QSC HGH 36IU purple tops latest promo


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So guys we are trying to gather ppl to test this specific batch of HGH that has been sold lately in the last round of HGH promo from QSC.

As you well know HGH testing is expensive so I'm trying to gather some help in funding the cost of the test.

sent to Jano.

Not my first time doing this and already in the past ppl have chipped in with donation to help out.

Let's see if anyone is interested this time as well.
It would be nice to see a meso group crowd source testing or subforum we could join. Not sure if thats possible with any type of opsec but it may be possible with smarter minds than myself. @Millard
So guys we are trying to gather ppl to test this specific batch of HGH that has been sold lately in the last round of HGH promo from QSC.

As you well know HGH testing is expensive so I'm trying to gather some help in funding the cost of the test.

sent to Jano.

Not my first time doing this and already in the past ppl have chipped in with donation to help out.

Let's see if anyone is interested this time as well.
I will donate.
So guys we are trying to gather ppl to test this specific batch of HGH that has been sold lately in the last round of HGH promo from QSC.

As you well know HGH testing is expensive so I'm trying to gather some help in funding the cost of the test.

sent to Jano.

Not my first time doing this and already in the past ppl have chipped in with donation to help out.

Let's see if anyone is interested this time as well.
I've seen it tested through a private testing group. Tested the same as the one QSC posted. About 40 IU, 96.5ish% purity, Dimer 0.02 - 0.03. I have to hand it to QSC. They make good GH.
I've seen it tested through a private testing group. Tested the same as the one QSC posted. About 40 IU, 96.5ish% purity, Dimer 0.02 - 0.03. I have to hand it to QSC. They make good GH.
Can you post the results here? Looks like this may not be necessary then