Questions about TRT with testosterone Undecanoate

I agree with guys here, TU is for more experienced users. Besides it's not for everybody. Some people just react weird or even bad to it, TC/TE is so popular and commonly used for a reason. It is gold standard after all. Not talking you out though, but get your feet warm with more tried and true versions first and see how you like being on synthetic Testosterone. Body takes time to adapt and change.
It certainly sounds like you've spent a decent amount of time reflecting on your situation, which is good to hear. My suggestions were mainly toward that end. The only other thing I'd recommend would be an extensive set of bloodwork. I know you said your blood picture is fine, but did you get an extensive set of labs including vitamin-D, iron and ferritin, and perhaps other relevant tests? Vitamin-D and iron+ferritin are the two that come to mind for deficiencies affecting mental well-being, but I'm sure there are others on this forum who could give you more educated suggestions about what tests to have done before the full TRT commitment, given your particular situation.

Defy Medical is in the US, yes. There might be better options for you, but personally I'd use Defy as my starting point to evaluate other clinics against during the research phase. I think you can give them copies of your previous bloodwork to avoid paying that cost. I have no insight whether faking a script would lead to more problems than just getting caught with a vial of test, but a lot of the risk/consequences might also depend on what countries you'll be visiting.

You might also just continue to try different doctors until you find one that doesn't blindly go by "total testosterone is within the reference range, so you're ok" or even switch to a local doctor after you've demonstrated that TRT works to alleviate your symptoms.
I have like 2 months old:

LH - 4.6 U/l (0.8 - 7.6)
FSH - 2.8 U/l (1.5 - 11.9)
Prolactin - 3.6 ug/l (2.5 - 17.0)
Cortisol - 99.9 ug/l (48.2 - 195.0)
DHEAS - 3.45 mg/l (1.47 - 5.53)
hgH - 0.33 ug/l (0.00 - 10.00) (is this low?)
IGF-I - 243 ug/l (98 - 282)

I wrote relevant results, on this test I don't have vitamins but I remember I was on lower end vitamin D so I was supplementing it for 6 months but after didn't checked the results as I didn't felt any different.

Defy can be an option if they work with EU clients, and going to the doctors here in my country is worthless, when I need something, I pay private but there is no private TRT doctor here so I'll go on my own.

I agree with guys here, TU is for more experienced users. Besides it's not for everybody. Some people just react weird or even bad to it, TC/TE is so popular and commonly used for a reason. It is gold standard after all. Not talking you out though, but get your feet warm with more tried and true versions first and see how you like being on synthetic Testosterone. Body takes time to adapt and change.

I will give myself at least 3 months on test C (will pin subQ as I cant afford myself big PIP since I'll be working as a extreme sports guide, will be in shorts only and active a lot during summer time, and tips on that also appreciated)
I will do a blood test in 4 week after start and then another one 10 weeks after, if everything is fine I'll transit to test U e10d or something like that
I have like 2 months old:

LH - 4.6 U/l (0.8 - 7.6)
FSH - 2.8 U/l (1.5 - 11.9)
Prolactin - 3.6 ug/l (2.5 - 17.0)
Cortisol - 99.9 ug/l (48.2 - 195.0)
DHEAS - 3.45 mg/l (1.47 - 5.53)
hgH - 0.33 ug/l (0.00 - 10.00) (is this low?)
IGF-I - 243 ug/l (98 - 282)

I wrote relevant results, on this test I don't have vitamins but I remember I was on lower end vitamin D so I was supplementing it for 6 months but after didn't checked the results as I didn't felt any different.

Defy can be an option if they work with EU clients, and going to the doctors here in my country is worthless, when I need something, I pay private but there is no private TRT doctor here so I'll go on my own.

I will give myself at least 3 months on test C (will pin subQ as I cant afford myself big PIP since I'll be working as a extreme sports guide, will be in shorts only and active a lot during summer time, and tips on that also appreciated)
I will do a blood test in 4 week after start and then another one 10 weeks after, if everything is fine I'll transit to test U e10d or something like that
I'd do a small subQ first, about 5 units or so, and wait a couple days to see if you react poorly. IM I have no PIP and no issues with test. I tried subQ and it was fine for about 4 weeks or so then suddenly I started to react horribly. Huge red painful welts (about 5 inch and raised) that were firm and itched so bad it was hard to sleep. I got a rash over a lot of my body and itched like crazy. Looked like I had a contagious disease. Took over 2 weeks to go away. When I use the same oil IM I have had no reaction and no PIP. Some have luck with subQ but many do not.
I just took a second 60mg shot (120mg weekly), IM.

I'm wondering do you guys aspirate? I'm drawing and injecting with the same needle, 25g 1inch and I'm not sure are the needles bad quality (amazon 4.3 star products) but when I try to aspirate the plunger goes up without drawing anything and goes back fast when released, It's vacuum prob but it doesn't pull any air or blood. I'm not sure if I will continue doing it.

Also do you go 1 inch deep? I'm pretty lean, very low bf but there is some under the skin on the butt for sure, so I put the whole needle in. I don't feel any pain for now while injecting and after

I injected in the gluteus, will be switching sides. I wonder how long these skin scars last? It's a very small red dot but after a year-two-ten it will be a battlefield. How do you deal with it?
If you still have it, make long term hair preservation a part of your plan.
O yes after 3 weeks I lost a lot of hair in just a week.. I got so scared I almost stopped but then it slowed and I think its falling now at the normal rate, but its thin..

It was a wild ride, first 2 weeks awesome then for a week shitty depressed (maybe because of hair), then i switched to test U once a week with steroidplotter transition, 2 more weeks and I will do the blood test. I think my dose is low but wont change anything before the blood test

The only positive Im feeling now is my muscles feel a little bit harder, that is it..
TC/TE is so popular and commonly used for a reason. It is gold standard after all.

Here in the states, perhaps. In other countries TRT is frequently accommodated with sustanon or similar testosterone blends (still twice weekly or some such).

Test U is for reducing injection frequency. At TRT doses, big peaks/troughs are not a problem with either.

Minor circadian fluctuations in testosterone are normal.
Here in the states, perhaps. In other countries TRT is frequently accommodated with sustanon or similar testosterone blends (still twice weekly or some such).

Test U is for reducing injection frequency. At TRT doses, big peaks/troughs are not a problem with either.

Minor circadian fluctuations in testosterone are normal.
I know, I use TU myself and it's interesting choice, but rather effective especially for this purpose. Right now I'm using 200mg weekly and I will see how it goes.

Besides here in Europe Sustanon and Nebido (undecanoate) are the only options. We don't get enanthate or cypionate. I hear some countries have propionate, but it's rather useless (for most people).
I just got my first blood results after 2 months on TRT, I transitioned to testosterone Undecanoate for the last 3 weeks pinning once a week 150mg. Before that 120mg cyp split x2 weekly

Everything seems fine, except... E2, which is low. I can say that I'm using much less effort to maintain the same weight, I feel better, I have more energy, I need less sleep to function and overall I feel better. Nothing so special that I can contribute to E2 maybe? In the beginning, I felt really, really good, like a superman and then I think maybe my E2 is responding badly because my libido is all over the place, my dick also working meh and overall I'm okay but like meh.. semi depressed but still okay I don't know how to explain, like I'm on the brake

I will post only hormone-related tests because the rest is really good, except liver enzymes.

PSA - 0.21 ug/L - ref < 4
TOTAL T - 728 ng/dL
FREE T - 0.573 nmol/L (ref - 0.091 - 0.579)
FREE T % - 2.27% - ref (1.59 - 2.95)
BIOAVAILABLE T - 55.7% ref (37.3 - 69.1)
ESTRADIOL E2 - 75.7 pmol/L (99.4 - 192) - LOW

and liver
AST - 98 ref (11-38)
ALT - 98 ref (12-48)

test was taken at 7 am in the morning on pin day before the pin, I exercise a lot, working in adventure agency, climbing on my free time so I think maybe a lot of exercise is raising it and I ate a lot before sleep (like always) so maybe that why its high

So, tips to raise the E2? I also take cialis 2.5mg 3 times a week for pump, my blood pressure is perfect, hematocrit also, and everything is fine except low E2.
What do you suggest?

I just got my first blood results after 2 months on TRT, I transitioned to testosterone Undecanoate for the last 3 weeks pinning once a week 150mg. Before that 120mg cyp split x2 weekly

Everything seems fine, except... E2, which is low. I can say that I'm using much less effort to maintain the same weight, I feel better, I have more energy, I need less sleep to function and overall I feel better. Nothing so special that I can contribute to E2 maybe? In the beginning, I felt really, really good, like a superman and then I think maybe my E2 is responding badly because my libido is all over the place, my dick also working meh and overall I'm okay but like meh.. semi depressed but still okay I don't know how to explain, like I'm on the brake

I will post only hormone-related tests because the rest is really good, except liver enzymes.

PSA - 0.21 ug/L - ref < 4
TOTAL T - 728 ng/dL
FREE T - 0.573 nmol/L (ref - 0.091 - 0.579)
FREE T % - 2.27% - ref (1.59 - 2.95)
BIOAVAILABLE T - 55.7% ref (37.3 - 69.1)
ESTRADIOL E2 - 75.7 pmol/L (99.4 - 192) - LOW

and liver
AST - 98 ref (11-38)
ALT - 98 ref (12-48)

test was taken at 7 am in the morning on pin day before the pin, I exercise a lot, working in adventure agency, climbing on my free time so I think maybe a lot of exercise is raising it and I ate a lot before sleep (like always) so maybe that why its high

So, tips to raise the E2? I also take cialis 2.5mg 3 times a week for pump, my blood pressure is perfect, hematocrit also, and everything is fine except low E2.
What do you suggest?

And you're not using AI?

These are interesting results since you actually raised your dose from 120mg to 150mg AND switched from pinning 2x to pinning 1x per week - both typically cause an increase in E2 - and your E2 went down? Not typical unless there is something relating to Test U vs Test C
And you're not using AI?

These are interesting results since you actually raised your dose from 120mg to 150mg AND switched from pinning 2x to pinning 1x per week - both typically cause an increase in E2 - and your E2 went down? Not typical unless there is something relating to Test U vs Test C
No AI, I'm also a little bit confused but now I think what can be the cause of my super crazy mood and horniness and just feeling meh, also on days when I felt really good I looked bigger, my muscles were fuller. Now I feel dry (I'm less then 10% bf)

Test U and Test C are from the same company
And you're not using AI?

These are interesting results since you actually raised your dose from 120mg to 150mg AND switched from pinning 2x to pinning 1x per week - both typically cause an increase in E2 - and your E2 went down? Not typical unless there is something relating to Test U vs Test C
Test U has less active hormone than test C.

Also creates less high peaks and low troughs
I would add HCG. May help get E2 in normal range. Other than that you just take more testosterone so you get more aromatization.
If that's not an epic placebo effect, I don't know what is.
I think I know how I feel after 30 years of living with myself

At that time I also had morning wood and random errections during the day, now I dont have.
Hormone fluctuations are not placebo, waking up sweaty during the night, water bloat which made my face and muscles look fuller and many other things.

I didnt took bloods at that time but Im sure its from test peaking with my production with also high E2, then it stabilised at 2 months but E2 dropper which I want to raise somehow now