Retatrutide Updates


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Has anyone started using this yet? If so, I’m curious as to what your results have been and any advice you may have thus far. Are you stacking with anything else?

I know this is new and if anyone is trying it, they are likely just starting out, but curious anyway.
Interesting, any “seeming information” I gain is just for dealing with my own health problems. I no longer have high blood pressure, am no longer pre diabetic, and am down over 30 pounds.
God forbid our doctors gave us this advice huh? I'm in the same boat. Been paying out the ass to go to private clinics to help me with weight loss and low testosterone. Only advice my doctor gave me was to get my stomach stapled. Never once talked to me about diet, nutrition, or any of the new generation of weight loss medications. Finally took it upon myself and down 80 lb, kicked pre-diabetes, fatty liver. Can't wait to get into the gym daily and pinning HGH and a variety of other peptides. Never felt better. Fuck the FDA and big pharma.. It's funny I used to be a staunch conservative. Till I realized how bad they're fuckin us.
God forbid our doctors gave us this advice huh? I'm in the same boat. Been paying out the ass to go to private clinics to help me with weight loss and low testosterone. Only advice my doctor gave me was to get my stomach stapled. Never once talked to me about diet, nutrition, or any of the new generation of weight loss medications. Finally took it upon myself and down 80 lb, kicked pre-diabetes, fatty liver. Can't wait to get into the gym daily and pinning HGH and a variety of other peptides. Never felt better. Fuck the FDA and big pharma.. It's funny I used to be a staunch conservative. Till I realized how bad they're fuckin us.
“Get your stomach stapled” is crazy. My endo’s solution for deathbed-level test was perscribing an AI…because why not crash my estrogen too right? Walked out and ordered from a UGL that very same day, ran up that AI script for about 8 months to have a stockpile in case I ever need it.

Lmao, I was a staunch liberal until I realized how bad they’re fucking us. Sounds like we came to the same conclusion from different sides of the spectrum. These are my political beliefs now
“Get your stomach stapled” is crazy. My endo’s solution for deathbed-level test was perscribing an AI…because why not crash my estrogen too right? Walked out and ordered from a UGL that very same day, ran up that AI script for about 8 months to have a stockpile in case I ever need it.

Lmao, I was a staunch liberal until I realized how bad they’re fucking us. Sounds like we came to the same conclusion from different sides of the spectrum. These are my political beliefs now
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Yup. I was a political junkie. Could not see how anyon else could see things differently. Now, I just worry about myself and my family. Cannot stand politicians and the ruling class. Let the people be free.
It was one helluva sales pitch! Not knocking ya, @ShredSeason
Same here, and my use of "seemingly" was to highlight my own ignorance, I know some stuff, but couldn't recite passage and verse as you did. To be clear, I'm a dick, just not this time.

As for politics, being too close to either end of the political spectrum is fucked. Being reasonable and somewhere towards the middle is impotent and ineffectual. So I hang out on steroid forums.
Same here, and my use of "seemingly" was to highlight my own ignorance, I know some stuff, but couldn't recite passage and verse as you did. To be clear, I'm a dick, just not this time.

As for politics, being too close to either end of the political spectrum is fucked. Being reasonable and somewhere towards the middle is impotent and ineffectual. So I hang out on steroid forums.
How have your results been on reta so far? I started on a 4mg/wk dose then upped to 8mg/wk. I am almost 3 weeks in a thus far I felt sema was more effective for me when I was in it last cut. No sides with either. Sema accelerated my fat loss for the first 6 weeks then stalled, obviously with my lifting/cardio/clean eating deficit. I feel nothing from the reta so far.
How have your results been on reta so far? I started on a 4mg/wk dose then upped to 8mg/wk. I am almost 3 weeks in a thus far I felt sema was more effective for me when I was in it last cut. No sides with either. Sema accelerated my fat loss for the first 6 weeks then stalled, obviously with my lifting/cardio/clean eating deficit. I feel nothing from the reta so far.
Where did you get your reta? Maybe it was bunk
How have your results been on reta so far? I started on a 4mg/wk dose then upped to 8mg/wk. I am almost 3 weeks in a thus far I felt sema was more effective for me when I was in it last cut. No sides with either. Sema accelerated my fat loss for the first 6 weeks then stalled, obviously with my lifting/cardio/clean eating deficit. I feel nothing from the reta so far.
Reta won’t suppress appetite as much as Sema did. You should feel increased energy and a lack of stomach problems as opposed to Sema’s lethargy and GI issues, but if you weren’t experiencing any of that and only need something to nuke appetite, Sema might be the best compound for you.
Reta won’t suppress appetite as much as Sema did. You should feel increased energy and a lack of stomach problems as opposed to Sema’s lethargy and GI issues, but if you weren’t experiencing any of that and only need something to nuke appetite, Sema might be the best compound for you.
Yeah true. I felt appetite surpression on Sema, no sides, it worked wonders the first 6 weeks then stopped and was losing slow from diet and exercise. I’m going to give it another week and if nothing improves switch to sema.
I wouldn’t worry unless you ordered September-October
But why? I'm in the same situation, I bought it on that date, and I don't feel anything at all. I'm on 5mg and nothing at all. I was thinking it was a scam, but I have no way to verify it. I don't want to pay 300 euros for an analysis, but if we've been deceived, well, that's life. I just don't want to be taking who knows what they sold us.
But why? I'm in the same situation, I bought it on that date, and I don't feel anything at all. I'm on 5mg and nothing at all. I was thinking it was a scam, but I have no way to verify it. I don't want to pay 300 euros for an analysis, but if we've been deceived, well, that's life. I just don't want to be taking who knows what they sold us.
Oh, yeah, you’re probably fucked. Go to their thread, search “Reta”, and look at the shit storm that ensued starting Oct 6.