Questions about TRT with testosterone Undecanoate

I'm starting TRT in a few weeks and after a lot of reading, I still have some questions that I would like to ask here

My avg. levels for the last year and a half:

total T: 340 ng/dl
free T: 0.295 nmol/L -- ref (0.091 - 0.579)
SHBG: 25 nmol/L -- ref (18.3 - 54.1)
free T % -- 2.32% -- ref (1.59 - 2.95)

- 30 years old, training 15 years on and off, 10% body fat, diet on point most of the time, no smoking, sometimes drinking

My goal is to go long-term with it with the least side effects, the only one that I'm concerned about is MPB. I lost some hair since 25 so I would like to stay low
I understand everybody is different and I might hyper respond or be even at the lower numbers

Since I'm traveling a lot, and I go the UGL route, I decided to start with an undecanoate, few questions:

Is the dose of 250mg every 2 weeks too low? It's like 115mg of test per week, right?
Is the same dose better every 10 days?
If I decide to preload, could I take 250mg every 5 days for 10 days then continue 250mg every 10 days? When the levels will stabilize?
I would not need AI but I could order one box just in case?
Any tips on lower-end SHBG with less frequent pinning?

Any advice would be helpful!
Thank you guys a lot

It will be way too far from mimicking natural hormones fluctuations, you will be constantly wired.
You would be better off applying a massive dose of a TNE solution transdermally once a day ;)
I agree with guys here, TU is for more experienced users. Besides it's not for everybody. Some people just react weird or even bad to it, TC/TE is so popular and commonly used for a reason. It is gold standard after all. Not talking you out though, but get your feet warm with more tried and true versions first and see how you like being on synthetic Testosterone. Body takes time to adapt and change.

How does being experienced make you a candidate for bad ester choices ? ;)
Undecanoate isn't suited for anyone, there is no context where it's relevant ;)
your FREE T is upper range you dont need TRT. if in caloric restrictions with 10% BF eating more will up your TOTAL t if that matters to you. 2.3% free t Is normal aswell.

if want steroids thats another thing but I think your going to be unhappy at TRT doses as won't see any benefit and mostly side effects.

sorry didn't realize you already started TRT and as I thought sounds like alot of side effects and not as many benefits as you hoped. sucks man.
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