Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Mine doesn’t and others say they don’t
Being vacuum sealed doesn't mean you will have an absolute zero pressure in your vial, sometimes it can be light, sometimes it's strong, but all peptides are vacuum sealed during production and you have many reviews about vacuum of peptides in the thread also. Having a strong vacuum in peptides can damage some unlike the HGH, so it is not necessary to have a strong one and sometimes it is not adviced. The engineer adjust the pressure the way he think it's right for the good of the peptide and its sensitivity. Our HGH have a very strong one, so of course if you compare with it, you will find the peptides one weak.
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Just took whole vial of 1mg igf1 lr3 at once lol. Its from sigma. Done good chest,biceps.workout 1hr before.
Lol wish me luck.
I reconstituted hgh and igf1 at same time..and forgot which one is which..so i said it.. fuck it i take both..
Just took whole vial of 1mg igf1 lr3 at once lol. Its from sigma. Done good chest,biceps.workout 1hr before.
Lol wish me luck.
I reconstituted hgh and igf1 at same time..and forgot which one is which..so i said it.. fuck it i take both..
be careful not going hypo
Being vacuum sealed doesn't mean you will have an absolute zero pressure in your vial, sometimes it can be light, sometimes it's strong, but all peptides are vacuum sealed during production and you have many reviews about vacuum of peptides in the thread also. Having a strong vacuum in peptides can damage some unlike the HGH, so it is not necessary to have a strong one and sometimes it is not adviced. The engineer adjust the pressure the way he think it's right for the good of the peptide and its sensitivity. Our HGH have a very strong one, so of course if you compare with it, you will find the peptides one weak.
European warehouse ready?
I'm interested in his HGH book but not too keen on dropping 50 bucks on an ebook... any reviews?
Its worth the 50$ especially if you are into the science. Is quite comprehensive. The dood consults with pharmaceutical engineers and was trained by a degreed biologist who is a ped specialist. Its a decent balance between the practical and scientific detail
Dapoxetine in tabs 30mg/tab available?

New girl is the tightest little thing I’ve ever experienced. Turned me into a minute man. She likes it but I wanna last longer than a minute for fucks sake
I’ve read so many posts about how strict aus customs are. Im so fucking glad I don’t live there, It just give up and be natty
We have a very high pass rate to Australia of 99%, we have delivered many members here HGH, peptides, raws, oils, tabs, and many were impressed how some products have passed customs for first time in their life, especially for oils and tabs.
I had 1 seizure to Australia in april, that was reshipped yesterday.
For those who are wondering often about marks, FYI we often mark them like this, but sometimes it changes, it depends on your order:

TE = test e
TC = test c
TP = test p
sus or 250 = sustanon
Deca = deca or DK
BU = boldo u
BC = boldo cyp
TR = Tren base
TRA = tren a
TRE = tren e
PARA = tren Hexa
ME = primo e
ME 200 = primo 200
MA = primo a
DP = mast p
DE = mast e
Stan = winstrol
D or DB = dianabol
OX = anavar
SUP = superdrol
AN = arimidex
EXE = aromasin
P = proviron
4C = turinabol
F = Anadrol
TM = nolvadex
CL = Clomid
SD = viagra
TD = cialis
FL = halotestin
For domestic orders, you have labels on each items on the bubble bag.
For International, if your items are easy to distinguish, no labels and when I say easy to distinguish I mean it needs the minimum intelligence such as distinguishing the 1 kg raw bag from the 50g raw bag.
If you order 1 peptide or 1 oil, it won't be labeled, if you order many, you have marks in the buttom of the kit for peptides and à label inside the kit for oils if it's only 2 oils, we label one of them, and sometimes both.
Same for tabs.
Hey I get it man. It wasn't difficult to figure out what was what. I'm just saying, it shouldn't be that much more effort to put a small sticker on all orders than just the big one.
Hey I get it man. It wasn't difficult to figure out what was what. I'm just saying, it shouldn't be that much more effort to put a small sticker on all orders than just the big one.
The less labels you put, the safest is, I had 2 customers, customs opened there packages, 1 they found 1 kit of oil unlabeled in the bag we usually used, they closed it and sent it to him with zero issue.
Same for another customer who ordered 1 kg of raw, imagine if it was labeled? it will be seized, but it passed with zero issues and received by customer.

Yes you are not concerned because your order is US, those customers were in countries with strict customs, but that said on our end to deliver the warehouse, we need to make sure that delivery is safe too for our agents before forwarding to you, so minimum of labels is needed. Thank you for understanding.
So because you're experience was good that means he can selectively keep scamming on big orders? Wtf has happened to meso
Holy fuck man your saying the same shit 50 other guys said 3 weeks ago. It’s a dead horse. You think your original? Like dude nobody cares . Everyone’s selfish. They don’t care until they get scammed. Hard truth