important for you to know exactly what all your gear is testing at you need to pay for your own tests. The people who it really matters to test their own gear. If you can’t afford tests you can’t afford gear. Tired of people riding on someone else’s dime and still bitching. Pay for your own shit or shut up.
The vendor offered to pay, so I sent a couple vials. The product came back with results that were not what was advertised and the results would imply that there is definitely potential for degradation when there is no vacuum. Do you use glp's or any other products when there is no vacuum?

This same vendor claimed to have never had dimer show in his GH. That is a pretty big statement but it proved to be false.

I can afford the "gear" but I don't think it should be on the member to test something when there is clearly an abnormality with the product. No vacuum is a definitely abnormal. If it was not abnormal, why do they even bother with the vacuum in the first place. We should inform all of the sources that they should save their money on the vacuum machine. If it breaks, hey don't worry we don't care.
The vendor offered to pay, so I sent a couple vials. The product came back with results that were not what was advertised and the results would imply that there is definitely potential for degradation when there is no vacuum. Do you use glp's or any other products when there is no vacuum?

This same vendor claimed to have never had dimer show in his GH. That is a pretty big statement but it proved to be false.

I can afford the "gear" but I don't think it should be on the member to test something when there is clearly an abnormality with the product. No vacuum is a definitely abnormal. If it was not abnormal, why do they even bother with the vacuum in the first place. We should inform all of the sources that they should save their money on the vacuum machine. If it breaks, hey don't worry we don't care.
If the vendor offers to pay for the customer blind test, like several do, and the test comes up screwed, the vendor should replace the product. End of story. It’s bad faith if they don’t do it.
The vendor offered to pay, so I sent a couple vials. The product came back with results that were not what was advertised and the results would imply that there is definitely potential for degradation when there is no vacuum. Do you use glp's or any other products when there is no vacuum?

This same vendor claimed to have never had dimer show in his GH. That is a pretty big statement but it proved to be false.

I can afford the "gear" but I don't think it should be on the member to test something when there is clearly an abnormality with the product. No vacuum is a definitely abnormal. If it was not abnormal, why do they even bother with the vacuum in the first place. We should inform all of the sources that they should save their money on the vacuum machine. If it breaks, hey don't worry we don't care.

Sorry for bringing up Serostim again but it also has no vacuum. Maybe that's because they're not meant for long-term storage. This is kinda confirmed by the 6-month vacuumless 50 IU vial test. Maybe vacuum is important for vials intended to be stored for years.

Maybe no vacuum is why serostim has lower purity and higher dimer than UGL GH, but that calls into question the importance of purity and dimer because sero is widely considered one of the best GH products.
It was not a single vial; it has been every vial I have reconstituted. There were others that received vials without vacuum, but I don't think they wanted to come forward to voice their concerns after they observed the treatment I received.

I submitted 2 vials to Jano, and only 1 was tested to my knowledge. How can we know that 2 were not tested and only the best result was submitted? Also, how do you explain Lobster conveniently coming up with vials that he could not produce earlier? I think he is honestly just trying to protect his business. The vial I submitted came back with less than stellar results and I assume everyone thinks that I didn't store it properly. On my honor, I stored in the refrigerator as soon as I received it and even shipped my vials to Jano express shipping at Lobsters insistence. Let's not forget, that when they were shipped to me, they were not shipped express, and spent weeks in transit.

I have no doubt that Lobster produces some of the best GH on this forum, but I don't think he is infallible. He produced vials that had no vacuum and it was brought to the attention of the board before I made my purchase. I purchased after it was stated that the product in January would have vacuum. I was surprised when I reconstituted to find I was mislead. It was even stated that it would be a good idea to make buyers of the affected vials aware of the issue before purchase; that did not happen.

There are those that have said they would still use the product and honestly what choice do I have? It would be hard to justify throwing out GH that I paid good money for. I like that it reconstitutes crystal clear and no bubble form, but I do believe it either degraded from no vacuum or it was less than optimal when it was produced. My problem is I was under the assumption I would be getting the best there was to offer and not something that was already questioned by another member. Imagine ordering something from Amazon or any other online retailer and it comes to you with a defect. Would you accept the defect because it will still work, or would you want an undamaged product. Maybe a discount could have been offered for subpar GH.

I have lost faith in the members of this board that I originally had some regard for. I thought I was part of a harm reduction board where members had each others backs. There are some members here that do seem to be interested in harm reduction, but they are constantly criticized and I honestly don't know why they even bother trying to help. If there are those that find the harm reduction members annoying, why not just ignore them? I think if this would have been some other vendor, members would have stuck with me, but obviously there are people here that will believe anything Lobster tells them and are ready to bring out the pitchforks anytime he is questioned.

I sent a couple vials for testing and Lobster paid for it. Only 1 vial was tested to my knowledge. Jano will not release the information to me since I did not pay for it. The test results from my vial did not test well and he ended up coming up with some vials that were supposed to be made from the same batch and claimed they were also without vacuum. His vials tested well, and mine did not test that well. Other members keep trying to say that it still tested better than Serostim, but I think that misses the point.

It would be like you sending in a bottle of Super Shred or whatever they call it and it not testing well and then the vendor sends a different bottle in and it test well and the vendor basically implying that you didn't store it properly and that is why yours didn't test well.

I still believe if this would have happened with another vendor, more people would have had my back. As it stands, there were a lot of people that seem to have taken his testing as gospel, and I should be happy with the product I have received. Lobster has quite a few members that defend his product and fail to understand that maybe there could be a problem.

Make no mistake, I think Lobster probably produces some of the best GH on the forum. I just got unlucky when I ordered. Before I ordered the no vacuum issue was brought up and discussed at length. Lobster stated that the vials in January would have vacuum. I waited till mid January to order and was surprised when I ended up with vials that did not have vacuum.

I sent the vials for testing and honestly hoped that they would come back in Lobsters favor, but they did not. Now I am trying to use it as quick as possible to avoid any further degradation. I am up to 6iu a day when I only planned on being at a replacement dose.

I have moved on for the most part, but I keep seeing the testing shared for the vials he sent to Jano whenever a no vacuum issue is brought up. I think that if people want to share that testing, they should add a disclaimer that there was a vile submitted by a member that showed degradation. It either degraded or was produced and shipped as a subpar product.

Good luck getting Lobster to offer a refund or admit that he might have shipped a product that did not meet the advertised quality; he displays narcissistic behavior and gaslights when his product is called into question.
I was the one who asked to send you 2 vials. Just in case, one might break during shipping, and the other could be used for testing. I’ve explained this to you 2-3 times already. If you still claim I didn’t, would you like me to share my emails?Maybe explaining it 2-3 times isn’t enough for you? Do you want me to share the proof in front of everyone?

If you were going to complain this much, why didn’t you do your own test? I ran the test just to shut you up. Additionally, I also had the large vials I personally tested. Even that wasn’t enough for you

Once again, I requested from SAMPEI 4 vacuum-sealed vials, 4 non-vacuum-sealed vials, and 2 non-vacuum-sealed vials kept at room temperature, and I even said I would pay for the test. Isn’t that enough for you? Are you sick or what? All you do is talk and write without actually saying anything. Your only goal is to sabotage me. I hope you find something else to focus on besides me. You have a very strange personality.

I’ve sold thousands of HGH boxes, and of course, there will always be people like you who are never happy and look for a problem in everything. I hope you get better soon

Sampei shared all photos. He will do test after 6 months.

After 6 months, there will be new results. I will make sure you remember this date. If I’m wrong, I will give away 500 kits for free to everyone. If you’re wrong, are you going to admit you were wrong and say, “I’m sorry, I was being unreasonable”?

How can you speak with such certainty as if you know everything? Is it really that easy for you to slander someone so ignorantly?

I’m really tired of a few people like you

Apologize to everyone
I was the one who asked to send you 2 vials. Just in case, one might break during shipping, and the other could be used for testing. I’ve explained this to you 2-3 times already. If you still claim I didn’t, would you like me to share my emails?Maybe explaining it 2-3 times isn’t enough for you? Do you want me to share the proof in front of everyone?

If you were going to complain this much, why didn’t you do your own test? I ran the test just to shut you up. Additionally, I also had the large vials I personally tested. Even that wasn’t enough for you

Once again, I requested from SAMPEI 4 vacuum-sealed vials, 4 non-vacuum-sealed vials, and 2 non-vacuum-sealed vials kept at room temperature, and I even said I would pay for the test. Isn’t that enough for you? Are you sick or what? All you do is talk and write without actually saying anything. Your only goal is to sabotage me. I hope you find something else to focus on besides me. You have a very strange personality.

I’ve sold thousands of HGH boxes, and of course, there will always be people like you who are never happy and look for a problem in everything. I hope you get better soon

Sampei shared all photos. He will do test after 6 months.

After 6 months, there will be new results. I will make sure you remember this date. If I’m wrong, I will give away 500 kits for free to everyone. If you’re wrong, are you going to admit you were wrong and say, “I’m sorry, I was being unreasonable”?

How can you speak with such certainty as if you know everything? Is it really that easy for you to slander someone so ignorantly?

I’m really tired of a few people like you

Apologize to everyone
Time to sign up for one of those 500 Kits!
Whatever. Not everyone pays for their own testing. What is the point of vendor testing. Also what is the point of sending it in myself. It would have been the same result but I would have been out $400.
I think people should depending on what they buy, who they buy from, and how much.

Domestic sources who have a good history, Lot of tests, would be fine.

Exotic compounds or cheap Chinese oils purchased in bulk should be tested.

150 tirz kits and more than 3 are purchased.... Should be tested.

(If they give credit, this is a no brainer)

I just ordered some raw material which is supposed to be mast .. shit is not mast. I am going to test it... Source credited it back even before test results are posted.
I was the one who asked to send you 2 vials. Just in case, one might break during shipping, and the other could be used for testing. I’ve explained this to you 2-3 times already. If you still claim I didn’t, would you like me to share my emails?Maybe explaining it 2-3 times isn’t enough for you? Do you want me to share the proof in front of everyone?

If you were going to complain this much, why didn’t you do your own test? I ran the test just to shut you up. Additionally, I also had the large vials I personally tested. Even that wasn’t enough for you

Once again, I requested from SAMPEI 4 vacuum-sealed vials, 4 non-vacuum-sealed vials, and 2 non-vacuum-sealed vials kept at room temperature, and I even said I would pay for the test. Isn’t that enough for you? Are you sick or what? All you do is talk and write without actually saying anything. Your only goal is to sabotage me. I hope you find something else to focus on besides me. You have a very strange personality.

I’ve sold thousands of HGH boxes, and of course, there will always be people like you who are never happy and look for a problem in everything. I hope you get better soon

Sampei shared all photos. He will do test after 6 months.

After 6 months, there will be new results. I will make sure you remember this date. If I’m wrong, I will give away 500 kits for free to everyone. If you’re wrong, are you going to admit you were wrong and say, “I’m sorry, I was being unreasonable”?

How can you speak with such certainty as if you know everything? Is it really that easy for you to slander someone so ignorantly?

I’m really tired of a few people like you

Apologize to everyone
I don't believe your reasoning for sending multiple vials. I think you are full of shit. What happens to the 2nd vial when they both show up undamaged? Why did you send two of your own vials and have both of them tested? I find it odd that you just happen to come up with some vials from the same batch that had no vacuum. You talked a good game when the no vacuum first came up but never followed through with testing like you said you would. I think you hoped things had just blown over and there would be no need for testing.

Why didn't you sell the no vacuum vials with a disclaimer after it originally came up?

Why did I get a product with no vacuum when I ordered in January? You stated in your thread that the GH in January would have vacuum. Liar.

So how do you explain the poor results mister my GH never has dimer? You think I stored it wrong? Maybe it was stored wrong by the shipper. Everyone is to blame but you I am sure.
I don't believe your reasoning for sending multiple vials. I think you are full of shit. What happens to the 2nd vial when they both show up undamaged? Why did you send two of your own vials and have both of them tested? I find it odd that you just happen to come up with some vials from the same batch that had no vacuum. You talked a good game when the no vacuum first came up but never followed through with testing like you said you would. I think you hoped things had just blown over and there would be no need for testing.

Why didn't you sell the no vacuum vials with a disclaimer after it originally came up?

Why did I get a product with no vacuum when I ordered in January? You stated in your thread that the GH in January would have vacuum. Liar.

So how do you explain the poor results mister my GH never has dimer? You think I stored it wrong? Maybe it was stored wrong by the shipper. Everyone is to blame but you I am sure.
Why would he pay to test two vials that are exactly alike? Sending two just in case one gets broken makes sense. Do you think he only sent one? Or do you think he instructed Jano to only test a particular one and ignore the other? Or do you think a second test was performed and the results were less than desirable? No pitchforks. I’m truly curious.
Why would he pay to test two vials that are exactly alike? Sending two just in case one gets broken makes sense. Do you think he only sent one? Or do you think he instructed Jano to only test a particular one and ignore the other? Or do you think a second test was performed and the results were less than desirable? No pitchforks. I’m truly curious.
At this point I don't trust him. Why did he send two of his own vials, that he just happened to find, and have both of them tested? He could have just tested 1 of them. I would not put it past him to have had both of my vials tested and then cherry pick from there.
I was the one who asked to send you 2 vials. Just in case, one might break during shipping, and the other could be used for testing. I’ve explained this to you 2-3 times already. If you still claim I didn’t, would you like me to share my emails?Maybe explaining it 2-3 times isn’t enough for you? Do you want me to share the proof in front of everyone?

If you were going to complain this much, why didn’t you do your own test? I ran the test just to shut you up. Additionally, I also had the large vials I personally tested. Even that wasn’t enough for you

Once again, I requested from SAMPEI 4 vacuum-sealed vials, 4 non-vacuum-sealed vials, and 2 non-vacuum-sealed vials kept at room temperature, and I even said I would pay for the test. Isn’t that enough for you? Are you sick or what? All you do is talk and write without actually saying anything. Your only goal is to sabotage me. I hope you find something else to focus on besides me. You have a very strange personality.

I’ve sold thousands of HGH boxes, and of course, there will always be people like you who are never happy and look for a problem in everything. I hope you get better soon

Sampei shared all photos. He will do test after 6 months.

After 6 months, there will be new results. I will make sure you remember this date. If I’m wrong, I will give away 500 kits for free to everyone. If you’re wrong, are you going to admit you were wrong and say, “I’m sorry, I was being unreasonable”?

How can you speak with such certainty as if you know everything? Is it really that easy for you to slander someone so ignorantly?

I’m really tired of a few people like you

Apologize to everyone

Shut your mouth. You become the low priced leader for a minute for one product, and suddenly you think you're Tracy, free to attack members calling out defects in your product quality.

You sell vials of peptides without vacuum, and when you were contacted by multiple members, rather than say "sorry, we'll work something out and prevent this in the future" you told members that it's "normal"; and to go fuck themselves because a lack of vacuum, always recognized as a sign of poor quality, is now meaningless.

You're actively trying to drag standards backwards, and while you aren't the first vendor to put out vials without vacuum, you're the first to go on a campaign defending it as being "normal", with no impact on quality,

You may enjoy the support of a small handful of shills who are backing your. efforts to gaslight the community about what constitutes a low quality, defective product, but since "No vacuum is normal" is your stated position, you can also enjoy the lost business from members who won't fall for your bullshit.

Your shills will rush to your defense, make excuses and ad hominem attacks on me and the customers who "dare" speak out, but there are hundreds of others who'll see this and quietly take their business elsewhere. Enjoy the lost business.

It'll be made crystal clear, regularly, until you stop lying, that if you buy from Lobster and the vials lack vacuum, that's the "normal" level of quality customers can expect from you.