Replacing Asin with EQ


New Member
Lost my insurance right before Christmas and found out aromasin is expensive af and labs won't even take my bloodwork without script. Great.

Luckily I have stashed enough sustanon for a few years at prescribed dose of 140 mg/wk.

Anyway, this is my last lab at trt dose: Total t-680, Free t- 299, E2- 65.

Also found EQ/Boldenone at the race track very cheap (HCG very cheap too), so I added 100mg of EQ on top of test.

Wish me luck, I'll update as soon as I manage to get some labs done. Already taking 4ku of nattokinase btw.

Ps:If anyone from Argentina knows a good lab please hit me up.

Ps2: I tried primo in the past and it worked but it hurt, made me shed and hit my HDL worst than exemestane. Pricey too.
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No bloodwork yet, but I woke up with aching joints on my elbows and wrists, so I'm lowering the EQ down to 60 mg/wk just in case.
No bloodwork yet, but I woke up with aching joints on my elbows and wrists, so I'm lowering the EQ down to 60 mg/wk just in case.
If you already have aching joints your eq crushed your e2 , and as eq is reallly slow to build up depending on how long you have been on your 100mg might not even be on the 60mg per week level yet so dropping to 60mg will not make a big difference....

Better to skip a week of eq to let the levels drop faster and than introduce it at maybe 30 or 40mg and see how you feel
Lost my insurance right before Christmas and found out aromasin is expensive af and labs won't even take my bloodwork without script. Great.

Luckily I have stashed enough sustanon for a few years at prescribed dose of 140 mg/wk.

Anyway, this is my last lab at trt dose: Total t-680, Free t- 299, E2- 65.

Also found EQ/Boldenone at the race track very cheap (HCG very cheap too), so I added 100mg of EQ on top of test.

Wish me luck, I'll update as soon as I manage to get some labs done. Already taking 4ku of nattokinase btw.

Ps:If anyone from Argentina knows a good lab please hit me up.

Ps2: I tried primo in the past and it worked but it hurt, made me shed and hit my HDL worst than exemestane. Pricey too.
Wait, when did you start the EQ?
If you already have aching joints your eq crushed your e2 , and as eq is reallly slow to build up depending on how long you have been on your 100mg might not even be on the 60mg per week level yet so dropping to 60mg will not make a big difference....

Better to skip a week of eq to let the levels drop faster and than introduce it at maybe 30 or 40mg and see how you feel
Will do.
All that stuff never replaced my need for AI. But for you or anyone else it might just work, you have to try and see. Find out what works for you.
Yup currently running test/EQ and a tiny bit of deca to try for my knee. Was hoping eq would be an AI in me but had to give in and take half an aromasin yesterday bc of the water retention building up. I pissed like crazy all night and water retention was back to my normal level this morning. So e2 had to be getting pretty high
No changes in exercise, sleep or medication as far as I recall. I'll be resuming EQ at 60 mg/wk on monday and I'm getting bloods done on Feb 17.
No changes in exercise, sleep or medication as far as I recall. I'll be resuming EQ at 60 mg/wk on monday and I'm getting bloods done on Feb 17.
Unless you have symptoms of high e2 I don't think you need aromasin or eq or anything to lower it. On trt I wouldn't chase numbers, just symptom relief. If you feel good you're good.
No changes in exercise, sleep or medication as far as I recall. I'll be resuming EQ at 60 mg/wk on monday and I'm getting bloods done on Feb 17.
Just remember With EQ it takes like 70 days to clear your system and something like 30-50 days to even reach peak concentrations lol - so undoubtedly you will have carry over from your old and new doses.
I tried it. Worked fine. But you’ll want to know how much EQ to use to even out the E2, and that can be pretty individual. Also, you’ll want to consider the longer ester of the EQ. I had to super frontload the EQ to keep it on pace with the enanthate ester of test. But it worked fine. Got a few bloodwork checks and I had stable in-range E2 both times.

I will say it was a pain in the ass using that much EQ. For me I need like 1.5 the amount of test, and I got to feeling like a pin cushion evening out 1g of test with 1.5g of EQ.
Interesting post, I’m doing the same but with primo.
200 test w/ 30mg primo a week.
A coach, who’s content I watch does this exact thing. So I was like hm let me try it.

But EQ… no matter how little the dose. I was an anxious mess. Had some very messed up thoughts & anxiety. And my RBC raised a lot.

Be interesting to see how it goes once you dial it in. I’m following this.
Ok, update time. Got bloods done on the 17th and results just got in.

Total t-712, Free t- 358, E2- 17.

At that point i was on just 25 mg of sustanon ED (up from 20mg) for 2 weeks and no EQ at all.
As of today im feeling kinda ok. Also im getting another round of labs free of charge because they think the E2 result can't be right. Can't complain about that.
It was bloody expensive tho, which kinda defeats the purpose of trying to cheap out on aromasin, but at this point i just wanna know whats the viable dose of EQ for trt.