Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It's how meso has always been. A member doesn't need to purchase from a source to help hold them accountable.
It's the same in every source thread, so I'm not sure why you think it would be different here.

I am a bit on the new side here, but in my day source to customer problems got taken care of beyond the scenes. Now the mentality is blast the source openly and then try to get a solution in place. Not sure how that is smart strategy.

It seems people are still fighting over the original Deus Pharma crap from over a month ago and subsequent semi-doxx that took place.

Makes perfect sense when some "members" don't buy from this source, but still fight with those that don't like this source.
They're alt accounts and shills. Notice the ones that actually buy and post TD pics don't get caught up in the back and forth?

They have no reason to. They make their purchase and move on. They don't see the need to make fools of themselves by running to the sources defense when there's criticism.

Yeah but I only see white knighting and attacking of people using this source specifically in this thread. I can say PPL (just throwing an example out there) has been accused of bad raws or mixed up raws in the past as well as crappy/slow customer service. But I don’t see people talking about the crap they did a year ago or two years or whatever when I visit that thread.

Did you see the third party testing that caught them substitute $100 worth of Clomid raws in for a $2000+ order of Toremifene?

Yeah from what I understand that’s where this whole shit show started. So are we gonna talk about that for the rest of eternity? If a source fills 1,000 orders a month and 1-2 are erroneous does that mean the source should get destroyed?

Just trying to understand the logic. Would be nice to come to this thread and not see two sides just calling each other fat fucks for 10 pages and having to shift thru all that noise.

Just my 2cents. Continue the e-fighting if you guys want to.
Did you send same batch for each product to new wharehouse? I mean if one buys from new wharehouse and test the product, it will be the same batch that other guys will recieve if ordering?
Will Canada ever have domestic?
Unfortunately never.

Canada has non reliable special lines. To deliver warehouse you need reliable lines with no weight limitation and minimum inspections. For example US and EU special lines are very safe, fast, goods always released and pass customs with zero problems, even for 25-50kg parcels.
Canada special line have a lot of inspections, and very slow, so the only way to deliver is China Post and we can't ship hundred of 1kg parcels to have a domestic warehouse.

No source will ever think about doing this and if they do, they will be busted quickly
Unfortunately never.

Canada has non reliable special lines. To deliver warehouse you need reliable lines with no weight limitation and minimum inspections. For example US and EU special lines are very safe, fast, goods always released and pass customs with zero problems, even for 25-50kg parcels.
Canada special line have a lot of inspections, and very slow, so the only way to deliver is China Post and we can't ship hundred of 1kg parcels to have a domestic warehouse.

No source will ever think about doing this and if they do, they will be busted quickly
There are multiple domestic sources in Canada that have been doing well for close to 10 years now. They must know something that you don't. And I believe the source that you chose to fuck over, deus pharmaceutical, is also Canadian domestic.
There are multiple domestic sources in Canada that have been doing well for close to 10 years now. They must know something that you don't. And I believe the source that you chose to fuck over, deus pharmaceutical, is also Canadian domestic.
We are talking about a domestic raw source you idiot, or oils being shipped from China to Canada warehouse, so thousands of vials in parcels, a source that needs to ship and forward kgs of goods every day, not a source who order 100g-1kg to make a 400 vials batch in a basement, that will last for few months . We all know that Canadian sources exist and we deliver many, by China Post, Express or Canada special line. The principle of a warehouse is that it's used for stocking only not brewing and sources you are talking about make orders exacly like normal customers, weight of parcels is 1kg max. Goods sent to EU and US warehouse, we talk about 30-50kg parcels, good luck to clear canadian customs with this weight.
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