
In a vacuum, you have a point, but there is history here you should be aware of that other members have pointed out. Can't let them get away so easy. We have a responsibility to protect members from shady scammers.

At least for me, the red flags:
1- History is not good - has another thread - Roids now Roid [emoji23] [emoji736]
2- The 1000 word essay eroid type reviews [emoji736]
3- All positive posts by brand new members [emoji736]
Lol some of us are lurkers. I’m a 100% straight forward dude. R4S told me I’d get a 15% discount on my next order if I left a review here good or bad. So after realizing their gear is real you can bet your ass I’m going to be making another order and getting it discounted

I have plenty emails of me hounding them furiously over the Odin coming with no boxes because I too was skeptical. But everything with these guys checked out.

And to the whiny bitch who keeps telling me to “get tested” cash app me the $ for that and you got it. I honestly don’t give a fuck what you think. Real ppl seeking a good source can see through all the bullshit and trolling on here by the no life having “regulars” I’m busy gunning a pro card. Wish I could stick around and post all day
Lol some of us are lurkers. I’m a 100% straight forward dude. R4S told me I’d get a 15% discount on my next order if I left a review here good or bad. So after realizing their gear is real you can bet your ass I’m going to be making another order and getting it discounted

I have plenty emails of me hounding them furiously over the Odin coming with no boxes because I too was skeptical. But everything with these guys checked out.

And to the whiny bitch who keeps telling me to “get tested” cash app me the $ for that and you got it. I honestly don’t give a fuck what you think. Real ppl seeking a good source can see through all the bullshit and trolling on here by the no life having “regulars” I’m busy gunning a pro card. Wish I could stick around and post all day
Yea im a whiney bitch bit your still a pussy and a schill roids for sale is supposed to give your dumbass credit for testing you really should read this forum before you run off at the mouth i wish you could post all day too i like talking to retards but im lucky enough to work for myself keep schilling for that pro card and bullshit gear
Lol some of us are lurkers. I’m a 100% straight forward dude. R4S told me I’d get a 15% discount on my next order if I left a review here good or bad. So after realizing their gear is real you can bet your ass I’m going to be making another order and getting it discounted

I have plenty emails of me hounding them furiously over the Odin coming with no boxes because I too was skeptical. But everything with these guys checked out.

And to the whiny bitch who keeps telling me to “get tested” cash app me the $ for that and you got it. I honestly don’t give a fuck what you think. Real ppl seeking a good source can see through all the bullshit and trolling on here by the no life having “regulars” I’m busy gunning a pro card. Wish I could stick around and post all day
Here’s the are willing to give a good to go without testing. That’s the real issue.

What if you start running his gear and it turns out it’s bunk and just a good forgery...or worse yet contaminated. By you giving the g2g you just screwed over more people and put your name on it.

Perhaps your give a fuck meter only extends as far as you, but that’s not how this community operates...this is the reason guys here don’t give good to go’s on even well known sources and also why people are a bit pissed off that you would say it’s all good without testing in order to receive a 15% discount, it’s self serving.
Yea im a whiney bitch bit your still a pussy and a schill roids for sale is supposed to give your dumbass credit for testing you really should read this forum before you run off at the mouth i wish you could post all day too i like talking to retards but im lucky enough to work for myself keep schilling for that pro card and bullshit gear
I’ve already mentioned how I know the gear is real fucktwit so there is no need for me to go through tests. If you care so much why don’t you just do it? I no longer need to be sold, idiot. Just a shame clowns like you clog up their threads
I’ve already mentioned how I know the gear is real fucktwit so there is no need for me to go through tests. If you care so much why don’t you just do it? I no longer need to be sold, idiot. Just a shame clowns like you clog up their threads
Ok dip shit how many mg per ml is your gear cause gear is always what it says on the box right oh got boners off it. only clown here is you what happened to that procard that your gunning for and dont have time to be on here all day bottom line you're a fucking schill and thats all you are every "customer" newbie here on roids for sale is like i said it happens here all the time we all seen it before go make sure you post in his second thread too or else no free gear
I’ve already mentioned how I know the gear is real fucktwit so there is no need for me to go through tests. If you care so much why don’t you just do it? I no longer need to be sold, idiot. Just a shame clowns like you clog up their threads
Mr Pro card wannabe, do you know that even if the gear comes from a real source and is not counterfeited we are still talking about an UGL right?
I’ve already mentioned how I know the gear is real fucktwit so there is no need for me to go through tests. If you care so much why don’t you just do it? I no longer need to be sold, idiot. Just a shame clowns like you clog up their threads

I don’t understand why you got so defensive. You gave your review. Stick with that. When you started losing your cool and going over the top is when it seems suspect to everyone.
I don’t understand why you got so defensive. You gave your review. Stick with that. When you started losing your cool and going over the top is when it seems suspect to everyone.
Again i truly don’t give a fuck what seems “suspect” to you. I got my gear and I know it’s real. You don’t trust them? Good for you..less items that will get sold out for me. I’ve already told him to establish a rep on eroids, not this troll pit
Again i truly don’t give a fuck what seems “suspect” to you. I got my gear and I know it’s real. You don’t trust them? Good for you..less items that will get sold out for me. I’ve already told him to establish a rep on eroids, not this troll pit

Wow. That’s what I get for trying to be nice.

Good meltdown Sofocused. Enjoy the beautiful day and try not to be such a piece of shit today you fucking tool bag. You can have 15% of my cock in your asshole if you promise to write a nice review!
Wow. That’s what I get for trying to be nice.

Good meltdown Sofocused. Enjoy the beautiful day and try not to be such a piece of shit today you fucking tool bag. You can have 15% of my cock in your asshole if you promise to write a nice review!
Mesorx is a great troll board, a very fun place for jokes. For serious bodybuilders and actual steroid buyers not so much
Ok dip shit how many mg per ml is your gear cause gear is always what it says on the box right oh got boners off it. only clown here is you what happened to that procard that your gunning for and dont have time to be on here all day bottom line you're a fucking schill and thats all you are every "customer" newbie here on roids for sale is like i said it happens here all the time we all seen it before go make sure you post in his second thread too or else no free gear

Not true dumbass. I’ve been here three years. Longer if I knew my other accounts associated email address password. If you do not want to buy from them then don’t. But everyone knows how difficult it is to find a solid source, it is for me anyway. I’ve tried enough bad sources to know when ones good. I’ve tried enough crap gear to know when I’m taking bad gear. Under dosed or straight up bunk , if some gear is 50 mg underdosed I may not know. But fuck it I wouldn’t give a shit either. 100 mg underdosed and I would know with no blood test and I can tell you and anyone else that what I have received has been on point. Yes I’m judging from feels like I said I’ve had enough crap to know when I’m getting crap. and these guys are so far so good. Let them be good. Why bash a source you’ve yet to try? You’re too prideful I can see to spend $100 and try em out. You don’t want to be proven wrong. That , or you are the Schill and receiving free gear from another source for trash talking other sources. I’ve tried so many sources , pcom being the most expensive and my go to til now , yes I switched from pcom to RoidForSale. One of the many reasons why , if I were to take their gear and for some reason found it to be underdosed I know without even asking these guys , they would make it right , I know because they go above and beyond for customers. Of course no one can tell how many mg per mL testosterone is by how they feel , but if anyone says they can not tell if testosterone is good without doing bloodwork is full of shit or stupid. I assume we have all tried testosterone good and bad enough to know when we have been taking some that’s good. Luckily I will be doing bloodwork soon. Christmas broke the bank for me because my wife seems to think everyone gets $100 spent on the for Christmas , and she’s completely screwed us up for a while financially so can’t afford bloodwork atm but won’t be long.
Ok dip shit how many mg per ml is your gear cause gear is always what it says on the box right oh got boners off it. only clown here is you what happened to that procard that your gunning for and dont have time to be on here all day bottom line you're a fucking schill and thats all you are every "customer" newbie here on roids for sale is like i said it happens here all the time we all seen it before go make sure you post in his second thread too or else no free gear

Not true dumbass. I’ve been here three years. Longer if I knew my other accounts associated email address password. If you do not want to buy from them then don’t. But everyone knows how difficult it is to find a solid source, it is for me anyway. I’ve tried enough bad sources to know when ones good. I’ve tried enough crap gear to know when I’m taking bad gear. Under dosed or straight up bunk , if some gear is 50 mg underdosed I may not know. But fuck it I wouldn’t give a shit either. 100 mg underdosed and I would know with no blood test and I can tell you and anyone else that what I have received has been on point. Yes I’m judging from feels like I said I’ve had enough crap to know when I’m getting crap. and these guys are so far so good. Let them be good. Why bash a source you’ve yet to try? You’re too prideful I can see to spend $100 and try em out. You don’t want to be proven wrong. That , or you are the Schill and receiving free gear from another source for trash talking other sources. I’ve tried so many sources , pcom being the most expensive and my go to til now , yes I switched from pcom to RoidForSale. One of the many reasons why , if I were to take their gear and for some reason found it to be underdosed I know without even asking these guys , they would make it right , I know because they go above and beyond for customers. Of course no one can tell how many mg per mL testosterone is by how they feel , but if anyone says they can not tell if testosterone is good without doing bloodwork is full of shit or stupid. I assume we have all tried testosterone good and bad enough to know when we have been taking some that’s good. Luckily I will be doing bloodwork soon. Christmas broke the bank for me because my wife seems to think everyone gets $100 spent on the for Christmas , and she’s completely screwed us up for a while financially so can’t afford bloodwork atm but won’t be long.


Yeah Aspen, Bayer and the ITS Mobile app are all UGL
Great way of trying to avoid my comment, according to your post you bought some pharma grade gear and some UGL gear like Odin, then the rest of your posts were about how mad you were when you didn't see the boxes and then you checked those were real, Odin is an UGL, stick with Eroids, it's suits you way more than Meso.
pharmacom was my old source aswell Too long delays and too many pack seizures for me to continue with them. But yes R4S is so cool if you did show bad test results he’d easily give you your money back or a lot of free shit. Not that it’s likely they sell underdosed gear anyway.

it’s very hard to fake Bayer Rimobolan. Besides all the boxes and numbers being verified as pharmacy..fakes can’t duplicate the syrup like texture that gets stuck at the top of the vial that bayer creates using castor oil and other pharm ingredients UGLs don’t have the sophistication for
Mesorx is a great troll board, a very fun place for jokes. For serious bodybuilders and actual steroid buyers not so much

Yet here you are. I’m sure ProMuscle is the place to be. How bout you scurry back?

We’re not looking for steroid buyers here. Go do your shit somewhere else it’s not going to affect us any.

If you were a serious bodybuilder you wouldn’t be here writing your stupid fucking reviews. You’d be here posting advice about bodybuilding. That’s what people who have a passion for what they do generally spend time with.
Warning: Evidence shows that purchasing from this source may turn you into a giant wet cunt sitting next to a giant gaping asshole.
Dear BigBaldBeardGuy

I am really asking sincerely and friendly, Why are you thinking like this ?
Is there any fault from us ?
If you want we can talk about it as adult
They want said that we have fake product and we sent pictures as prove, They said againg fake :)
We sent for blood test even Bayer rimobolan and Aspen sustanon with jano. By the way they wanted us to make from jano. They did not like it :)

Whay do you want us to do ?
Great way of trying to avoid my comment, according to your post you bought some pharma grade gear and some UGL gear like Odin, then the rest of your posts were about how mad you were when you didn't see the boxes and then you checked those were real, Odin is an UGL, stick with Eroids, it's suits you way more than Meso.
It’s funny how you avoided my entire point on how the pharm is real. Odin has a good rep, I know my stuff is actual Odin and that is good enough for me.
Just shut the fuck up, you sound stupid. No more crumbs for you troll
Yet here you are. I’m sure ProMuscle is the place to be. How bout you scurry back?

We’re not looking for steroid buyers here. Go do your shit somewhere else it’s not going to affect us any.

If you were a serious bodybuilder you wouldn’t be here writing your stupid fucking reviews. You’d be here posting advice about bodybuilding. That’s what people who have a passion for what they do generally spend time with.