
New Member
hey guys, is it normal to not feel absolutely superdrol? im doing 20mg per day of oral superdrol in combo with 500mg of test per week. before I only ran stanozolol without testosterone, and the muscle felt full and stiff, now with both testosterone and superdrol, the muscle feels stiffer than normal but less so than in the first cycle. it's normal or is just the superdrol underdosed?
I have been on Superdrol twice, and definitely, I could feel an increase in strength. Both 1RM and in higher rep ranges.

You should start noticing changes like strength improvements within just a few days.

But how long have you been on?
I don't know about you guys but if I'm cutting, I felt weak even when I added the limited orals I have experience with.

OP failed to say if he is cutting or eating in a surplus. If he is on a gaining phase he will be gaining strength and weight too if he is properly following continuous addition to his caloric intake.
After a week maybe 2 you should feel like dog shit. But then 3D delts it’s gives you should give you enough to push through 2 more weeks….. then you will feel like complete shit and not be able to push on.
I have been on Superdrol twice, and definitely, I could feel an increase in strength. Both 1RM and in higher rep ranges.

You should start noticing changes like strength improvements within just a few days.

But how long have you been on?
ive been taking sd since 1½ weeks ago. i saw an increase in strenght but not as much as I expected
ive been taking sd since 1½ weeks ago. i saw an increase in strenght but not as much as I expected
I think you keep your expectations a little lower on PEDS, this is where you risk taking more than you need when the results don't match your expectations.

Which compound are you comparing it too?