QSC 20mg tabs…… not good

I have not. I’ve been looking at dhb for a while now but the pip scares me off some
I think qsc is pip free but can’t find many who’s used it I want too try it need too find out what carrier is used all say castor oil is pip free I’m sure seasme oil would be too mct causes pip
Refunded via store credit. No problems. I’ve said it before.. there is some risk involved with QSC, as there is with any source. I’ve determined the risks are worth the cost savings for me. When I have suspicions, I send in for testing. The cost is so cheap that the cost of occasional testing isn’t a big deal.
It's not an ideal situation but they will rectify it. Their customer service has changed alot in the past year for the better. Does make me feel better about buying from them. I was panicking a little bit when the oil production stopped And has 1k plus of hgh coming in.
Refunded via store credit. No problems. I’ve said it before.. there is some risk involved with QSC, as there is with any source. I’ve determined the risks are worth the cost savings for me. When I have suspicions, I send in for testing. The cost is so cheap that the cost of occasional testing isn’t a big deal.

Refund/store credit for just the amount spent on product or was the cost you also spent on Jano’s services added to the equation? Depending on how you shipped to have this tested it cost you over $200.

It’s great that they are finally doing away with the “no soup for you” attitude and refunding but since there are a lot of issues with them that forces customers to have to test their products they should also cover the cost of testing when these issues arise imo.
Refund/store credit for just the amount spent on product or was the cost you also spent on Jano’s services added to the equation? Depending on how you shipped to have this tested it cost you over $200.

It’s great that they are finally doing away with the “no soup for you” attitude and refunding but since there are a lot of issues with them that forces customers to have to test their products they should also cover the cost of testing when these issues arise imo.
No refund on the testing but, I also didn’t push for it. To be honest, I’m testing either way so I don’t feel there’s a need for it BUT…. I think it would provide more incentive for people to send out for testing
I think it would provide more incentive for people to send out for testing

But if the source was pushed to cover the cost of their poor products and the out of pocket cost of the test then it would incentivize them to test their products and step up their quality control. Threads like this would quit occurring with them. It’s great and all that they will refund with store credit but it’s stupid to be okay with the fact that you absolutely have to test this sources products because of their track record.

The post I quoted above you said, “I’ve determined the risks are worth the cost savings for me.” How exactly does that make sense? Yes, your product was cheaper than most places you could have obtained it from but you had to pay for testing and shipping on top of that to verify the quality. In this case the product was more than 50% under dosed and now you are actually out of pocket more than a few hundred dollars.

Let’s not give QSC an attaboy just yet as there is still a serious issue here. Pushing them to start eating the full cost for their errors is not unreasonable and would make them step their QC up.
But if the source was pushed to cover the cost of their poor products and the out of pocket cost of the test then it would incentivize them to test their products and step up their quality control. Threads like this would quit occurring with them. It’s great and all that they will refund with store credit but it’s stupid to be okay with the fact that you absolutely have to test this sources products because of their track record.

The post I quoted above you said, “I’ve determined the risks are worth the cost savings for me.” How exactly does that make sense? Yes, your product was cheaper than most places you could have obtained it from but you had to pay for testing and shipping on top of that to verify the quality. In this case the product was more than 50% under dosed and now you are actually out of pocket more than a few hundred dollars.

Let’s not give QSC an attaboy just yet as there is still a serious issue here. Pushing them to start eating the full cost for their errors is not unreasonable and would make them step their QC up.
Nothing will change unless people stop buying or millard bans them. (None of which will happen)
Nothing will change unless people stop buying or millard bans them. (None of which will happen)
You are completely worthless. I'm not shilling for them but your testosterone testing methods are ridiculous. You have 0 credibility.

Testing 1 day apart of regimens and now allowing levels to stabilize. Then saying it's underdosed
But if the source was pushed to cover the cost of their poor products and the out of pocket cost of the test then it would incentivize them to test their products and step up their quality control. Threads like this would quit occurring with them. It’s great and all that they will refund with store credit but it’s stupid to be okay with the fact that you absolutely have to test this sources products because of their track record.

The post I quoted above you said, “I’ve determined the risks are worth the cost savings for me.” How exactly does that make sense? Yes, your product was cheaper than most places you could have obtained it from but you had to pay for testing and shipping on top of that to verify the quality. In this case the product was more than 50% under dosed and now you are actually out of pocket more than a few hundred dollars.

Let’s not give QSC an attaboy just yet as there is still a serious issue here. Pushing them to start eating the full cost for their errors is not unreasonable and would make them step their QC up.
I’m definitely not giving an atta boy. There is certainly room for criticism here. I’m just letting everyone know what took place. I may not have worded it correctly but I agree with your point on the sources refunding for testing of poor product. I just didn’t bring it up in this instance. I’m definitely not out a couple hundred. I got refunded for what I paid. The var came in a big order so the shipping of the var was negligible. I am out the testing however.
I’m definitely not giving an atta boy. There is certainly room for criticism here. I’m just letting everyone know what took place. I may not have worded it correctly but I agree with your point on the sources refunding for testing of poor product. I just didn’t bring it up in this instance. I’m definitely not out a couple hundred. I got refunded for what I paid. The var came in a big order so the shipping of the var was negligible. I am out the testing however.

Thank you for testing and I’m truly glad you were given compensation. Definitely not trying to display otherwise as it’s great to see members testing as it reveals what you did here.
That's not shilling. Making baseless claims about a product or source is fucking stupid. There are a multitude of concerning issues with QSC that have evidence to support them, but that doesn't give you the right to make carte blanche bullshit claims about the rest of their inventory.

Test it or shut the fuck up is the correct response to your drivel.
Frequent inconsistencies is a valid concern. From my observations, you have about a 90% chance of getting something within an acceptable range with QSC which is a LARGE margin of error when compared to other sorces who frequent these parts.

QSC is unique in that people put up with it. I’ve seen good sources make errors that I’ve seen Walgreens make and people unite around ensuring they don’t exist any longer.

At least it’s transparent at this point and you know what you’re getting into. I don’t have any bones to pick with him to be honest and he did update his policies for the better in his time here. I personally prefer smaller guys where I can track the batch to what I’m pinning and user testing is encouraged plus reimbursed. Integrity > $$$ for me but we all have our own values.
Frequent inconsistencies is a valid concern. From my observations, you have about a 90% chance of getting something within an acceptable range with QSC which is a LARGE margin of error when compared to other sorces who frequent these parts.

QSC is unique in that people put up with it. I’ve seen good sources make errors that I’ve seen Walgreens make and people unite around ensuring they don’t exist any longer.

At least it’s transparent at this point and you know what you’re getting into. I don’t have any bones to pick with him to be honest and he did update his policies for the better in his time here. I personally prefer smaller guys where I can track the batch to what I’m pinning and user testing is encouraged plus reimbursed. Integrity > $$$ for me but we all have our own values.
Good post. You also gotta factor in that QSC is one of the largest sources and suppliers I’ve ever seen in the past 12 years. Look at how many post in there thread. And in reality most customers that purchase don’t even post about it. I’ve literally seen random people come on that thread and say “all my buddies are using there gear too”. The larger the business the more errors are bound to happen. Also people will simply allow more room for error because they are saving so much money. I’m not justifying anything. Just making observation. Im glad the OP was refunded. I’ve never had an issue with anything I’ve ordered from QSC.

I do use a couple smaller sources as well. I have a couple from another forum that I use when I need something quick and maybe just 1 thing here and there.
I think qsc is pip free but can’t find many who’s used it I want too try it need too find out what carrier is used all say castor oil is pip free I’m sure seasme oil would be too mct causes pip
I’ve running there DHB and over 2 months in at 300mg a week and I love it. Put on nice size, feel great, awesome appetite and killer work outs. Just running along side 150mg of test also from QSC.
Thanks for the test brother, sorry this happened to you. It’s great to see members testing here rather than going by how they “feel”
No refund on the testing but, I also didn’t push for it. To be honest, I’m testing either way so I don’t feel there’s a need for it BUT…. I think it would provide more incentive for people to send out for testing
Discord has a testing group for products from this supplier. Good way to test & save money. So fat so good for me