Recieved FAKE gear halfway through cycle, NO PCT

So what do you think your doing by running "TRT" with "normal" TT levels?

Screwing up your HTPA!

You can't find any information of the difference bt CYCLING AAS and the appropriate use of TT as in TRT.

Really I thought you had a "PHD", your trying to protect?

Sorry but "TRT" will NOT protect you from carrying those other non Pharm
items your carrying "while cycling" such as "Geneza T-c, Var, and HCG, lol.

So your FOS as is your PHD, lol!

I saw you edited your post instead of replying to mine. Cool. Like I said, the only Geneza I ran was prop so I could switch to a short ester prior to PCT. The cyp, var, hcg, anatrozole I ran were all pharma and I am still running HCG. Again, you didn't provide any answers for the questions I had. Thanks for your input, Dr. Jim.
Can you clarify what your question is?
If you want to do a PCT, you can use nolva, clomid or both. Dont use Var during PCT.
Use the HCG before but not during PCT.
If you actually blast and cruise you will be fucking up your HPTA, so decide how important that is.
LOL, someone felt threatened by the idea of another fake PHD in the house.
@Burr. No fake PHD here, no PHD at all. I will be practicing outside of my residency as soon as I get my state license in 6 weeks. I see patients in a clinic. Believe or not, health professionals are just as incompetent as half the people you'll find on forums half the time. AAS is not a widely studied subject, considering the legality status. AAS are rarely talked about in endocrinology at all. We learn the signs of an AAS user in radiology and the side effects, thats about the extent of it. If I ask a TRT doctor the same question, which I have, he states going on TRT is the healthier alternative. No science to back that up, its all in theory that constantly shutting a system down and rebooting it rather than letting it coast in sleep mode is a better alternative and less shocking to the endocrine system. I really don't care if you think my degree is fake, I'm not on here to boost my ego or claim status. Whether I'm homeless or a rocket scientist, this forum is for guys to help each other and learn. At least thats what I thought. I'm here to learn, obtain more knowledge, use AAS safely, and hopefully help others in their journey as well.
@Burrr My question is:

In all of your humble opinions, is it safer to go off cycle and back on, or cruise on TRT dose in between. If I go off this cycle, I plan on doing clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 20/20/20/20. I'm currently using HCG @ 500mg/wk, which I plan on stopping prior to PCT. Does this seem like the best option considering that I had all bloods within normal ranges prior to my cycle besides elevated IGF-1.?

@Burrr My question is:

In all of your humble opinions, is it safer to go off cycle and back on, or cruise on TRT dose in between. If I go off this cycle, I plan on doing clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 20/20/20/20. I'm currently using HCG @ 500mg/wk, which I plan on stopping prior to PCT. Does this seem like the best option considering that I had all bloods within normal ranges prior to my cycle besides elevated IGF-1.?

It is absolutely safer for your hpta to go the TRT route rather than blast and cruise.
The longer you cruise the harder it will be to get back to a normal natural level of test.
Considering you have a doctorate in something, you are probably not planning to make a living out of bodybuilding... so do you 2 cycles per year and PCT between

So here is the thing. If you are prepared to blast and cruise (cycle then continue at trt dosages) your overall levels will be higher for longer, than doing cycle/pct a few times per year. There is even some info coming out about increases in receptor sites but research is slim to nil since not many studies have been done on supraphysiological dosages.

I'd say from an entirely performance view, I'd blast and cruise and work with hcg and keep an eye on hematocrit levels

blasting and cruising will make it next to impossible to ever come off though. ive read tons of threads on t-nation trt about hpta restarts that failed.

the choice is yours really what you are prepared for. aas will get you stronger and more muscular but there are consequences.
thanks for the input @WannabeBIG This was my first cycle, I'm 27 going on 28, very healthy guy. Practice proper nutrition and have so for the last 10 years. I'm going to go ahead and do PCT clomid 50/50/50/50 nolva 20/20/20/20. Is this what you would recommend? I hear many conflicting opinions on this. I would like to put the least amount of drugs in my body as possible. I've ran between 200 and 500mgs of test cyp and have recently tapered down and now and on prop. Have run HCG throughout entire cycle at 500iu/wk. I'm just asking what has worked best for you?
I'm just asking what has worked best for you?

I haven't run a cycle yet but have been on trt since feb @100mg/week test, 500iu hcg/wk, 1mg adex/wk. i do however consume all info on aas and would like to think i'm fairly well informed.

if you want the best gains from least drugs, then yes absolutely cycle and do pct in order come off drugs completely. make sure to get regular (pre during post) bloodwork to ensure your hpta returns to pre-cycle levels before considering another cycle.
Stats: 27y.o. 5'11, 195lbs, 7%bf,

I took my first shot of TRT dosed Test Cyp 200mg on Jan 1st-April 1st. From April - May, I used my pharma gear and doubled the dosage (500mg/week) and got great results, gained about 15lbs. I did this knowing I'd run out, but another source would come in. I met a guy over the phone from Florida that runs a hair restoration clinic claiming he gets all pharma gear for all the pro athletes. So, I made an order thinking he's legit because he's the face of a large surgery clinic. As soon as my test Cyp ran out I jumped on this new gear. I started t400 (600mg/wk) dbol(50mg/day) and tren (100mg EOD). So far, I've lost about 10lbs, all my test related acne is gone, no more morning woods, I look flatter, but my strength and vascularity are good. My uncle got HGH from the guy and we had it tested and turned out to be bunk. The guy also sent me my pct which is clomid and nolva which are probably bunk as well. So, now I have about a months worth of pharma danazol(lowers SHGB to release more free test) , anavar (50mg), and HCG 10,000 iu. I just started running the HCG(Pharm grade) 250iu 2x's per week. Looks like I'm SOL for a PCT. Will I be ok? I didn't run a crazy cycle. Any way I can run PCT with Anavar, danazol, and HCG as a bridge until my next batch of test comes in? and are there any natural supplements you guys would recommend?? Really disappointed I confided in this scumbag. Any feedback is appreciated.


I know this is kinda old but if anyone tells you they have pharma tren that should send a red flag off immediately.

Second while everyone is talking about blasting and cruising i already kinda know the answer to this im gonna say no but i just want to hear what you guys think, is there any point in running nolva and clomid and doing pct if your on trt and blast and cruise? I am about to start evista just for serm use to help with estro and also help with lipid profile mainly but besides that is there any point in using it. Besides hcg for testicle size trt blasting and cruising and pct would be a waste no?