
Everything I have got has been in the box closed all the qr codes check out, his Bayer rimos are legit I know what the fakes look like, the humas are real iv got fake ones before, the leaflets on the humas are the thin correct paper that's also tacked shut. All the 21 codes check out and are different. Same with his caber, aromasin and arimadex , nolvadex also everything has worked and checked out.... I'm 100 percent sure, maybe there might be some degrading that happens but it then that there legit, have I tested them no but iv had all the signs of legit real gh. Aromasin has kept estrogen in check. And he doesnt always have them at the price u see right now, also these products aren't as expensive as u think they are in turkey... He's deff not making a huge amount of money on some of these deals that doesnt make them fake though. When u scan them u can actually get an idea of what one cost if u convert it. And testing aint cheap it's about 300+ and that's without shipping. Iv seen counterfiets before rfs deffentally aren't
Dear All

The product of the day is Saizen 12 MG 36IU.

Buy 5 x Saizen get FREE EXPRESS shipping.

ONLY $ 99.

Saizen 12 MG (36IU)

Manufacturer : Merck
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack : 1 cart x 36 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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The product of the day is
Aspen Sustanon 250 Mg.

Buy 70 x Sustanon get FREE EXPRESS shipping.

ONLY $ 8.

Aspen Sustanon 250 Mg

Manufacturer : Aspen
Active Substance : Sustanon
Pack : 1 Amp x 1ml/250mg
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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The product of the day is SoPharma Clenbuterol 0.02 Mg.

ONLY $ 12.

SoPharma Clenbuterol 0.02 Mg

Manufacturer : Sopharma
Active Substance : Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Pack : 50 Tabs x 20 Mcg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


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I have been following you for a while. I like the fact that you do your best to meet your customers requirements. So was happy to try your service. Hope product is delivered without any problems as I plan to be a long term customer.
Just a quick update for anyone following. The Geno pens stopped by customs. I went with Fedex express and now thinking I should have just gone regular airmail as it usually has more chance of getting in to Australia. I am a bit disappointed as I invested a bit of money and to loose it hurts. Dragon did explain the risks so no fault on him and he has agreed to let me try another small order of hgh with free shipping but this time via airmail. We will see how it works. I have had 95% of my stuff get through from other suppliers when using airmail so fingers crossed this one gets through.
Just a quick update for anyone following. The Geno pens stopped by customs. I went with Fedex express and now thinking I should have just gone regular airmail as it usually has more chance of getting in to Australia. I am a bit disappointed as I invested a bit of money and to loose it hurts. Dragon did explain the risks so no fault on him and he has agreed to let me try another small order of hgh with free shipping but this time via airmail. We will see how it works. I have had 95% of my stuff get through from other suppliers when using airmail so fingers crossed this one gets through.
I don't have much experience ordering international, and definitely haven't had the experience of trying to get gear into Australia. But in my limited experience and opinion, going with whatever mail service is the most commonly used is going to be the best bet.

Having illegal items shipped with rushed delivery always seemed like a red flag to me and if I'm ordering things that have the potential to bring problems, I'd go the safest, least suspicious route I possibly could.

I've also heard you are usually better off not using a private company such as FedEx because they don't have to follow the same rules as government ran postal options. The only time a buddy of mine ever lost a package domestically, was through trying to overnight some weed through FedEx.

Just some food for thought, buddy. Good luck and fuck FedEx.

P.S. What does dragon have to do with this order? Wasn't this order from RFS?
I don't have much experience ordering international, and definitely haven't had the experience of trying to get gear into Australia. But in my limited experience and opinion, going with whatever mail service is the most commonly used is going to be the best bet.

Having illegal items shipped with rushed delivery always seemed like a red flag to me and if I'm ordering things that have the potential to bring problems, I'd go the safest, least suspicious route I possibly could.

I've also heard you are usually better off not using a private company such as FedEx because they don't have to follow the same rules as government ran postal options. The only time a buddy of mine ever lost a package domestically, was through trying to overnight some weed through FedEx.

Just some food for thought, buddy. Good luck and fuck FedEx.

P.S. What does dragon have to do with this order? Wasn't this order from RFS?
your right my bad. RFS was the sponsor. Was just reading some posts from Dragon right before I posted so just had Dragon on my mind. It was RFS I was dealing with and he has been understanding of the issue and is willing to work with me on trying airmail this time.
Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Oxa 10 Mg.

ONLY $ 35.

Xeno Oxa 10 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance : Anavar Oxandrolone
Pack : 60 Tabs X 10 mg.
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


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Dear All

The product of the day is Tiromel T3 25 Mcg.

ONLY $ 8.

Tiromel T3 25 Mcg

Manufacturer : Abdi Ibrahim
Active Substance : Liothyronine Sodium
Pack : 100 Tabs X 25 mcg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Pfizer Genotropin 12 Mg 36 IU.

Buy 5 x Genotropin get FREE EXPRESS shipping.

ONLY $ 99.

Pfizer Genotropin 12 Mg 36 IU

Manufacturer : Pfizer
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack : 1 Pen x 36 IU 12 mg
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Norditropin NordiFlex 15 Mg.

Buy 5 x Norditropin get FREE EXPRESS shipping.

ONLY $ 139.

Norditropin NordiFlex 15 Mg 45 IU

Manufacturer : Novo Nordisk
Active Substance :Somatropin
Pack :1 Pen x 15 mg 45 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Omnitrope 10 Mg 1.5 mL 30 IU.

ONLY $ 89.

Omnitrope 10 Mg 1.5 mL 30 IU

Manufacturer : Sandoz
Active Substance : Somatropin
Pack : 1 cart x 10 mg 1.5 ml 30 IU
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Anapolon 50 Mg.

ONLY $ 15.

Anapolon 50 Mg

Manufacturer : Abdi Ibrahim
Active Substance : Oxymetholone
Pack : 20 tablets X 50 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Levotiron 50 Mcg.

ONLY $ 6.

Levotiron 50 Mcg

Manufacturer : Abdi Ibrahim
Active Substance : Levothyroxine sodium
Pack : 50 Tabs X 50 mcg.
Form : Oral
Shipping : International

levotiron-50-mcg-600x360.jpgYou can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Odin Nolvadex 20 Mg

ONLY $ 25.

Odin Nolvadex 20 Mg

Manufacturer : Odin Pharmaceuticals
Active Substance : Tamoxifen
Pack : 30 pills X 20 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : USA Domestic


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Pfizer Aromasin 25 Mg.

ONLY $ 25.

Pfizer Aromasin 25 Mg

Manufacturer : Pfizer
Active Substance : Exemestane
Pack : 30 Tabs x 25 mg
Form : Oral
Shipping : International


You can follow our Telegram account: RoidForSale
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Dear All

The product of the day is Xeno Test E 250 Mg.

ONLY $ 30.

Xeno Test E 250 Mg

Manufacturer : Xeno Labs
Active Substance : Testosterone Enanthate
Pack : 1 Vial x 10ml,250 mg/ml
Form : Injectable
Shipping : International


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