Retatrutide Updates


New Member
Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
I've been trying to find some sort of research on this with no luck. My wife's on the fence on weight loss drugs and I told her she can choose whichever she wants. I'd like some feedback on the most expensive one but so far no bueno.
I've been trying to find some sort of research on this with no luck. My wife's on the fence on weight loss drugs and I told her she can choose whichever she wants. I'd like some feedback on the most expensive one but so far no bueno.
I’ve been looking as well, not much out there as far as personal experience goes. I did buy some from Q and just got it yesterday. Not sure if I want to try it on its own or with Triz, as the information I have found from people that take it say they compliment each other well when taken together at lower doses. Not sure how true that can be since they are the same class, but I’m going to keep looking. From a females perspective that has used both Sema and Triz, I found that Triz was a lot easier on my stomach if that helps your wife in any way. I know everyone is different but I did not have any side effects on the triz.
I’ve been looking as well, not much out there as far as personal experience goes. I did buy some from Q and just got it yesterday. Not sure if I want to try it on its own or with Triz, as the information I have found from people that take it say they compliment each other well when taken together at lower doses. Not sure how true that can be since they are the same class, but I’m going to keep looking. From a females perspective that has used both Sema and Triz, I found that Triz was a lot easier on my stomach if that helps your wife in any way. I know everyone is different but I did not have any side effects on the triz.
Thanks for the feedback. With her 12 hour shifts anything easier on the digestive system is a winner.
@gburdell Just started I believe. Hopefully they can update this thread if so.
I've got two retratutide kits each from QSC, and Hebei Likes, and have another two coming from Look Biotech. I'm sending them all off for testing once received, and will report back here. FWIW, HB Likes was significantly cheaper than the other two.

I've been on a little Mounjaro, but mostly QSC tirzepatide since May, and am now at my goal weight, down 45# from where I started. I've been maxed out at 15mg since July.

My plan is to start retatrutide on this coming Wednesday at half the max dose, 6mg, as I'm not looking to drop any further weight, just maintain until I go on my next test cycle in 6 weeks or so. I'll report back once I've started the retratutide.

My expectation is that I won't notice any difference, but we'll see. I've never had any noticable/impactful sides from any tirzepatide; I'm not expecting any from the retratutide either, but again, we'll see.
I've got two retratutide kits each from QSC, and Hebei Likes, and have another two coming from Look Biotech. I'm sending them all off for testing once received, and will report back here. FWIW, HB Likes was significantly cheaper than the other two.

I've been on a little Mounjaro, but mostly QSC tirzepatide since May, and am now at my goal weight, down 45# from where I started. I've been maxed out at 15mg since July.

My plan is to start retatrutide on this coming Wednesday at half the max dose, 6mg, as I'm not looking to drop any further weight, just maintain until I go on my next test cycle in 6 weeks or so. I'll report back once I've started the retratutide.

My expectation is that I won't notice any difference, but we'll see. I've never had any noticable/impactful sides from any tirzepatide; I'm not expecting any from the retratutide either, but again, we'll see.
Paying for testing on all 3? Love to see those results. Especially for the source you say is a lot cheaper than qsc, who has been significantly cheaper with tirzepatide and sema compared to every other source.
I've got two retratutide kits each from QSC, and Hebei Likes, and have another two coming from Look Biotech. I'm sending them all off for testing once received, and will report back here. FWIW, HB Likes was significantly cheaper than the other two.

I've been on a little Mounjaro, but mostly QSC tirzepatide since May, and am now at my goal weight, down 45# from where I started. I've been maxed out at 15mg since July.

My plan is to start retatrutide on this coming Wednesday at half the max dose, 6mg, as I'm not looking to drop any further weight, just maintain until I go on my next test cycle in 6 weeks or so. I'll report back once I've started the retratutide.

My expectation is that I won't notice any difference, but we'll see. I've never had any noticable/impactful sides from any tirzepatide; I'm not expecting any from the retratutide either, but again, we'll see.
I’d chip in for the QSC testing…I got the 10mg bottles. Let me know.
I've never felt the need to test anything previously, most everything came from QSC and the efficacy spoke for itself. I don't doubt them on retratutide either, but I don't know anything about these other two sources. I figure while I'm going to take the effort to send two off, I might as well send three. FWIW, I'm going to send off some other unrelated stuff.

@Nsblue6, thanks for the offer to defray costs, I'm going to take you and others up on that, kind of.

CURE Childhood Cancer is a charity that is near and dear to my family -- CURE Childhood Cancer - Save Childhood Dreams

Once received, I'll send the test results for everything to anyone who DMs me that they've made a donation of any amount to CURE.
I don’t understand the desperation people have to test something that is still in trial when there’s already Sema and Tirzepatide with amazing results,this is craxy, is like a drug obsession to loose weight like if you were morbid obese that what’s available doesn’t work
Good luck trying to be the guinea pig
I don’t understand the desperation people have to test something that is still in trial when there’s already Sema and Tirzepatide with amazing results,this is craxy, is like a drug obsession to loose weight like if you were morbid obese that what’s available doesn’t work
Good luck trying to be the guinea pig
Its funny. Even Sema and the rest of the glp family are to be approached and criticized as stated above. However, the shills are going all in. I can't blame em, however aware. It will be in waves because it does work, thus the cycle.

Be fat->Buy sema->Months of sides/works->End sema->Become fat->Repeat.
I've never felt the need to test anything previously, most everything came from QSC and the efficacy spoke for itself. I don't doubt them on retratutide either, but I don't know anything about these other two sources. I figure while I'm going to take the effort to send two off, I might as well send three. FWIW, I'm going to send off some other unrelated stuff.

@Nsblue6, thanks for the offer to defray costs, I'm going to take you and others up on that, kind of.

CURE Childhood Cancer is a charity that is near and dear to my family -- CURE Childhood Cancer - Save Childhood Dreams

Once received, I'll send the test results for everything to anyone who DMs me that they've made a donation of any amount to CURE.
You are now one of my favorite people on the board. Good dude.
Its funny. Even Sema and the rest of the glp family are to be approached and criticized as stated above. However, the shills are going all in. I can't blame em, however aware. It will be in waves because it does work, thus the cycle.

Be fat->Buy sema->Months of sides/works->End sema->Become fat->Repeat.
This is the fucking truth. Treating drugs as a miracle when the problem isn't addressed.
Its funny. Even Sema and the rest of the glp family are to be approached and criticized as stated above. However, the shills are going all in. I can't blame em, however aware. It will be in waves because it does work, thus the cycle.

Be fat->Buy sema->Months of sides/works->End sema->Become fat->Repeat.
To be fair not everyone employ it this way. There are some of us who have been on a cut for a more than 20 weeks and needed to control the hunger as you approach very low caloric intake territory.

I guess maybe that's why 1mg every 5 days of sema feels like nothing lol.
Yikes. That's unusual for QSC. They also offer a 4mg version so my money is on a warehouse mixup here.
QSC told me the 10mg were orange, like test states was sent in. The 4mg would be a different color so that's not the issue.

Unless they Capped the 4mg orange and 10mg the other color, then we got a really underdosed vial.
Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
I’ve been on Tirz for a while and am happy. But I have some Retatrutude in the mail to try when my Tirz is gone.
Curious as well