Refillable injector pen

ok. I know test is thick. Any chance any of these pens would push test? I do sub q injections, but seem to get injection lumps about half the time.Would be nice to have an easier way.
This is something I'm going to be testing shortly.

I would like to experiment with subq injections on cruise. But I have also purchased 29g 12.7mm tips which I can use for IM. I run my cycle dose through daily slin pins of the same gauge.

The carrier oil may be a factor, all of my gear is in MCT. If a heavier oil were used it could be a problem.

Write up is on the way
I tried this with the novopen4 and those vials from ali, but no luck. The vials need a cap with the threads to work.
Here's a quick run down on how to these cartridges work and how how to fill them. I've also got some early notes on what it's like to run oils in them.

I think this shows best how the cartridge works. The empty vial on top has been used, the plunger fully depressed, and will now be disposed of. The unused vial below is ready to be filled.

From top to bottom you see: 29g 1/2" needle, empty new cartridge, 3ml syringe containing 30 IU of generic GH and fitted with another 29g needle.

Filling is straight forward, but since the rubber stopper has such a small area I like to use small needles to fill them. You can see that I'm using the needle on its own to allow the vial to breathe.

Filled vial, ready to load and purge of air.

From here on the steps are no different to insulin use. These steps can all be found on youtube. I would advise waiting for any frothy bubbles to expire before purging the cartridge of air.

Assembled, 31g 8mm needle fitted and pen is set to administer 0.2ml.


I've been running my cycle through another pen to mixed results. I'm administering .35ml daily and attempting shallow IM with 29g 1/2" tips and it's going ok.

The main point I'd make is that I can't administer my preferred sites. Typically I rotate through delts and pecs but these sites are not suitable for oil injection via pen. This is because I can't get my hands in the correct orientation to generate enough force on the plunger. Ventro glutes IM and stomach subq are working well for now, quads are there for the taking but I've never pinned them before.

It's early days though and more experimentation is necessary. But at this stage I'm confident that this would be an excellent way to administer a cruise dose. Cycle dose I'm not sold on yet. I will absolutely be using these for Semaglutide/MT2 and any other peptide that I use regularly.

If you've read this far maybe you can tell me why I can't react to posts in the QSC thread? I can post there of course, and I could ask this there, but it's already full of off topic BS and I don't want to add to it.
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If you've read this far maybe you can tell me why I can't react to posts in the QSC thread? I can post there of course, and I could ask this there, but it's already full of off topic BS and I don't want to add to it
You posted this information exactly where it should have been posted. Thank you.

There is no reason to post information that could be useful and relevant to the community at large in a source thread where it can be buried and overlooked.

Why would members want to share the info only with potential customers of a specific source in their source thread? Do they not care about helping community members who do not use that source? Or do they just want to bump the source thread or curry favor with the source?

No need for any of that obseqious, shill-like behavior on MESO.

So again, thanks for posting the info here (where it belongs)! :)

As far as not being able to post reactions in the Steroid Underground subforum just yet, it's a restriction applied to new members that discourages that overenthusiastic tendency to 'like' every post that screams "I sell steroids!"

I hope members will learn to reward positive contributions to the community harm reduction goals and not those primarily looking to profit off of the community.
As far as not being able to post reactions in the Steroid Underground subforum just yet, it's a restriction applied to new members that discourages that overenthusiastic tendency to 'like' every post that screams "I sell steroids!"
I understand, I guess I was just confused as I am able to post in steroid underground, but not react to posts. No big deal.

It seems like some members believe there is no forum outside of the vendor threads and will post literally anything there. It's frustrating and clutters the vendor threads with irrelevant crap.
did u check the volume extracted? the third party cartridge may have different Inner diameter, so volume on Lilly pen may not equal same volume.. prob would be minimal.. def slick!
I've been running my cycle through one of these for a week now and I'm now prepared to recommend this to others, so long as your weekly dose is less than 3.3ml, you can pin daily and you're ok with pinning quads with 1/2" needles.

My cycle is composed of 1.5ml Test-E @ 315mg/ml for 475mg and 1.8ml Primo @ 200mg/ml for 360mg. If I needed to pin more volume than this I would still pin daily but I'd backload slin pins, as I did before.

Pinning quads is new to me but so far so good. I've done a bit of reading on some of the negative experiences others have had. One of the common themes seems to be a large volume and deep IM. I'm pinning 0.47ml shallow IM and haven't had any issues, even with high concentration compounds and virgin muscle. The orientation of your hand when you use the pen makes it ideal for pinning quads.

I've got 3 weeks left on my cycle so I went ahead and loaded 3 cartridges, for the next 3 weeks all I need to do is throw a needle tip on and pin away, easy.

One word of caution, when you're filling these you must make sure your breather needle is unobstructed as it is very easy to push the integral plunger/stopper out the other side. But on the other hand realising this means these cartridges have the potential to be used more than once. But for the cost, why would you?
Here's a quick run down on how to these cartridges work and how how to fill them. I've also got some early notes on what it's like to run oils in them.

View attachment 255360
I think this shows best how the cartridge works. The empty vial on top has been used, the plunger fully depressed, and will now be disposed of. The unused vial below is ready to be filled.

View attachment 255361
From top to bottom you see: 29g 1/2" needle, empty new cartridge, 3ml syringe containing 30 IU of generic GH and fitted with another 29g needle.

View attachment 255362
Filling is straight forward, but since the rubber stopper has such a small area I like to use small needles to fill them. You can see that I'm using the needle on its own to allow the vial to breathe.

View attachment 255363
Filled vial, ready to load and purge of air.

View attachment 255364
From here on the steps are no different to insulin use. These steps can all be found on youtube. I would advise waiting for any frothy bubbles to expire before purging the cartridge of air.

View attachment 255366
Assembled, 31g 8mm needle fitted and pen is set to administer 0.2ml.


I've been running my cycle through another pen to mixed results. I'm administering .35ml daily and attempting shallow IM with 29g 1/2" tips and it's going ok.

The main point I'd make is that I can't administer my preferred sites. Typically I rotate through delts and pecs but these sites are not suitable for oil injection via pen. This is because I can't get my hands in the correct orientation to generate enough force on the plunger. Ventro glutes IM and stomach subq are working well for now, quads are there for the taking but I've never pinned them before.

It's early days though and more experimentation is necessary. But at this stage I'm confident that this would be an excellent way to administer a cruise dose. Cycle dose I'm not sold on yet. I will absolutely be using these for Semaglutide/MT2 and any other peptide that I use regularly.

If you've read this far maybe you can tell me why I can't react to posts in the QSC thread? I can post there of course, and I could ask this there, but it's already full of off topic BS and I don't want to add to it.

Solid contribution.

Are you actually getting oil to flow through the 29g needles? Are you heating it up prior? I usually pin with 27g insulins shallow IM and that works fine, a tad slow, but fine. But using 29 I'd imagine would take forever? How strong is the plunger and is it just a quick push and then it automatically retracts or does it stay out untill you let go?

FYI, you can use most peptides intranasally. Especially the gh secretagogues ...
Solid contribution.

Are you actually getting oil to flow through the 29g needles? Are you heating it up prior? I usually pin with 27g insulins shallow IM and that works fine, a tad slow, but fine. But using 29 I'd imagine would take forever? How strong is the plunger and is it just a quick push and then it automatically retracts or does it stay out untill you let go?

FYI, you can use most peptides intranasally. Especially the gh secretagogues ...
I've timed my shots at around 20 seconds which is fine by me. No heating required, all my gear is in MCT.

The plunger feels very strong and rigid, it remains where it is at the end of each shot. It doesn't retract until you finish a cartridge and you manually push it back.

The leverage you can get over the plunger when pinning quads combined with the relatively narrow barrel diameter means the shot is delivered faster than you would get from 29g slin pins.
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did u check the volume extracted? the third party cartridge may have different Inner diameter, so volume on Lilly pen may not equal same volume.. prob would be minimal.. def slick!
I think I misunderstood your question when I answered it before.

Yes I checked how much is administered and it is extremely accurate. Much more accurate than I could hope to be with a syringe.

I did this by filling a cartridge with water and dispensing quantities of between 0.1ml and 0.6ml into a container over milligram scales.

I went through an entire cartridge in this way and there was ZERO measurable deviation. I would say this unit is reliable to be within +/-0.05ml. That could be a conservative estimate.

My wife is on HRT and takes her Test IM as 10mg/ml concentration. Delivery via one of these could open the door to using 100mg/ml or maybe higher, as tiny subq adminstrations.
I tried this with the novopen4 and those vials from ali, but no luck. The vials need a cap with the threads to work.
Dude - same here. Just got everything in and you need a threaded end cartridge to put on needle. Unreal - no one actually checked this? I think we will have to either macguyver it somehow or re-use old insulin carts - idk where to get those though, you gotta have a prescription. This sucks.
Dude - same here. Just got everything in and you need a threaded end cartridge to put on needle. Unreal - no one actually checked this? I think we will have to either macguyver it somehow or re-use old insulin carts - idk where to get those though, you gotta have a prescription. This sucks.
this one may be better.


See link below

Has to be a HUMALOG compatible pen. novo is making you buy their shit
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Ok it looks like all pen needles are threaded. So what are the cartridges we bought used for and what needle do they connect with?

Because we can’t just put a luer lock on top of it unless it comes with a needle on the inside that punctures the cartridge.

This shouldn’t be this hard.
Ok it looks like all pen needles are threaded. So what are the cartridges we bought used for and what needle do they connect with?

Because we can’t just put a luer lock on top of it unless it comes with a needle on the inside that punctures the cartridge.

This shouldn’t be this hard.
The container they are in is threaded. Look at my video I posted and go to it being taken apart
Ok it looks like all pen needles are threaded. So what are the cartridges we bought used for and what needle do they connect with?

Because we can’t just put a luer lock on top of it unless it comes with a needle on the inside that punctures the cartridge.

This shouldn’t be this hard.
It's just the novopen, throw it away and buy literally any other brand of pen. That one cridi posted looks sweet. The ERGO 2 that the guide is on will also work.
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Auto pen is just about perfect but I really wanted half unit shots - auto pen does 2 unit shots. Saw it for $40 in the US without prescription, so I just may have to be stuck doing either 2 or 4 unit shots.

Going to try to find another pen with finer unit capabilities first.
Auto pen is just about perfect but I really wanted half unit shots - auto pen does 2 unit shots. Saw it for $40 in the US without prescription, so I just may have to be stuck doing either 2 or 4 unit shots.

Going to try to find another pen with finer unit capabilities first.
Lily luxury knockoff from AliExpress

US$ 19.01 20%OFF | Handhold Insulin Injection Syringe Device For Health Care People With Diabetes

I'm ordering 3 pens, 40 cartridges.

Gonna use it on hgh, GLP DRUGS, and deoxycholic acid for chemical lipolysis