Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

For those who are wondering often about marks, FYI we often mark them like this, but sometimes it changes, it depends on your order:

TE = test e
TC = test c
TP = test p
sus or 250 = sustanon
Deca = deca or DK
BU = boldo u
BC = boldo cyp
TR = Tren base
TRA = tren a
TRE = tren e
PARA = tren Hexa
ME = primo e
ME 200 = primo 200
MA = primo a
DP = mast p
DE = mast e
Stan = winstrol
D or DB = dianabol
OX = anavar
SUP = superdrol
AN = arimidex
EXE = aromasin
P = proviron
4C = turinabol
F = Anadrol
TM = nolvadex
CL = Clomid
SD = viagra
TD = cialis
FL = halotestin
Marking for trest (ment) ?
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

Received 10 vials of Test C and 10 Primo E but they are not marked. I know how they are supposed to be marked, but they literally have nothing on them anywhere at all.

1 is more yellow and thicker, the other is just slightly yellow and thinner. Anyway to tell?
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This is funny when you think about it. This is from the guy who’s fresh off a ban like he knows the rules around here or something.

3 ban because B ware cried hard enough about "his" avatar. "impersonation/trolling using another member's avatar."

We have some big cry baby bitches on this board that act like MESO police but behind the scenes are crying hard about being trolled or insulted themselves.
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