Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

That is not what you get with an index fund. You most assuredly do not get "every" stock available, not even with total market funds. I cant think of any fund that simply follows an index to the T. It would be impossible to manage even for a computer and performance would be iffy. All of them have criteria and procedure to balancing and most do not cover anything under a specific market cap, not even the supposed "total" market funds. Hiring is similar. There are still a criteria.

This entire narrative that someone is hiring unqualified people because of gender or race is absolutely false. And to be totally frank, this is far more common of the opposite when there is no mandate to diversify. How many times have you seen situations where unqualified family or friends of managers get hired despite other qualified applicants? This is very common. Hell even I am guilty of this. Its normal to favor loyalties even if its not in the best interest of the business.

The people being hired are indeed qualified. What they might not be, is the "best" candidate in the eye of the beholder. In other words, its not like some high school dropout is going to be hired as an engineer just because they are female. They still need to pass the interview. But come time to select, perhaps you shouldn't hire another white male if 90% of your team is already such. Sometimes you need to get out of your comfort zone.

Your argument uses extremes to make a point. Look up reductio ad absurdum. The comment about "diversify or fail" is also a fallacy.

Lastly, when you hire a black person you are indeed trying to get the perspectives of black "culture." Thats the point. When you hire a female, you are trying to get the perspective of another sex. And so on. Of course none of this is exact but the point being made, which you are muddying, is this has proven to be less risky (thus higher chance of success) than single stock picking. Again, lower ceiling, but also higher floor.

you sound like a pussy and btw

that’s exactly what an index etf does. it duplicates the returns of the entire stock market

the SPY etf follows the SPX.
Well the source died but no one wants to believe they aren't coming back so the posts keep rolling and getting further and further away from qsc. But don't worry qsc will be resurrected from the dead at 80,000 posts or 4,000 pages for sure so away we go
Then let the source die in peace for fuck sake and my mail box rest from all of this thread updates.