Qsc somatropin or Pfizer genotropin pen

Actually GH should be GH. But a lot of pros say that there's a real difference between pharma and generic GH
Actually GH should be GH. But a lot of pros say that there's a real difference between pharma and generic GH

Yeah, that makes the whole GH thing very interesting. Pros even mention differences between pharma grades, serostim lately is very popular and they say it has the least side effects on high(er) dosages.

Perhaps there's something else in the sequence that hasn't been detected yet? Aside of of purity and dimer..maybe there's something extra because if we talk about an actual API you shouldn't experience differences between pharma and generics. I don't know, i'm just thinking out loud..
Yeah, would be possible. One pro also mentioned, that pros from the US might have a bad experience with generic GH due to the long shipping process from China and - as a result - the poor storage which affects the GH. Pros in the EU don't seem to have that problem.
It makes no sense that HGH has differences when it comes from different manufacturers and the purity is roughly the same.

It's the same as if I said, I'll get paracetamol from Ratiopharm but the one from Bayer with the same dosage heals my pain better.

@janoshik . what do you think about These Theme ?
Yeah, would be possible. One pro also mentioned, that pros from the US might have a bad experience with generic GH due to the long shipping process from China and - as a result - the poor storage which affects the GH. Pros in the EU don't seem to have that problem.
Degradation of HGH only starts after its been reconstituted. Doesn't need to be refrigerated prior to reconstitution but its still considered "best practice".

Its left over "bro science" that these ideas persist. I swear these ideas are left overs that just get passed down from the days when HGH was derived from cadaver's and the shit just wasn't stable due to its origin.

Modern HGH is remarkably stable until its reconstituted.

As for some having bad experience's The placebo effect is real, works both positively and negatively.
Degradation of HGH only starts after its been reconstituted. Doesn't need to be refrigerated prior to reconstitution but its still considered "best practice".

Its left over "bro science" that these ideas persist. I swear these ideas are left overs that just get passed down from the days when HGH was derived from cadaver's and the shit just wasn't stable due to its origin.

Modern HGH is remarkably stable until its reconstituted.

As for some having bad experience's The placebo effect is real, works both positively and negatively.
I'm not entirely sure about that. Of course it's stable if it hasn't been reconstituted. But there still seems to be a chance of degradation with the powder
I'm not entirely sure about that. Of course it's stable if it hasn't been reconstituted. But there still seems to be a chance of degradation with the powder
the undissolved HGH is very stable. Decomposition only occurs under harsh conditions such as very hot temperatures including strong sunlight, but Even then, only minimal losses. Things look different when you add liquid
the undissolved HGH is very stable. Decomposition only occurs under harsh conditions such as very hot temperatures including strong sunlight, but Even then, only minimal losses. Things look different when you add liquid
It is. But there's a reason why brands like Pfizer ship there - also undissolved - Pens chilled.
the undissolved HGH is very stable. Decomposition only occurs under harsh conditions such as very hot temperatures including strong sunlight, but Even then, only minimal losses. Things look different when you add liquid

It is. But there's a reason why brands like Pfizer ship there - also undissolved - Pens chilled.

Seems like strong accusations. There are vendors here who ship liquid GH in pens overseas to USA. Are you basing those accusations on actual test results? or just guessing
Seems like strong accusations. There are vendors here who ship liquid GH in pens overseas to USA. Are you basing those accusations on actual test results? or just guessing
Do you know was Happen with dissolved hgh in fridge After few days?

And now Look at Test by Room Temprature:

Definitely no accusations at all. Just a search for an explanation why so many pros prefer pharma grade GH over generic. And like I said: Some pros from Europe made this explanation. I would definitely never buy liquid GH that is not shipped chilled.
I'm not entirely sure about that. Of course it's stable if it hasn't been reconstituted. But there still seems to be a chance of degradation with the powder
You do you bro, I just finished running QSC blue tops that I've had for over 12mths and notice zero difference. Was shipped 1/2 way around the world in the middle of summer and its been great!

This whole HGH degradation is blown WAY out of proportion. After its reconstituted, the clock is ticking. Prior to that.... I'll let you know once I get through the 6,000iu I've got stockpiled but my bet is on its going to be still GTG in another 2yrs.
It is. But there's a reason why brands like Pfizer ship there - also undissolved - Pens chilled.
Yeah, its called someone in a lab designed a "Best practice" method that they implemented.

The same reason that pharmaceutical drugs have a "used by" date on them that has absolutely nothing to do with the actual potency or degradation of the drug... And why countries ship their out of date drugs to 3rd world countries to use because they are still good. "Best practice" in our countries means we need to dispose of out of date medication and buy new meds.... And the pharma companies make bank!
"According to the guy who sells me hgh" then goes on to talk shit of another vendor, you kind of say it all..
personaly I take QSC HGH 5.5iu in the morning and 3iu at night, no sides and amazing results (pump, leaner than ever and muscle roundness) training harder than ever with better recovery, started 3 months ago at 4iu for 1 month then went up to 5.5iu 2 weeks then added 3iu at night. BTW I dont take AAS. Started to see dramatic effects as soon as I hit 5.5iu.. I give my 2 brothers 3iu each (no sides either)
I Prepare a 144iu pen with 6 vials of 24iu each which makes it very easy to administer, this is just my experience.
How the fuck do you prepare a 144IU pen?