Refillable injector pen

The best refillable pens out there are the ones who use both springs and mechanical tension and not simply mechanical tension. If you've ever used a disposable pen auto injector (GLP or some other medication), you would realize just how smooth these are.

These pens simply require you set the dial to what you would like to inject, and then press ONE button. The mechanic pens are the ones who require multiple clicks, one click for each drop. Whether its metal or plastic (on the outside), doesn't really matter.

Sadly, almost all pens out there are based off mechanical tension, because they are much cheaper and easier to produce.

I have since swapped my Humalog Luxura HD to GensuPen2 which uses the same lily cartridges / pen needles. The one click button is on the side. The difference is night and day. I also avoid anything Novo related due to how they use special cartridges.

TLDR: Look for these keywords. Plastic/metal is irrelevant.
(1) Spring-assisted / Spring-based
(2) Reusable

Pens that I would recommend (In no order):
I am not affiliated, I do not provide sources and I do not get commission or any sort of benefit.

(I use this)
Gansulin Pen
This is the oldest on this list, I would recommend it the last.
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Owen Mumford Autopen is also spring loaded. The disadvantage is if you dial past your desired dose, it's not possible to dial back without pressing the trigger.
Owen is the first producer of the spring loaded pen which is being discontinued this year. I did not suggest it as it's significantly older than the newer pens. I'm looking forward to seeing what they're producing next. There is a high chance it also will not be B2C but simply B2B based on the direction things are heading.

For those looking for alternative spring based pens, you can look at Nemera which does B2B and sells spring based auto reusable pens to companies. If you scroll down it shows the list of pens that are sold to others that are being used.
I’ve read this entire thread twice this morning and the information is beginning to turn to mush. So I’d like to ask for clarification.
The Ergo II (or clone) has a dial that reaches 60 where each integer represents 0.01mL, correct? Making the 60 independent from the cartridges total volume. Also, can the dial be reset while the plunger remains in place.
I’ve read this entire thread twice this morning and the information is beginning to turn to mush. So I’d like to ask for clarification.
The Ergo II (or clone) has a dial that reaches 60 where each integer represents 0.01mL, correct? Making the 60 independent from the cartridges total volume. Also, can the dial be reset while the plunger remains in place.
Yeah if you take it to 60 it is 0.6ml

If you wind it past where you want it, you just wind it back no problem