Recovery from 4 year blast and cruise.

Weird thing, the longer im off gear now, the less desire i have for this jacked look.
Weeks ago i saw jacked dudes and gor the urge to train more and heavier, now i dont really care about it.
Goes to show the mental addiction.
I can enjoy life a lil more now
Weird thing, the longer im off gear now, the less desire i have for this jacked look.
Weeks ago i saw jacked dudes and gor the urge to train more and heavier, now i dont really care about it.
Goes to show the mental addiction.
I can enjoy life a lil more now
Life is about being happy. And you do whatever you have to do to make yourself happy.
You mo fuk :mad: haha.
I'm ok, eager to get these labs cause I don't feel physically great atm:( but I have been drinking quite a bit and smoking so hopefully it's just that. How are you you Irish immigrant?
Man, I really hate that this thread was so effectively and completely thrashed for no reason...

Everybody on meso acts like the Scally PCT is the gold standard for PCT. While it may be effective for most, it is often lacking in effect, or not effective at all for many. For those men out there, the only possible recourse in an effort to restore natural test production is long-term HCG monotherapy (with HMG if money isn't an issue).

This guy @Jay Monks did HCG monotherapy for almost 2 years!! It's the only first hand account on the entire MESO board, that I've heard of, and then he made an astounding recovery.

Most people on this thread were so quick to bash him, for seemingly no other reason than to try to flex intellectual dominance, while simultaneously hurling middle-school insults. I was literally wondering, while reading this thread, how the fuck a bunch of bitches on their periods blew their vagina blood so profusely over the meso board, that they drowned out all knowledge that stood to be gained from the one guy on the thread that actually followed through with long term HCG monotherapy, and got real results . Nowhere on this thread does he ever even say what his HCG dosing schedule looked like, because nobody fucking asked in 15 pages of comments.
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Hahahahaha so true drew on many levels. Also, May as well throw this in a couple of days before my retest. I feel fucking great libido seems to be climbing everyday and becoming very intense (similiar to on cycle) but I'm a bit confused with that, guessing it's my T -E2 ratio.
I highly doubt that doctors would prescribe hcg for such a long time nor do I believe they would vs TRT because of the financial gain. That being said, I'm happy with what i have achieved so far and I know it will help people. Also i did give them quite a bit of crap too Haha.
I’ve been waiting for Jay’s 12 week labs. I’m currently trying to stick with an hcg long term strategy as I fail to believe six months of TRT dose testosterone made me permanently primary hypo. Keep us in the loop bro.
Will do. 24th is 12 weeks 2 day turn around and I'll have my results.
@Jay Monks I forget - are you completely off HCG and everything related to getting your natty test back?
Yes im taking nothing at all.