Really impressed with rad 140

about 8 weeks ago I started a rad 140 and ipamorelin very mild cycle. Already on trt at 200 a week and my ipamorelin is at 250 mcg daily with rad starting at 15 and then went to 22 6th week. My strength went up about 5 lbs on compound lifts such as bench press, squat, etc. and it shredded me up to about 12% body fat. When I started I was at about 15-16 but I can’t give accurate reading because I didn’t check.

I’ve ran rad several times in the past with other compounds but never really solely by itself. The ipamorelin I’ve taken for years so while I agree it added to the rad 140 with mild releases of growth hormone it wasn’t a big factor. For the most part I achieved decent-great strength gains with barely any sides as far as organs go and the fat loss/dryness really surprised me. In the past with rad I assumed it was just the diet or combo of compounds but my diet is not the best right now. Blood work was solid except for slightly elevated liver enzymes which is usually normal with my panel. All in all this will be something I ride with my trt during a cruise in between massive blast
My two cents from my own experience with RAD 140: While on base TRT, it crashed my T levels. Not fun, man. Plus, my liver enzymes also took a hit. You mentioned a slight elevation in liver enzymes too, which is something to keep an eye on. Even if it's the norm for you, stacking anything with RAD might amplify that liver stress.
My two cents from my own experience with RAD 140: While on base TRT, it crashed my T levels. Not fun, man. Plus, my liver enzymes also took a hit. You mentioned a slight elevation in liver enzymes too, which is something to keep an eye on. Even if it's the norm for you, stacking anything with RAD might amplify that liver stress.
My enzymes definitely elevated towards the end of the cycle. Test levels were a little lower than normal but they didn’t crash or get super suppressed.
My two cents from my own experience with RAD 140: While on base TRT, it crashed my T levels. Not fun, man. Plus, my liver enzymes also took a hit. You mentioned a slight elevation in liver enzymes too, which is something to keep an eye on. Even if it's the norm for you, stacking anything with RAD might amplify that liver stress.
It crashed your t while on TRT? That makes 0 sense
Went from 896 to 537...
Still makes no sense at all.

OP, I've played a bit with RAD and I liked it. I basically look at it like the SARM equivalent of anavar. Honestly, though, I vastly prefer anavar. Far better strength gains and less liver stress.

I don't think SARMs are ever better than AAS outside of a few niche applications. For example, I've seen guys use 25mg per day of ostarine alongside 25mg of clomid without any suppression at all, which is pretty incredible.

If you aren't planning on BnC'ing, SARM + SERM could be the way to go. I personally think it's far better than cycling since most guys lose so much muscle mass during PCT while they're hypogonadal. Not to mention the mental effects.

But if you're on TRT, just use AAS, at least imo.
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I added only 5 mg to by test blast for extra strength. Trying like hell to bulk. 7 days into rad my sun asked me if I was leaning out lol. Guess it dried me out a little