New Member
Yeah, totally bullshitting, you definitely didn't say right here in this post, that you wont refund @limitphobic because he "went full retard". After you sold him 50% under-dosed HCG and while claiming you test all your raws with HPLC. Cause you have never called anyone a retard, and definitely never refused to refund someone after you fucked up, and definitley never made false claims.He is just bullshiting, no customer of mine had seizure, or being called a retard because of seizure or something like that.
He is just a hater trying his best to get an answer, as he's being on ignore list since months, he is quoting me every other day hoping to get an answer like a deseperate no life.
It depends how polite they are, if they went full retards like limitphobic no, if they are mature grown people like majority of customers when they have a problem and they want it to be solved, always problems are solved.
Members need to understand that it's not by insulting or trying to "put pressure" on me that I change my mind about a subject, all problems are solved with me when customer is polite ^^
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