RAWS Testing

Search function
Either these guys are born 80 yrs ago and just discovered the internet or just lazy ass mofos. Everything can be answered by that little magnifying glass on the top right area of the browser. Jesus, people are becoming lazier and dumber everyday.
Either these guys are born 80 yrs ago and just discovered the internet or just lazy ass mofos. Everything can be answered by that little magnifying glass on the top right area of the browser. Jesus, people are becoming lazier and dumber everyday.
And then they get offended.. they don't realize that instead of giving them a fish for them to eat for a day..... you are trying to teach them how to fish so they can feed themselves for a lifetime!!
And then they get offended.. they don't realize that instead of giving them a fish for them to eat for a day..... you are trying to teach them how to fish so they can feed themselves for a lifetime!!
Last time somebody even tagged Admin to tell I’m being unhelpful and rude, holy motha, the audacity of some people to further their laziness.

Lol, enough ranting, I guess my coffee and yohimbine didn’t kick in yet.
@DECLAN @dirthand Can I get jacked watching YouTube videos on hypertrophy? Can you link me to a source that will send me drugs with no pip and make me yuge? Can you send the email to make the purchase for me? Can you come to my house and do the injections for me?

You old time guys and your "work ethic". Ppfffffffftt
Well some of us are far from stupid/lazy etc , but i seldom get any search query's to work for me on "the search function, idk maybe i put to many words or not enough hmmm
Well some of us are far from stupid/lazy etc , but i seldom get any search query's to work for me on "the search function, idk maybe i put to many words or not enough hmmm
Sometimes not enough letters lol. Another trick is search using a member’s post, you need help homebrewing? Type key word and search on Narta’s post, need actual scientific explanation search TypeIIx’s and so forth, same principles you want great comedic content search smartgear’s threads.
@DECLAN @dirthand Can I get jacked watching YouTube videos on hypertrophy? Can you link me to a source that will send me drugs with no pip and make me yuge? Can you send the email to make the purchase for me? Can you come to my house and do the injections for me?

You old time guys and your "work ethic". Ppfffffffftt
Possibly i can help you....are you willing to invest monetarily?