Part of being inexperienced is not understanding how things work. So you thought you were ready because you understood:Gear,PCT,Diet and exercise but you didn't know about "The Game" see this is the 21st century and everybody likes to get paid and some Motherfuckers just don't care who gets fucked up as long as they get paid- hence your Dr.Snake oil salesman, THEY ARE FUCKING EVERYWHERE---unfortunately we live in a show me world,You should assume everybody that you consider a potential "source to be" is full of shit until you have proven otherwise... This will save you your health,time and money.. Dude, you fucked up-- At this point you would be doing yourself a big favor to just admit that to yourself!!! NOW,YOU CAN MOVE ON... OK, fuck pharma test-(unless straight from your dr.and your pharmacy-otherwise overpriced often faked). Plenty of great UGL(underground labs) gear out there. And now that your newly found liberated wise self has found the great Meso-You should be able to read and use constructively to make WISER decisions...Read,read, read...You don't have to go back years, just keep it fresh and see how things have been working lately.(most recent post) anyway it sounds like you are gonna survive and now you see how this could have been avoided. --I cut out all of his gear. I'm not going to risk it since he already sent my bud fake NutropinAQ. I'm going to finish out my geneza prop til PCT and have all my affairs in order this next time around when I get my Hammeranabolics order in@crossfitisgay i'm 27. been bodybuilding my whole life and this was my first cycle.