Retatrutide Updates


New Member
Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.

I ordered, as I mentioned before, a retratutide from QSC and they sent me this, which doesn't have the orange cap like the one discussed in the forum. I don't know what to think – could they have sent me something else? Semaglutide or terzipatide, perhaps? Yesterday I administered my first dose, and I didn't feel any effects in any way; life goes on as usual.

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Small batch of about 300 cases from the US Warehouse early November from what I understand. No luck finding testing nor anyone in the group testing servers to go in on testing. I think it was just too small of a batch. I am through just over 2 vials and I like it. I've only been taking a few milligrams a week on top of Tirz. It helped me break a 4 week stall in early December and I got through the holidays (lots of family, ridiculous meals, and lots of booze) without gaining any weight so I am satisfied.
There was a shit batch after that too:
Thanks for this. I had an order of orange caps delivered around that time too and someone else who did also had testing that just showed slightly under dosed at 9.8mg I think. Hm.

Also I wish I could figure out how tf to find the testing results and get in on them on Peppys. I don’t see Jack shit about testing any more. Fucking hate discord.
How have your results been on reta so far? I started on a 4mg/wk dose then upped to 8mg/wk. I am almost 3 weeks in a thus far I felt sema was more effective for me when I was in it last cut. No sides with either. Sema accelerated my fat loss for the first 6 weeks then stalled, obviously with my lifting/cardio/clean eating deficit. I feel nothing from the reta so far.
I'm not trying to lose any weight, just keep stable at this point and possibly wean off. I'm at 4mg reta. I have less sides than with tirz, but I'm also at a lower equivalent dose, so it's hard to say.

I feel like reta is better with less gastro sides, but it could be just my perception. If tirz works for you, I'd go with it. Or if sema still works, and you understand its effects on you, than do that. There's nothing world-changing about reta to make it worth it.
Reta won’t suppress appetite as much as Sema did. You should feel increased energy and a lack of stomach problems as opposed to Sema’s lethargy and GI issues, but if you weren’t experiencing any of that and only need something to nuke appetite, Sema might be the best compound for you.
Nothing will suppress appetite as much as Sema. The other drugs in the class only result in better weightloss than Sema in trials because they target other receptors that trigger other weight loss processes.
Small batch of about 300 cases from the US Warehouse early November from what I understand. No luck finding testing nor anyone in the group testing servers to go in on testing. I think it was just too small of a batch. I am through just over 2 vials and I like it. I've only been taking a few milligrams a week on top of Tirz. It helped me break a 4 week stall in early December and I got through the holidays (lots of family, ridiculous meals, and lots of booze) without gaining any weight so I am satisfied.
That's awesome. Good for you :)
God forbid our doctors gave us this advice huh? I'm in the same boat. Been paying out the ass to go to private clinics to help me with weight loss and low testosterone. Only advice my doctor gave me was to get my stomach stapled. Never once talked to me about diet, nutrition, or any of the new generation of weight loss medications. Finally took it upon myself and down 80 lb, kicked pre-diabetes, fatty liver. Can't wait to get into the gym daily and pinning HGH and a variety of other peptides. Never felt better. Fuck the FDA and big pharma.. It's funny I used to be a staunch conservative. Till I realized how bad they're fuckin us.
My doctor is far too busy to advise on nutrition, exercise, diet. How did the health care system get so messed up?? Congrats on your weight loss.
My doctor is far too busy to advise on nutrition, exercise, diet. How did the health care system get so messed up?? Congrats on your weight loss.
Thanks. It's amazing what some clarity on mind and body will do. The healthcare system is rigged against those it should protect to generate profit. I feel like if I would have followed my primary cares advice I would have been a lifelong ward of the system.
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I've been trying to find some sort of research on this with no luck. My wife's on the fence on weight loss drugs and I told her she can choose whichever she wants. I'd like some feedback on the most expensive one but so far no bueno.
I think tirz is the best out of the 3. Some ppl react differently to each so it’s hard to say. Reta seems to cause heart issues and to new to determine long effects which has kept me from trying. Ppl do have great results from it, but the heart issues isn’t one I want to take a chance on. I def. Would not stack until you have been on one a while. Then you can slowly incorporate a tiny dose of another. Tirz. Really seems to be the best to start with and move up in dosing after 6 weeks or so. They all last about 5 days so your appetite may come back. Some ppl will add a small dose of sema or Reta after 3-4 days for that reason. Reta, from my research doesn’t start affecting the heart until higher doses and the ones taking it do have great results. It’s just a chance you take
I think tirz is the best out of the 3. Some ppl react differently to each so it’s hard to say. Reta seems to cause heart issues and to new to determine long effects which has kept me from trying. Ppl do have great results from it, but the heart issues isn’t one I want to take a chance on. I def. Would not stack until you have been on one a while. Then you can slowly incorporate a tiny dose of another. Tirz. Really seems to be the best to start with and move up in dosing after 6 weeks or so. They all last about 5 days so your appetite may come back. Some ppl will add a small dose of sema or Reta after 3-4 days for that reason. Reta, from my research doesn’t start affecting the heart until higher doses and the ones taking it do have great results. It’s just a chance you take
She's been on Tirz for a couple months now. I just stick to Sema for now.
I thought they all have an effect on the heart? sema forsure does raise heart rate at least.
They do, but Reta is causing more arrhythmias in studies and has this weird stimulant effect that’s absent from other GLP-1s . 6 mg of Reta was making me feel stimmed the fuck out with my ADD medicine, I ended up having to drop Reta back down to 4 mg and add 0.5 mg/week of sema in place of it. I feel better now.
are you on DNP aswell?

I wonder what the mechanism of increased heart rate is with sema.. would be interesting if same mechanism as reta causing arythmias ... perhaps they will learn some interesting things with these peptides about the heart.

surprised there are studies out showing reta gives arythmias.. must be pretty bad if showed up statistically in phase 2 with few hundred people... great reason not to use un approved drugs!
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are you on DNP aswell?
I wonder what the mechanism of increased heart rate is with sema.. would be interesting if same mechanism as reta causing arythmias ... perhaps they will learn some interesting things with these peptides about the heart.

surprised there are studies out showing reta gives arythmias.. must be pretty bad if showed up statistically in phase 2 with few hundred people...
Of note, 17 out of 198 (9%) participants in the retatrutide group developed cardiac arrhythmia
What’s interesting is that meta analyses of other GLP-1s show that their increased heart rate did not lead to higher risk of arrhythmias

Reta is truly a unique GLP-1. The fact that it has stimulant-like effects while all the others do the opposite is astounding.
great reason not to use un approved drugs!
One should evaluate their risk model before proceeding.
dam 1 in 10 nearly is pretty crazy!! cant imagine this will come to market if thats the case! may be because of covid during treatment aswell who knows...

the fricken flu gives ~47% young men a carditis, and covid of course is much much worse on hearts than old school flu esp since can catch it 1-2 times a year vs once every 5-7 years. not a time to be messing around getting arythmias.

im not sure if was viral or from antibiotics but was a few days felt like a heart attack couldn't sleep pain was so bad.. was in my 20s so emergency told me to go to walk in and walk in took x ray said nope your lungs are fine lol I was well aware of that as didn't have a cough and my left arm was even hurting and weak... turns out antibiotics can give arrhythmia's aswell once I found that out stopped my antibiotics and pain went away in a day or so... scary shit, from that day on I realized you have to do your own research as drs cant know it all. possible had a virus and they gave me antibiotics I cant remember, just remember was brutal and pissed me off how careless they were with someone presenting with a heart attack symptoms, super pale had to leave work hurt so bad and that was after I was no longer sick.
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I have used it a few times and do find it to be stimulating. Nothing more than a cup of coffee for me. One instance I also had flushing. I bought kit from Q and have beeN through a few 10ml bottles wirh an overall positive experience. It helped me break a 45 day stall.

Of note, 17 out of 198 (9%) participants in the retatrutide group developed cardiac arrhythmia
What’s interesting is that meta analyses of other GLP-1s show that their increased heart rate did not lead to higher risk of arrhythmias

Reta is truly a unique GLP-1. The fact that it has stimulant-like effects while all the others do the opposite is astounding.

One should evaluate their risk model before proceeding.
When was this study posted ? Only info I could find was “Weight reductions among the participants who received retatrutide were accompanied by improvements in cardiometabolic measures, including waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and glycated hemoglobin, fasting glucose, insulin, and lipid levels (with the exception of HDL cholesterol),” write Ania M. Jastreboff, MD, PhD (Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT), and colleagues in the paper, published online June 26, 2023,

Of note, 17 out of 198 (9%) participants in the retatrutide group developed cardiac arrhythmia
What’s interesting is that meta analyses of other GLP-1s show that their increased heart rate did not lead to higher risk of arrhythmias

Reta is truly a unique GLP-1. The fact that it has stimulant-like effects while all the others do the opposite is astounding.

One should evaluate their risk model before proceeding.
Been on ~6 weeks of reta (started at 1mg/week and titrated to 3mg/week) and I've been dealing with a near constant arythmia. Based on my apple watch EKG and chatgpt, I believe it's premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

Very unfortunate because I have a year's supply of reta and love the appetite suppressing effects... dropping my dose down to 1mg/week hoping it goes away, otherwise I'll be trying tirz and sema.
Been on ~6 weeks of reta (started at 1mg/week and titrated to 3mg/week) and I've been dealing with a near constant arythmia. Based on my apple watch EKG and chatgpt, I believe it's premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

Very unfortunate because I have a year's supply of reta and love the appetite suppressing effects... dropping my dose down to 1mg/week hoping it goes away, otherwise I'll be trying tirz and sema.
Do we have any data on whether this usually goes away once people stop using it?
Do we have any data on whether this usually goes away once people stop using it?
Not sure but I've had the arythmia before in the past so it's not necessarily caused by the reta. Could just be correlated and my arythmia is being triggered by something else like anxiety/stress. Either way I'm going to lower the reta dose because it's strong enough even at 2mg/week. I don't understand how some people are running it at 8mg/week and can still eat food o_O
Not sure but I've had the arythmia before in the past so it's not necessarily caused by the reta. Could just be correlated and my arythmia is being triggered by something else like anxiety/stress. Either way I'm going to lower the reta dose because it's strong enough even at 2mg/week. I don't understand how some people are running it at 8mg/week and can still eat food o_O
Ok good to know, thanks! I'm hoping I can stay towards the lower end of the dosage range too since I seem pretty responsive to low dose sema.