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Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
Been on ~6 weeks of reta (started at 1mg/week and titrated to 3mg/week) and I've been dealing with a near constant arythmia. Based on my apple watch EKG and chatgpt, I believe it's premature ventricular contractions (PVCs).

Very unfortunate because I have a year's supply of reta and love the appetite suppressing effects... dropping my dose down to 1mg/week hoping it goes away, otherwise I'll be trying tirz and sema.
Do we have any data on whether this usually goes away once people stop using it?
Turns out the PVC was being triggered by my 4iu dose of GH... very odd, I know, but once I dropped the GH completely it went away.

To test whether it was the reta, I started reta again (no GH) at 0.5mg/day (3.5mg/week) and felt fine. So the next week I increased dose to 2mg/EOD (~7mg/week) and still not triggering the PVCs (which I have a history of being triggered by stimulants). I also dropped all stimulants (caffeine, adderall, etc.) to control variables. So far so good.

Next I dosed GH at 4ius in a single shot and, surprisingly, I got the PVCs a couple hours later. Also noteworthy is that I don't seem to have a typical response to GH. I've read that some people feel lethargic, but the 4iu dose seems to act as a stimulant for me. I almost feel a little shaky on it. And if I dose GH before bed, I wake up a few hours later and have trouble falling back asleep (but it does give me vivid dreams while I'm asleep).

Could it be the reta and GH together triggering the PVC? No idea but hard to test because reta has such a long half life that it would take weeks to leave my system. So I can't really test the GH by itself without the reta being in my system.

I've started reintroducing the GH at lower doses (1-1.5ius) and only in mornings to see if I can find a dose where I don't trigger PVCs or the stimulant like effect.

Maybe my body's having a very unique response to the GH, who knows, but that's my experience the past few weeks.

Going to keep reta at 2mg/EOD and see what happens in a couple weeks as the dose reaches a steady state. Otherwise no side effects from the reta. Feels great being able to eat exactly as many calories as I want every day, and only the foods I want to eat. Never crave anything. It's allowing me to experiment with carb cycling, which was nearly impossible before as I'd feel so shitty and have cravings on low carb days.

And I've been sober from alcohol longer than I can ever remember since starting reta. I'll go to bars and parties and not even feel a remote desire to drink. Before reta I was the guy ordering a beer with a side of whiskey to start the night.
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I started out on Tirz and switched over to Reta thru QSC and I am planning on switching back after comparing hitting maintenance dose on each. I had much better decrease in food chatter on tirz personally.
God forbid our doctors gave us this advice huh? I'm in the same boat. Been paying out the ass to go to private clinics to help me with weight loss and low testosterone. Only advice my doctor gave me was to get my stomach stapled. Never once talked to me about diet, nutrition, or any of the new generation of weight loss medications. Finally took it upon myself and down 80 lb, kicked pre-diabetes, fatty liver. Can't wait to get into the gym daily and pinning HGH and a variety of other peptides. Never felt better. Fuck the FDA and big pharma.. It's funny I used to be a staunch conservative. Till I realized how bad they're fuckin us.
Just don't swing to far the other way now mate.... Realize that BOTH sides are fucking us and reality ALWAYS lays in the middle ground! What these fucks in control need to maintain their control over us all, is to ensure we all stay as divided from each other as possible!

Find the middle ground with everyone and we start taking back some control! Means no one "wins".... But also means we stop always having everything eroded away from us!
Thanks. It's amazing what some clarity on mind and body will do. The healthcare system is rigged against those it should protect to generate profit. I feel like if I would have followed my primary cares advice I would have been a lifelong ward of the system.
Look at the way our healthcare systems are structured in 1st world countries.... Most are REACTIVE healthcare, they wait for troubles to be present, then treat those issues, not the underlying cause!

The entire pharma industry is built on providing ongoing bandaids, not treating underlying causes!

Can you imagine the lost profits if people actually got taught that the processed foods, high sugar/sweetener diets they eat are slowly killing them and you can treat things like inflammation, heart issues, dubieties (and the list goes on) with simple things like changing your diet and regular basic exercise!

And none of this will change as long as the food industry and pharma industry can lobby politicians to protect their bad practices!
Just don't swing to far the other way now mate.... Realize that BOTH sides are fucking us and reality ALWAYS lays in the middle ground! What these fucks in control need to maintain their control over us all, is to ensure we all stay as divided from each other as possible!

Find the middle ground with everyone and we start taking back some control! Means no one "wins".... But also means we stop always having everything eroded away from us!
Agreed. I like to think of myself as bit of a centrist. I try to see all sides (still right leaning but nothing like before.)
Look at the way our healthcare systems are structured in 1st world countries.... Most are REACTIVE healthcare, they wait for troubles to be present, then treat those issues, not the underlying cause!

The entire pharma industry is built on providing ongoing bandaids, not treating underlying causes!

Can you imagine the lost profits if people actually got taught that the processed foods, high sugar/sweetener diets they eat are slowly killing them and you can treat things like inflammation, heart issues, dubieties (and the list goes on) with simple things like changing your diet and regular basic exercise!

And none of this will change as long as the food industry and pharma industry can lobby politicians to protect their bad practices!
True. The health care system and insures I'll make money off of the sick. There's no money for Pharma and healthcare providers by preventing disease.
Could it be the reta and GH together triggering the PVC? No idea but hard to test because reta has such a long half life that it would take weeks to leave my system. So I can't really test the GH by itself without the reta being in my system.
Came off reta and switched to tirz, and no longer get PVCs triggered by large GH doses. The combo of reta+GH apparently makes me feel like I injected 200mg caffeine.

After coming off reta, energy levels crashed and metabolism slowed. Didn't realize how much reta was doing until I came off. Was at 8-10mg/week. It's a helluva drug (or I'm a hyper responder).

Going to run tirz for a few weeks to experiment but I'm already considering adding a little reta (1mg/week) to help my energy levels during my long fat loss phase (been at it since December and lost 25 pounds fat so far while adding a few pounds of muscle and eating around 2400-2800 calories).

I can tell that without the reta I'll need to lower my calories to maintain the same calorie deficit.

My resting and exercise heart rate is down 15-20bpms. I need to drastically increase cardio intensity just to reach the same heart rate as when I was on reta.

I no longer wake up early mornings with massive hunger. Reta was definitely increasing my metabolism by a lot. So much so that after 2-3 months it was offsetting the appetite suppression from the reta. Also, the energy from reta meant I was able to increase my cardio and lifting sessions, so that contributed to the increased calorie burn and hunger.
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Came off reta and switched to tirz, and no longer get PVCs triggered by large GH doses. The combo of reta+GH apparently makes me feel like I injected 200mg caffeine.

After coming off reta, energy levels crashed and metabolism slowed. Didn't realize how much reta was doing until I came off. Was at 8-10mg/week. It's a helluva drug (or I'm a hyper responder).

Going to run tirz for a few weeks to experiment but I'm already considering adding a little tirz to help my energy levels during my long fat loss phase (been at it since December and lost 25 pounds fat so far while adding a little muscle and eating around 2400-2800 calories).

I can tell that without the reta I'll need to lower my calories to maintain the same calorie deficit.

My resting and exercise heart rate is down 15-20bpms. I need to drastically increase cardio intensity just to reach the same heart rate as when I was on reta.

I no longer wake up early mornings with massive hunger. Reta was definitely increasing my metabolism by a lot. So much so that after 2-3 months it was offsetting the appetite suppression from the reta. Also, the energy from reta meant I was able to increase my cardio and lifting sessions, so that contributed to the increased calorie burn and hunger.

Wow so reta really does affect your heart huh? That's what they say...

Guess I better stay away, I'm a pretty enthusiastic stimulant user. Damn I wonder if the long term Tirz is slowing me down and promoting the stimmy habit... maybe down the line once I find some stability in my life I'll quit stimulants and switch to reta.
Wow so reta really does affect your heart huh? That's what they say...

Guess I better stay away, I'm a pretty enthusiastic stimulant user. Damn I wonder if the long term Tirz is slowing me down and promoting the stimmy habit... maybe down the line once I find some stability in my life I'll quit stimulants and switch to reta.
After one month on reta, I stopped taking daily adderall for the first time in years. For me reta replaced stimulants. I'm now back on adderall due to the energy level crash when switching to tirz.
After one month on reta, I stopped taking daily adderall for the first time in years. For me reta replaced stimulants. I'm now back on adderall due to the energy level crash when switching to tirz.
Damn and I just bought thousands and thousands of dollars of tirz lmfao.

Honestly I don't want to play with reta yet it's still too new. Let me utterly eviscerate my mental state with the long term tried and true amphetamines for another 2 or 3 years then I'll hit the reta.
Wow so reta really does affect your heart huh? That's what they say...

Guess I better stay away, I'm a pretty enthusiastic stimulant user. Damn I wonder if the long term Tirz is slowing me down and promoting the stimmy habit... maybe down the line once I find some stability in my life I'll quit stimulants and switch to reta.
Is tirz known to decrease energy levels? I heard that sema will do that.
Is tirz known to decrease energy levels? I heard that sema will do that.

Yes, for the same reasons sema does. People anecdotally report that tirz is less so because it's less of a GLP agonist.

This reddit post has a good diagram and discusses how glucagon affects your heart and that reta is the drug in this class that is trying to prevent those negative atrophy effects that come from the others.

Came off reta and switched to tirz, and no longer get PVCs triggered by large GH doses. The combo of reta+GH apparently makes me feel like I injected 200mg caffeine.

After coming off reta, energy levels crashed and metabolism slowed. Didn't realize how much reta was doing until I came off. Was at 8-10mg/week. It's a helluva drug (or I'm a hyper responder).

Going to run tirz for a few weeks to experiment but I'm already considering adding a little reta (1mg/week) to help my energy levels during my long fat loss phase (been at it since December and lost 25 pounds fat so far while adding a few pounds of muscle and eating around 2400-2800 calories).

I can tell that without the reta I'll need to lower my calories to maintain the same calorie deficit.

My resting and exercise heart rate is down 15-20bpms. I need to drastically increase cardio intensity just to reach the same heart rate as when I was on reta.

I no longer wake up early mornings with massive hunger. Reta was definitely increasing my metabolism by a lot. So much so that after 2-3 months it was offsetting the appetite suppression from the reta. Also, the energy from reta meant I was able to increase my cardio and lifting sessions, so that contributed to the increased calorie burn and hunger.
Thanks bro'!
My resting and exercise heart rate is down 15-20bpms. I need to drastically increase cardio intensity just to reach the same heart rate as when I was on reta.
Hmm as someone who just started reta 9 days ago, this concerns me. I was wondering why my heart rate is up 20bpm all of a sudden since starting. I'll be laying in bed wondering why I can't fall asleep, then check and see my heart rate is 100bpm.

I'm only taking 2 mg of reta a week though, could that really be causing the much increased heart rate? I don't use caffeine. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping since I started on reta. Hard to imagine 2mg is causing it, though. I'm also taking tesamorelin and ipamorelin so I figured one of those was the culprit, but your comment definitely makes me wonder.
Hmm as someone who just started reta 9 days ago, this concerns me. I was wondering why my heart rate is up 20bpm all of a sudden since starting. I'll be laying in bed wondering why I can't fall asleep, then check and see my heart rate is 100bpm.

I'm only taking 2 mg of reta a week though, could that really be causing the much increased heart rate? I don't use caffeine. I've had a lot of trouble sleeping since I started on reta. Hard to imagine 2mg is causing it, though. I'm also taking tesamorelin and ipamorelin so I figured one of those was the culprit, but your comment definitely makes me wonder.
Only one way to find out: drop it completely and wait two weeks. The other option is to double your reta dose and see if it gets worse :)


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