Retatrutide Updates


New Member
Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
Hello, first of all, thank you very much for publishing the test results. I'm considering placing an order with QSC, and I can't seem to decide between tirzepatide or trying retratutide. I live in Spain, and neither of them has arrived here yet. What do you recommend? I'm leaning towards ordering retratutide 10 mg
Hello, first of all, thank you very much for publishing the test results. I'm considering placing an order with QSC, and I can't seem to decide between tirzepatide or trying retratutide. I live in Spain, and neither of them has arrived here yet. What do you recommend? I'm leaning towards ordering retratutide 10 mg
Honestly, go with Tirzepatide. It's proven to work well for many people (including me). Retatrutide is very new, and I can't find many good reviews on its own nor a definite starting dose. Many are stacking the two, which defeats the purpose.
Source-related discussion is prohibited outside the Steroid Underground subforum.
Honestly, go with Tirzepatide. It's proven to work well for many people (including me). Retatrutide is very new, and I can't find many good reviews on its own nor a definite starting dose. Many are stacking the two, which defeats the purpose.
If you can only get one, then I'm with T&H, tirzepatide is proven, works well, there's copious info on the web about using it off-label as we all are, and even info specific to the "generic formulations" which most everyone is using. I lost 20kg on Chinese tirzepatide; shit works.

More than for weight loss, I'm messing with retatrutide due to a mild mental disorder -- having to have new things and hoarding disguised as collecting.

I disagree with T&H on the reta starting dose though, and there are options. The Phase 3 study is doing the same thing that the Phase 2 was, l believe. Starting doses of 1, 2 or 4mg, Basically that's there in case you have some discomfort when starting, as many do, but I think it's mostly chicks. If you're willing to risk some gastro issues, you could start at 4. If you're willing to risk it just a little, you can start at 2. The most conservative is 1mg. Once you get to 4 and would jump to 8, then 12 (max). Once at 4mg you do want stay at each dose for at least a couple of weeks (testing was doing 4w, I believe, but it's searchable) to titrate up. But if you do OK on 1mg for a week, I wouldn't see any issue going to 2 the next. And if 2 goes well, jump straight to 4. You won't see any weight loss at 1 or 2, but you will see if you're going to literally shit yourself ;)

If you can swing it financially, and aren't in a huge rush, then I'd get the reta, and if it doesn't work for you, switch to tirzepatide -- but I realize it's easy to spend other people's money.

Good luck on your journey, and be sure to read any and everything you can on the topic. Don't hesitate to ask questions on Meso. Most people here are dickheads, but they're helpful dickheads. You'll be on Tren before the end of the year.

If you can only get one, then I'm with T&H, tirzepatide is proven, works well, there's copious info on the web about using it off-label as we all are, and even info specific to the "generic formulations" which most everyone is using. I lost 20kg on Chinese tirzepatide; shit works.

More than for weight loss, I'm messing with retatrutide due to a mild mental disorder -- having to have new things and hoarding disguised as collecting.

I disagree with T&H on the reta starting dose though, and there are options. The Phase 3 study is doing the same thing that the Phase 2 was, l believe. Starting doses of 1, 2 or 4mg, Basically that's there in case you have some discomfort when starting, as many do, but I think it's mostly chicks. If you're willing to risk some gastro issues, you could start at 4. If you're willing to risk it just a little, you can start at 2. The most conservative is 1mg. Once you get to 4 and would jump to 8, then 12 (max). Once at 4mg you do want stay at each dose for at least a couple of weeks (testing was doing 4w, I believe, but it's searchable) to titrate up. But if you do OK on 1mg for a week, I wouldn't see any issue going to 2 the next. And if 2 goes well, jump straight to 4. You won't see any weight loss at 1 or 2, but you will see if you're going to literally shit yourself ;)

If you can swing it financially, and aren't in a huge rush, then I'd get the reta, and if it doesn't work for you, switch to tirzepatide -- but I realize it's easy to spend other people's money.

Good luck on your journey, and be sure to read any and everything you can on the topic. Don't hesitate to ask questions on Meso. Most people here are dickheads, but they're helpful dickheads. You'll be on Tren before the end of the year.


I took a while to respond, but here I am: thank you very much for your invaluable help. In the end, I decided to follow your advice (or ignore it, I'm not very clear) and ordered retatrutide, which will arrive this week, and I'm going to try it despite the advice not to do so from my endocrinologist and everyone else I've mentioned that I'm going to use a medication that is still in phase two of a study by an under Chinese laboratory. So, I will let you know. The little information I have is from you, so I will start with one gram, then two, and four. I will stay there until the results plateau, and then I will escalate. Let's see how it goes; I will keep you informed. Hug.
I have to same I am very anti retrarutide. Tirzepatide is good enough and people are constantly looking for a stronger weight loss drug. Tirzepatide and sema are already a god send. If you have an issue with those drugs,maybe one should really evaluate lifestyle choices
More than for weight loss, I'm messing with retatrutide due to a mild mental disorder -- having to have new things and hoarding disguised as collecting.
I stumbled upon this comment and am wondering how this research is going for you? I’ve read a few comments that people are considering replacing their anxiety and adhd medication with Reta… I’m interested in your feedback if you don’t mind.
I have to same I am very anti retrarutide. Tirzepatide is good enough and people are constantly looking for a stronger weight loss drug. Tirzepatide and sema are already a god send. If you have an issue with those drugs,maybe one should really evaluate lifestyle choices
Not everyone is running it because they can’t lose weight on Tirz/sema or want to lose it faster, a lot of people are running it because it gives them less sides. It also commonly provides a slight energy boost, as opposed to the tiredness of Tirz/sema experienced by some that can make the compounds impractical to keep taking.
I stumbled upon this comment and am wondering how this research is going for you? I’ve read a few comments that people are considering replacing their anxiety and adhd medication with Reta… I’m interested in your feedback if you don’t mind.
This is all anecdotal, but I "feel" like I notice the reta less in general, though I never had bad sides on tirz either. One thing for sure is that I don't notice the reta wearing off towards the end of the week nearly as much as I did the tirz. Sometimes I'd take my next tirz dose after 5 or 6 days, with reta, I've gone to 8 days without even noticing it.

I'm taking 5mg/week, and may drop down to 4.
This is all anecdotal, but I "feel" like I notice the reta less in general, though I never had bad sides on tirz either. One thing for sure is that I don't notice the reta wearing off towards the end of the week nearly as much as I did the tirz. Sometimes I'd take my next tirz dose after 5 or 6 days, with reta, I've gone to 8 days without even noticing it.

I'm taking 5mg/week, and may drop down to 4.
Interesting. Thanks for the reply. I’m obviously happy with tirz (7.5mg every 5 days) but the effects on mood that I’m reading about have me intrigued. I’ll watch for any updates! Cheers
I've never felt the need to test anything previously, most everything came from QSC and the efficacy spoke for itself. I don't doubt them on retratutide either, but I don't know anything about these other two sources. I figure while I'm going to take the effort to send two off, I might as well send three. FWIW, I'm going to send off some other unrelated stuff.

@Nsblue6, thanks for the offer to defray costs, I'm going to take you and others up on that, kind of.

CURE Childhood Cancer is a charity that is near and dear to my family -- CURE Childhood Cancer - Save Childhood Dreams

Once received, I'll send the test results for everything to anyone who DMs me that they've made a donation of any amount to CURE.

I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.


I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.

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Go ask in his thread. He isn't here

I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.

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There was a batch of clear top and gold caps in 10mg made. Confirmed by Tracy.
I just received 10mg clear top gold caps as well. Taking first shot on Friday. Planning on 1mg on friday, another on monday for a few weeks to see if I experience any sides. If all good, I'll move up to 2mg/2mg and likely stay there. I generally tolerate GLP-1's very well though... unless I overeat. And then... well, I've only crapped myself twice. :cool:
Not everyone is running it because they can’t lose weight on Tirz/sema or want to lose it faster, a lot of people are running it because it gives them less sides. It also commonly provides a slight energy boost, as opposed to the tiredness of Tirz/sema experienced by some that can make the compounds impractical to keep taking.
It is a stimulant. Like a good dose of caffeine at

I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.

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I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.

View attachment 272382
US Domestic earky November order? I have this batch. It was not tested. Tracy states it was only 300 cases so it was not tested. I'm half through my second vial. I like it. It's a little bit stimulating the morning of your injection. Like a very strong coffee or even like a medium stim pre-workout. It helped me break a several week stall. Yes I'm stacking with 5 mg a week of Tirz. 2.5 -3.0 mg a week or Reta. It's always cute hearing people who are running highly toxic, never FDA approved, UGL PEDS criticize others trying to improve their physique through exogenous compounds as well. He whelo lives in glass houses. Yes I was a beast. Fucking hypocrites.

I feel a bit more at ease with your responses, thank you very much. I took the first dose at 1 mg, so I'm going to increase the dosage and see if I notice any improvement. 2.5 milligrams per week starting Monday, I'll keep you informed.

I also wanted to ask, is anyone also taking metformin? Testosterone, growth hormone? Do you know how these compounds work?

Wishing you all a happy week. Hugs

I feel a bit more at ease with your responses, thank you very much. I took the first dose at 1 mg, so I'm going to increase the dosage and see if I notice any improvement. 2.5 milligrams per week starting Monday, I'll keep you informed.

I also wanted to ask, is anyone also taking metformin? Testosterone, growth hormone? Do you know how these compounds work?

Wishing you all a happy week. Hugs
I’m taking Testosterone and HGH with my Reta. The 3 compounds work synergistically and mitigate the deleterious side effects of each other.

HGH and testosterone, along with exercise, do a phenomenal job of holding onto lean body mass while you’re losing weight. This alone makes it worth it, as it nullifies the biggest drawback of GLP-1’s dramatic weight loss.

HGH mobilizes fatty acids to increase fat loss and increases skin elasticity, minimizing risk of loose skin. Testosterone also increases fat loss and gives you more drive to push harder during workouts, burning more calories and further mitigating loss of LBM. HGH helps you recover faster, so your number of workouts can increase. All this working out decreases resting heart rate, coounterbalancing Reta’s elevation of heart rate and protecting you from the risk of heart arythmmias.

Retatrutide mitigates the insulin resistance and potential tiredness of HGH, and it’s caloric deficit counteracts testosterone’s increased blood pressure to keep your levels healthy. HGH mitigates the insomnia of Retatrutide and Testosterone. I could go on and on.

You will however need to have an AI or other compound ready to deploy in case testosterone begins aromatizing too much, which is more likely to happen at higher bodyfat percentages. Of course, you should also have a PCT protocol lined up, unless you plan on staying on TRT.
I’m taking Testosterone and HGH with my Reta. The 3 compounds work synergistically and mitigate the deleterious side effects of each other.

HGH and testosterone, along with exercise, do a phenomenal job of holding onto lean body mass while you’re losing weight. This alone makes it worth it, as it nullifies the biggest drawback of GLP-1’s dramatic weight loss.

HGH mobilizes fatty acids to increase fat loss and increases skin elasticity, minimizing risk of loose skin. Testosterone also increases fat loss and gives you more drive to push harder during workouts, burning more calories and further mitigating loss of LBM. HGH helps you recover faster, so your number of workouts can increase. All this working out decreases resting heart rate, coounterbalancing Reta’s elevation of heart rate and protecting you from the risk of heart arythmmias.

Retatrutide mitigates the insulin resistance and potential tiredness of HGH, and it’s caloric deficit counteracts testosterone’s increased blood pressure to keep your levels healthy. HGH mitigates the insomnia of Retatrutide and Testosterone. I could go on and on.

You will however need to have an AI or other compound ready to deploy in case testosterone begins aromatizing too much, which is more likely to happen at higher bodyfat percentages. Of course, you should also have a PCT protocol lined up, unless you plan on staying on TRT.

hahaha alright brother

If you're not getting paid for this you should be.