Qsc somatropin or Pfizer genotropin pen

Think about how many more people on boards like this are taking generic gh, whether qsc or somewhere else. So many more side effects are going to be reported vs all pharma gh combined in this setting. I have no idea the ratio purchased but would not be surprised if it’s 100 to 1.

Also negative sides are much more likely to be reported than no side effects. With cost being so much less people are naturally taking higher dosages vs expensive pharma.
Think about how many more people on boards like this are taking generic gh, whether qsc or somewhere else. So many more side effects are going to be reported vs all pharma gh combined in this setting. I have no idea the ratio purchased but would not be surprised if it’s 100 to 1.

Also negative sides are much more likely to be reported than no side effects. With cost being so much less people are naturally taking higher dosages vs expensive pharma.

Good point. I got the same effects from similar doses of Geno, Cinna, QSC, Opti, and TP.

I'm not in the pharma > UGL camp.

For me, side effects more closely correlate with dose and lifestyle (hydration, diet, cardio, etc.).