Really impressed with rad 140


about 8 weeks ago I started a rad 140 and ipamorelin very mild cycle. Already on trt at 200 a week and my ipamorelin is at 250 mcg daily with rad starting at 15 and then went to 22 6th week. My strength went up about 5 lbs on compound lifts such as bench press, squat, etc. and it shredded me up to about 12% body fat. When I started I was at about 15-16 but I can’t give accurate reading because I didn’t check.

I’ve ran rad several times in the past with other compounds but never really solely by itself. The ipamorelin I’ve taken for years so while I agree it added to the rad 140 with mild releases of growth hormone it wasn’t a big factor. For the most part I achieved decent-great strength gains with barely any sides as far as organs go and the fat loss/dryness really surprised me. In the past with rad I assumed it was just the diet or combo of compounds but my diet is not the best right now. Blood work was solid except for slightly elevated liver enzymes which is usually normal with my panel. All in all this will be something I ride with my trt during a cruise in between massive blast
Good to know, I have some Rad I never used as I'm waiting further studies or feed.

Btw IMO running it during ur cruise coming from a blast doesn't seem a smart choice since your body needs to recover health markers and rad won't help.

But hey ur body ur choice
You’re right it’s not smart, I guess what I meant more of is just a mild cycle during the year, not all the time after a massive blast.
Kind of interesting. I've truthfully heard it's not worth it in comparison to lgd from many.
I would have been one of those people who said that as well, I guess that’s why im
Kind of shocked, and I could be quality of the vendor vs previous vendors as well
A rather low bar though, 5 lb increase to strength in compound lifts, no? I daresay you can probably achieve that in 8 weeks by making minor technical changes or following any decent training program even without drugs.

Rad140 is a SARM I don't see much good data for, I think only one clinical trial that's still ongoing that doesn't actually measure muscle function (strength or size) as an outcome, but rather tumor response in postmenopausal breast cancer patients.

Not much to go on. There's much better data and decent effects for LGD-4033 (but it did not seem to combine well with MK-0677 in a case study of a recreational bodybuilder [link]) & Enobosarm/Ostarine. YK11 is really interesting, but it's arguably not straightforwardly a SARM, but rather a hybrid myostatin inhibitor & SARM.
Another reason it may have been neglected some is because it's dosed soo low. On the other places guys ran it ~50 mg iirc instead of the 10-20ish mg recc when when it first came out and liked it much better. From what I've seen about it for growth lgd is superior. Not saying it doesn't have a place but I'm still skeptical.
A rather low bar though, 5 lb increase to strength in compound lifts, no? I daresay you can probably achieve that in 8 weeks by making minor technical changes or following any decent training program even without drugs.

Rad140 is a SARM I don't see much good data for, I think only one clinical trial that's still ongoing that doesn't actually measure muscle function (strength or size) as an outcome, but rather tumor response in postmenopausal breast cancer patients.

Not much to go on. There's much better data and decent effects for LGD-4033 (but it did not seem to combine well with MK-0677 in a case study of a recreational bodybuilder [link]) & Enobosarm/Ostarine. YK11 is really interesting, but it's arguably not straightforwardly a SARM, but rather a hybrid myostatin inhibitor & SARM.
I didn’t use this for strength though. The goal was for leaning out and that’s what it did for me, the bonus for me was mild strength. Data and case studies are based off a certain group of people and not all people react the same to certain compounds. Genetics play a big role in how someone is affected by said compounds. This is just a review of how my body took it, and for me, I like it better than some mild anabolic orals. One reason being the less toxicity it had to my organs. Now maybe a study shows for some people it made it worse, but I base experiences off of how it affects my body. Not someone else’s. Reports and studies are a base off of what to expect when someone runs a compound, only true way of knowing is running it.
Another reason it may have been neglected some is because it's dosed soo low. On the other places guys ran it ~50 mg iirc instead of the 10-20ish mg recc when when it first came out and liked it much better. From what I've seen about it for growth lgd is superior. Not saying it doesn't have a place but I'm still skeptical.
I guess it depends on why you’re running it. I’m always looking for longevity and milder co compounds that work well. I’ve only ran lgd once but it was with ostarine and rad years ago. I had great size and definition but it was hard to pin point what was doing what.
I use it as a "bridge" between blasts. Works good for me at 25mg daily. Definitely keeps my strength up vs just going back to trt dosage. And yes, it does raise ast and alt, so regardless what the sarms pundits say it is hepatoxic (to what degree? ) .
I didn’t use this for strength though. The goal was for leaning out and that’s what it did for me, the bonus for me was mild strength. Data and case studies are based off a certain group of people and not all people react the same to certain compounds. Genetics play a big role in how someone is affected by said compounds. This is just a review of how my body took it, and for me, I like it better than some mild anabolic orals. One reason being the less toxicity it had to my organs. Now maybe a study shows for some people it made it worse, but I base experiences off of how it affects my body. Not someone else’s. Reports and studies are a base off of what to expect when someone runs a compound, only true way of knowing is running it.
You like it, great. Pulp Fiction is a great movie in my opinion also bro.
Do you mean 50lbs?

Because I don’t get it. I went from 400lb leg presses to 1000lbs in less than a month. Then barely 2x 250lb squats to 400lbs with 4 sets of 10 reps, then… 225lb calf extensions to 475lbs… 200 -> 390lb leg extensions… 70lb preacher curls to 160lbs, etc.

And that’s just on enclomiphene. I’m freaked out of my mind on this shit. I don’t even know if it’s enclomiphene, but I’m having crazy strength gains with incredible that I can’t explain at all.

I got some LGD-4033 and RAD-140 plus YK-11… may throw that into the mix.
Do you mean 50lbs?

Because I don’t get it. I went from 400lb leg presses to 1000lbs in less than a month. Then barely 2x 250lb squats to 400lbs with 4 sets of 10 reps, then… 225lb calf extensions to 475lbs… 200 -> 390lb leg extensions… 70lb preacher curls to 160lbs, etc.

And that’s just on enclomiphene. I’m freaked out of my mind on this shit. I don’t even know if it’s enclomiphene, but I’m having crazy strength gains with incredible that I can’t explain at all.

I got some LGD-4033 and RAD-140 plus YK-11… may throw that into the mix.
5 was more of a estimate and average, because my bench went up by 15 but just for a PR, I could hit my old PR at 4 reps of 1 set to 8 reps of 2 sets. But my squat didn’t go up at all. Curls went up 5 lbs on normal 10/12 reps so 5 lbs was more of an average because to say it went up 15 on every lift wouldn’t be accurate at all. Yea I’ve never witnessed strength from an ai or serm but it could be affecting certain levels of estrogen that could end up making you stronger
5 was more of a estimate and average, because my bench went up by 15 but just for a PR, I could hit my old PR at 4 reps of 1 set to 8 reps of 2 sets. But my squat didn’t go up at all. Curls went up 5 lbs on normal 10/12 reps so 5 lbs was more of an average because to say it went up 15 on every lift wouldn’t be accurate at all. Yea I’ve never witnessed strength from an ai or serm but it could be affecting certain levels of estrogen that could end up making you stronger
Honestly, you are probably just lifting way more than me. Strength gains slows down as you lift heavier stuff.

Either way, nice gains bro. You’ve done some good work. I am trying to get there too, almost there.